At 05:34 PM 6/27/98 -0400, >David L. Moore wrote: >>>> George Blaisdell Wrote: >>>> >>>> >As I am recalling, and I am not all that great a GNT student, [ask >>>> >anyone!!] Jesus does NOT bow down, even to hO QEOS ~ Instead He >>>> >'raises the eyes of Him' in prayer to hO QEOS. Does Jesus bow >>>> >down??? I would really like to know! >>>> >>>> Check out Mat 26:39 and parallels. Although it doesn't use >>PROSKUNEW, it >>>> does say that He prostrated Himself face down in prayer to the Father. >>> >>>Thanks David. >>> >>>26:39 does indeed have Jesus prostrate in supplication to hO QEOS, >>>asking for something for himself. >> >>[snip] >> >>The above stated "Mat 26:39 and parallels" raises an interesting question >>about when the synoptics use different words to present the same pericope. >>In this case, three different verbs are used. Matthew, as noted above, uses >> PROSKUNEW, which I always understood to be the standard Israelite >>description of one's posture during prayer and might be translated into >>English as "prostrate." > >Tony: > > It's good to hear form you on this forum. But in reading your post, it >seems to me you have read PROSKUNEW for the text's PROSEUCOMAI, the latter >of which simply means "pray." > > Check it out again and see if that's not the case. > David, Thanks for the note. You're right; I had misread what George wrote. The expression for "prostrate" is actually "to fall on one's face" (in Matt, EPESEN EPI PROSWPON AUTOU). But I'm still curious about why the three different verbs, and whether they are merely synonymous, or represent different ideas. Tony Anthony Prete 212 Marne Avenue Haddonfield NJ 08033-1444 609/428-1203 --- b-greek home page: To post a message to the list, To subscribe, To unsubscribe,[]