>At 02:05 PM 6/17/98 -0700, you wrote: >>According to the Johannine Gospel account, EDAKRUSEN hO IHSOUS when he >>arrived at the tomb of Lazarus. The question I have is, WHY?? Why did >>Jesus weep before resurrecting Lazarus? The TEV indicates that he was >>"touched" by the weeping of Martha, Mary, and the Jews present >>consoling them. Others (Murray, Borchert) say that Jesus wept out of >>anger. The interpretation of this verse seems to hinge on John 11:33, >>38: >> >>ENEBRIMHSATO TW PNEUMATI KAI ETARAZEN hEAUTON >> >>PALIN EMBRIMWMENOS. >> >>Thanks, >> >>Edgar Foster >> > >I tend to agree with Beasley-Murray here. The context of the pericope is >such that Jesus is rightly angered because of the denseness and unbelief of >his followers. (Almost a Marcn theme, by the way). Thus, he cries out of >frustration because of sorrow (at their hardness and stupidity). > > >Best, > >Jim > >++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ >Jim West, ThD >Pastor, Petros Baptist Church >Adjunct Professor of Bible, >Quartz Hill School of Theology >jwest@highland.net > > I tend to take the opposite notion, being troubled, and moved in spirit, seems IMHO to agree more with a compassionate interpretation. A concordance search of compassion and pity will show many instances where Jesus was moved with compassion before performing a miracle. Empathy with those who are hurting or mourning is a key to being able to help them. In this instance a greater empathy, Jesus weeps, results in a greater miracle, raising the dead after 4 days. OLB_GreekSPLAGXNIZOMAI is being moved deeply in the bowels with compassion and could be similar to ENEBRIMHSATO TW PNEUMATI in meaning. Anger (at least in me) seems to come more from the head and less from the heart. just a layman's opinion, Steve ______________________________________________________________________________ Steve Long president Allegro Graphics, Inc., Allegro Digital Media, Inc. 4132 Industrial Drive, Saint Peters, Missouri 63376 1-888-819-8166 toll-free steve@websrv.com, steve@allegrographics.com http://www.websrv.com/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ --- b-greek home page: http://sunsite.unc.edu/bgreek To post a message to the list, mailto:b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu To subscribe, mailto:subscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu To unsubscribe, mailto:unsubscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu?subject=[cwconrad@artsci.wustl.edu]