Denny Diehl to Carlton Winbery, Thank you for your response! > >requesting help on ETEKNOTROFHSE > >as found in 1 Tim 5:10 > > > >why is it singular and translated plural > >"she has brought up children"? > Are you > asking why it is not translated "If she has brought up a child" ?? Yes! > Most lexicons give the referent of this verb as "to rear children." > I suppose it simply refers to the act of rearing children in any > number, but the number of the verb (certainly singular here) has > nothing to do with that. Does ETEKNOTROFHSE have a plural form that is used? Also, as to number of children (singular or plural) could this usage suggest a difference with TEKNA in 1 Tim 5:4 or, for that matter, in 1 Tim 3:4? Thank you! --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to