Greetings All: On the chance that students of the history of the TR might be interested, I'm submitting a transliteration of Rev. 22:16-21, derived from Erasmus' 1516 GNT. Of the verses he back-translated from the Vulgate, these are probably the most famous. I have added the verse numbers, of course, but the punctuation is that of Erasmus. If you find some errors, please let me know. Ted Mann Revelation 22:16-21: 16] EGW IHSOUS EPEMYA TON AGGELOV MOU MARTURHSAI hUMIN TAUTA TAIS EKKLHSIAIS. EGW EIMI hRIZA KAI TO GENOS TOU DABID, hO ASHR (He omitted the TAU here) LAMPROS KAI ORQRINOS. 17] KAI TO PNEUMA KAI hH NUMFH LEGOUSIN, ELQE. KAI hO AKOUWN EIPATW, ELQE. KAI hO DIYWN ELQETW. KAI hO QELWN, LAMBANETW TO hUDWR ZWHS DWREAN. 18] SUMMARTUROUMAI GAR PANTI AKOUONTI TOUS LOGOUS PROFHTEIAS BIBLIOUS TOUTOU. EI TIS EPITIQH PROS TAUTA EPIQHSEI hO QEOS EP AUTON TAS PLHGAS TAS GEGRAMMENAS EN BIBLIW TOUTW, 19] KAI EI TIS AFAIRH AP TWN LOGWN BIBLOU THS PROQHTEIAS TAUTHS, AQAIRHSEI hO QEOS TO MEROS AUTOU AP BIBLOU ZWHS, KAI POLEWS hAGIAS,KAI TWN GEGRAMMENWN EN BIBLIW TOUTW. 20] LEGEI hO MARTURWN TAUTA. NAI ERCOMAI TACU, AMHN. NAI, ERXOU, KURIE IHSOU. 21] hH CARIS TOU KURIOU hHMWN IHSOU CRISTOU META PANTWN hUMWN. AMHN. ________________________________________________________________ YOU'RE PAYING TOO MUCH FOR THE INTERNET! Juno now offers FREE Internet Access! Try it today - there's no risk! For your FREE software, visit: --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to