For those who might be interested I just found a site which may prove helpful to a question which comes up on this list fairly frequently. This quote was snarfed (that's a technical term meaning `snagged' :-) from the UBS site. Rick Jones has produced an informative web site with texts, graphs, comparative charts and explanatory comments. Sections include: Introduction; The LXX in Early Christian Writings; The LXX in the NT; All quotations in NT Order; All quotations in OT Order; Instances where the NT quotes the LXX against the MT; Instances where the NT follows the Hebrew meaning against the LXX; Appendix: Dead Sea Scrolls-LXX Alignments Against the MT; References and Links. The site is: --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to