On Fri 15 Dec 2000 (16:14:58), emory2oo2@hotmail.com wrote: > John 10:38 > > TOIS ERGOIS PISTEUETE hINA GNWTE KAI GINWSKHTE Dear Mark, Ny reaction on reading this is to suggest it may be a graecisation of the Hebrew Infinite Absolute construction, "knowing you shall know": usually rendered "You shall certainly know" or "You shall know for sure". ERRWSQE Ben -- Revd Ben Crick, BA CF 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK) http://www.cnetwork.co.uk/crick.htm --- B-Greek home page: http://metalab.unc.edu/bgreek You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [jwrobie@mindspring.com] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-b-greek-327Q@franklin.oit.unc.edu To subscribe, send a message to subscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu