On Fri 19 Jan 2001 (16:05:59 +0100), d.roe@t-online.de wrote: > ... I now have an enquiry of a more general nature re an AIWN-AIWN > construction. > > I wonder whether the expression means simply "age of ages" or "ages of > ages" (an age or ages superior to all other ages) in the same sense as > "BASILEUS BASILEWN" or "KURIOS KURIWN"; and thus, while not denying > eternity, not describing eternity specifically. Dear David, AIWN seems to translate the Hebrew `oWLaM (age, eternity) in such LXX passages as: Psalm 40 [41]:14 EULOGHTOS KURIOS hO QEOS ISRAHL APO TOU AIWNOS KAI EIS TON AIWNA: GENOITO, GENOITO Psalm 89 [90]:2, KURIE, KATAFUGH EGENHQHS hUMIN EN GENEAi KAI GENEAi Psalm 102 [103]:17 TO DE ELEOS TOU KURIOU APO TOU AIWNOS KAI hEWS TOU AIWNOS EPI TOUS FOBOUMENOUS AUTON Psalm 105 [106]:48 EULOGHTOS KURIOS hO QEOS ISRAHL, APO TOU AIWNOS KAI hEWS TOU AIWNOS Psalm 41:14 in the Massoretic Text has MeHa`oWLaM W:`aD Ha`oWLaM "from the Age to the Age", or "From everlasting to everlasting". Psalm 90:2 MT has Me`oWLaM 'aD-`oWLaM (the same without the prefixed definite article Ha-). Psalm 103:17 MT has Me`oWLam W:`aD-`oWLaM (the same plus the prefixed conjunction W:, "and"). Psalm 106:48 MT has MiN-Ha`oWLaM W:`aD Ha`oWLaM (the same with MiN instead of the prefixed Me-, "from"). Compare Romans 16:27, hWi hH DOXA EIS TOUS AIWNAS, AMHN and Galatians 1:5, hWi hH DOXA EIS TOUS AIWNAS TWN AIWNWN, AMHN and Philippians 4:20 TWi DE QEWi KAI PATRI hHMWN hH DOXA EIS TOUS AIWNAS TWN AIWNWN, AMHN and 1 Timothy 1:17 TWi DE BASILEI TWN AIWNWN, AFQARTWi AORATWi MONWi QEWi, TIMH KAI DOXA EIS TOUW AIWNAS TWN AIWNWN, AMHN and 2 Timothy 4:18 hWi hH DOXA EIS TOUS AIWNAS TWN AIWNWN, AMHN and Hebrews 13:21 hWi hH DOXA EIS TOUS AIWNAS [TWN AIWNWN], AMHN and 1 Peter 4:11 hWi ESTIN hH DOXA KAI TO KRATOS EIS TOUS AIWNAS TWN AIWNWN, AMHN and 1 Peter 5:11 AUTWi TO KRATOS EIS TOUS AIWNAS, AMHN and also in Revelation 1:6, 18; 4:9, 10; 5:13; 7:12; 10:6; 11:15; 14:11; 15:7; 19:3, 20:10; and 22:5. And finally, Prayer of Manasseh 1:15 and 1 Esdras 4:38 LXX. It seems that this formula is a Doxology taken from the doxology found at the end of each of the first four of the five "Books" of the Psalms. The Fifth Book of the Psalms hardly needs another Doxology to follow Psalm 150! ERRWSQE Ben -- Revd Ben Crick, BA CF 232 Canterbury Road, Birchington, Kent, CT7 9TD (UK) http://www.cnetwork.co.uk/crick.htm --- B-Greek home page: http://metalab.unc.edu/bgreek You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [jwrobie@mindspring.com] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-b-greek-327Q@franklin.oit.unc.edu To subscribe, send a message to subscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu