On Wed, 30 May 2001 19:22:49 -0400 "Stephen C. Carlson" writes: > At 03:17 PM 5/30/01 -0700, dixonps@juno.com wrote: > > >In James 1:13 it says God PEIRAZEI ... OUDENA. In Gen 22:1, > >however, it says hO QEOS EPEIRASEN ABRAAM. How can God > >both PEIRAZEI no one, and PEIRAZEI Abraham? Only if the > >word has two different nuances: tempting toward sin and testing for > >faithfulness, respectively. > > This analysis assumes that PEIRAZEI DE AUTOS OUDENA is a > proposition that James is affirmatively asserting rather > than refuting as part of the same discourse as MHDEIS > PEIRAZOMENOS LEGETW hOTI APO QEOU PEIRAZOMAI in 1:13a, > in which case it is better to construe APO as a privative > rather than the rare agentive. No, APO normally denotes "origin or source from" (BAG). This usage is confirmed by every occurrence of APO QEOU in the NT (21 occurrences, besides Js 1:13). > Thus, James 1:12-14 would mean something like: > > 12 Blessed is the man who withstands testing, because > he has become worthy to receive the crown of like that > was promised to those who love him. 13 Let no one > who is being tested say, "I am being tested without > God, since God is not to be tested by bad things, > and he himself tests no one." 14 But each is tested > by their own desires, being lured and enticed. You should not have stopped at verse 14. This section continues through to verse 15 which indicates that the end result of such PEIRASMOS, if carried out, is sin and death. But, the intended end of testing is faithfulness, not sin and death. No, we have to look for a nuance of PEIRASMOS in these verses that is different from its meaning in verse 2 where it clearly refers to a testing to produce patience and faithfulness. Temptation to sin as the meaning of PEIRAZW in verses 13-15 is the only meaning that makes sense. Paul Dixon --- B-Greek home page: http://metalab.unc.edu/bgreek You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [jwrobie@mindspring.com] To unsubscribe, forward this message to leave-b-greek-327Q@franklin.oit.unc.edu To subscribe, send a message to subscribe-b-greek@franklin.oit.unc.edu