Dear Richard S., I forgot to mention that IgEph IX, 2 is the only other place in Ignatius' letters where the word QEOFOROS is used. There he uses it in the plural of the Ephesian Christians to mean << God-bearers >>. Of this there can be no doubt since QEOFOROI heads a list of like expressions: NAOFOROI, CRISTOFOROI and hAGIOFOROI, which may be rendered respectively as "temple-bearers", "Christ-bearers" and "holy(ness)-bearers". "Tribut to the temple" "Tribute to Christ" and "Tribute to holy(ness)" are unthinkable. Yours in His grace, Richard Ghilardi -- New Haven, CT USA Nibai kaurno hwaiteis gadriusando in airtha gaswiltith, silbo ainata aflifnith: ith jabai gaswiltith, manag akran bairith. --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to