First let me say a big thank you to Carl and Iver for having this conversation out in the open. It gives those like me a chance to see the STUFF which ends up getting distilled into a grammar. It's not without some rather intense thinking on my part, but it is still hugely beneficial. Second, I have two questions that I'd love to see you two (and others) address, work through (and hopefully out the other side), stumble through , etc: 1. OK, I'm sitting here looking at a verb in my GNT. It is morphologically (A) or (M) or (P), pick one. If that morpheme doesn't tell me what it is, then what does? And I mean this to be a very serious question. I'm looking for guidance so that I can look at a GNT text (with its associated grammar and lexis) and tell from how the author has used that grammar and lexis how to interpret the morpheme. There is an interplay going on between the morpheme and other semantic pieces; what are those pieces and what's the interplay[1]? 2. Why is it that future and aorist have three voice paradigms and the other tense/aspects don't? Even if you can argue that the other tenses/aspects actually do have all three voices, the fact would still remain that people of the time rarely used them. What is there about the intersection of the semantics of voice with the semantics of tense/aspect in Greek that causes what to us English people looks anomalous? And there is interaction between these two questions, too. If there is something in the language which disambiguates middle and passive in (say) the present, then why is that not utilized in (say) aorists? Thank you loudly! FWIW, it's the inter-relationships of things like this that make me sign every email message with "A net of highly cohesive details reveals the truth." --- [1] This is sort of similar to how a word that is lexically perfective (eg `die') interacts with tense/aspect. When I learned that a word's lexical semantics can have a tense/aspect feature to it, that helped me a lot to see how the word is functioning in a given sentence. I'm searching for the same type of help here with voice. -- Mike Sangrey Landisburg, Pa. "The first one last wins." "A net of highly cohesive details reveals the truth." --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to