This is the kind of virus that is being sent to me a couple times a day. My computer is stopping it too, thankfully. I've been sent it at least 15 times in the past few days. Scary is right. This one has nothing to do with opening attachments. Kathleen Borsari Massachusetts, USA > I had received a couple of messages 12/1-3 that seemed odd. When I > tried to open them the computer displayed a message saying that it > could not download a file from a web link. The file name and URL > were > all gibberish letters, but identical in both messages. > > Contacting McAfee, my virus protection vendor, I learned that the > messages had both variants of the virus, one in each message. > Luckily > the trojans were in the attachments, and not infecting the computer. > However, I had not even tried to open the attachments, so the > message > that it could not be downloaded baffled me. If I scanned individual > highlighted messages inside Outlook98, I was told their attachments > were infected, but the attachment resisted "cleaning." If I did a > full > blown system scan from the McAfee main menu, even when the program > was > set up to scan all file types, it said there were no infected files. > I > do not think my computer was infected, but it goes to show that > sometimes virii can be difficult to diagnose and root out. > > Both messages were in HTML format, and this has been known to leave > users open to attack in earlier versions of Outlook98 and/or IE than > I > had. It appears that the HTML code had a hidden instruction to open > a > link to an URL. Luckily, my software was unable to process the > command > or some security settings made it impossible. I wonder too whether > the > URL it was seeking had simply been shut down already, and it could > have happened to me too. > > Scary, isn't it? > > Respectfully, > > Dave Hindley > Cleveland, Ohio, USA > > > > --- > B-Greek home page: > You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] > To unsubscribe, forward this message to > > To subscribe, send a message to > > > --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to