Folks, In regard to Matthew 5: 17-18, "MH NOMISHTE hOTI hHLQON KATALUSAI TON NOMON hH TOUS PROFHTAS OUK hHLQON KATALUSAI ALLA PLHRWSAI AMHN GAR LEGW hUMIN hEWS AN PARELQHi hO OURANOS KAI hH GH IWTA hEN H MIA KERAIA OU MH PARELQHi APO TOU NOMOU hEWS AN PANTA GENHTAI. Some versions translate PLHRWSAI and GENHTAI both as "fulfill" or "fulfilled." Is this adequate or is there a difference in meaning between the two words that needs to be reflected in the translation? What is the relationship of the two hEWS AN phrases? Should they be taken as "Until both this and that happen" or as "Until either this or that happens" or is there another better way to see how these two phrases work together? Jim Drickamer Baton Rouge, La. --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to