Dear b-greekers, Rick Stamp wrote: << Let's try a different approach. I will offer one or two examples from Grimm/Thayer which are representive of the types of entries which draw this type of criticism. If the entry is defective perhaps someone could provide references which invalidate it. I'll start with just one example, the entry on MONOS, page 418. MONOS 1. an adjective, alone (without a companion); a. with verbs ... b. it is joined with its noun to other verbs also, so that what is predicated may be declared to apply to some _one person alone_. [my emphasis] [cf. W. 131 (124) note]: Mt. iv. 10; Lk. iv. 8 [snip] I am interested in any concrete examples which might prove this entry to be incorrect.>> Well it is incorrect, Rick. I refer you, first of all, to IW. 6,22 which reads in part: ...KAI hOTI OU SUNEISHLQEN TOIS MAQHTAIS AUTOU hO IHSOUS EIS TO PLOION ALLA MONOI hOI MAQHTAI AUTOU APHLQON Notice that MONOI is a predicate adjective modifying MAQHTAI not an adverb modifying APHLQON. MONOI describes the state of the disciples after Jesus left them not the manner of their going. "his disciples, (being) alone, departed." So the disciples are described as "alone" because one member of their band, Jesus, has departed from them, though they have each other as companions, contrary to Thayer. Theological considerations aside, this text shows that a group of people can be alone even if only one member of the group leaves. Not convinced? Here's another text. QES A 3,1.2 which reads in part: DIO MHKETI STEGONTES EUDOKHSAMEN KATALEIFQHNAI EN AQHNAIS MONOI 2 KAI EPEMYAMEN TIMOQEON... Here Paul describes himself and his companion(s) (at least SILOUANOS was with him, 1,1) as "alone" just because Timothy had left for Thessalonika. Was Paul << one person alone >> << without a companion >> as Thayer claims? No! :-) He was alone with a group of co-workers in Athens. I therefore conclude that Thayer's main definition of MONOS is defective. (By the way, Paul is not using the "editorial we" here.) Yours in His grace, Richard Ghilardi -- New Haven, CT USA Nibai kaurno hwaiteis gadriusando in airtha gaswiltith, silbo ainata aflifnith: ith jabai gaswiltith, manag akran bairith. --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to