[If you want the pictures, I'll have to mail a brochure to you :-)] Bible Windows(TM): The research tool for professionals(TM) Do you want to study the Bible in the original languages? Do you want to do Greek and Hebrew word studies? Do you want to search for these words alone, in groups, or in particular grammatical constructions? If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, then chances are Bible Windows is for you. Bible Windows is the unique Bible software tool designed for scholars, students, pastors, and laity who want to do serious Bible study. Study the Bible in the original languages, with an English translation always handy. Bible Windows is the computer Bible tool that lets you search the Greek and Hebrew texts not only for words, but also for these words in specific grammatical contexts. In addition, every word in the Greek and Hebrew texts is completely parsed. With the click of a mouse, you can see if you are working with an aorist or an imperfect; a Piel or Pual. When you complete a search, Bible Windows makes it easy to use your results. Concordance lists can be viewed, printed, or saved. Clicking on a verse reference takes you immediately to its book and context. Or, a list of verse references can be highlighted and copied to the Windows clipboard. Bible Windows can then copy these verses into your word processor, either as a list or as complete verses. You can even get English verses to appear with the original language! Best of all, Bible Windows is easy to use. Because it is built around the standard Windows interface, you probably already know how to use much of it. But don't let its ease of use fool you. Bible Windows is feature rich, including Power Mousing, cut and paste clipboard support (to get words or verses into your word processor easily), and instant verse lookup. When you select a Bible program for Greek and Hebrew, ask: (1) What kind of searches can it do? Can it find: All the places Jesus said "egw eimi?" Article followed by an infinitive? Article followed by a participle and have the article and participle agree in gender, number and case? Aorist infinitive followed by a perfect indicative within 4 words? Article noun kai noun with no article between the kai and noun? de/ as the third word in a verse? Where Mary uses the future tense? An infinitive immediately followed by an indicative of the same tense? (2) Is the text fully analyzed and can you see the analysis? In Bible Windows, every word in the Greek and Hebrew is analyzed. It is not keyed to an English translation which has different words and word order. It does not leave out articles. Bible Windows' unique Interlinear format makes all of the analysis immediately obvious. (3) Is it easy to learn and use? A.J. Moen, PhD. for Preaching, "What a discovery! . . . This is the easiest operating program for language help I have ever used. Documentation is user friendly and enjoyable . . . Amazing, and great fun!" (4) What can you do with search results? Bible Window's Extended Copy (tm) allows you to copy search results to the Clipboard with an English translation of each match. This allows you to quickly scan the Greek or Hebrew search results in English with the original languages right at hand. You have the option of using any available translation in the Extended Copy or of just using a translation and not including the original languages. This is useful when making handouts for people who do not read Greek or Hebrew. Bible Windows can easily and quickly print either interlinear text or plain text: ************Bible Windows has backwards compatibility Bible Windows can transfer Bible texts and search results to two of the most popular DOS solutions for Greek and Hebrew word processing: Nota Bene Lingua and Word Perfect (with either the Greek language module or Scripture Fonts). This backwards compatibility helps to protect your current investment in DOS software. ************Louw-Nida, Greek-English Lexicon The Louw-Nida Greek-English Lexicon is a unique, 1,200 page lexicon (the electronic version includes both printed volumes). This remarkable dictionary is based on the concept of semantic domains. There are over 90 major domains such as "Learn", "Time", "Religious Activities" and many more! This hypertext package allows you to add book marks and notes, and includes many viewing and searching features. The lexicon has an English word index, a Greek word index and a Scripture index. The lexicon is integrated with Bible Windows so that you can instantly jump into the Greek word index. While this can be used as a stand-alone product, Bible Windows greatly enhances its usefulness. ************Intermediate Liddell & Scott The Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon by Liddell and Scott is a new module which can be used in conjunction with Bible Windows and side-by-side with the Louw and Nida Greek-English Lexicon. This Lexicon is very useful for LXX studies since many words in the LXX are not found in New Testament Lexicons. ************Biblical Studies Scripture Index Simplify Biblical research using an on-line reference program that scans over 1,000 volumes of well known scholarly works in seconds. Lexicons and dictionaries include the works of Brown, Driver and Briggs; Colin Brown; and Bauer, Arndt and Gingrich. Grammars include the works of Blass, Debruner and Funk; A.T. Robertson; Moulton and GESENIUS. This breakthrough tool is ideal for pastors, scholars, students or anyone interested in biblical research. It is a comprehensive index containing about half a million individual Scripture references from Genesis 1:1 to Revelation 22:21. The Index focuses on Biblical languages, but thoroughly encompasses theology, church history, archeology, biblical geography and science. Books for Biblical Backgrounds include: Edersheim Bible History, Finegan Light from the Ancient Past, Bruce The New Testament History, and several books by Ramsay. Books for Church History include works by Schaff, Ramsay, Meyer, Cairns and Albright. Biblical Geography includes Baker's Bible Atlas, Eerdman's Atlas of the Bible, New Bible Atlas, Holman Bible Atlas, MacMillian Atlas History of Christianity and the Moody Atlas of Bible Lands. The Biblical Studies Scripture Index is a must for anyone with a serious interest in biblical research. ************Analytical Greek New Testament (AGNT) Not all "tagged" Greek New Testaments are the same. The Analytical Greek New Testament is the best "tagged" Greek New Testament for a number of reasons. The electronic Analytical Greek New Testament (AGNT) is based on a printed edition. Bible Windows uses the Second Edition of the Analytical Greek New Testament (AGNT) by Friberg and Friberg. Since 1981, the First Edition of the Analytical Greek New Testament (Baker Book House) has been the standard for a printed analytical Greek New Testament. AGNT text has been thoroughly proofread. One of the results of print publication is that AGNT has been extensively proofread. AGNT shows you all the alternative analyses. One of the unique features of AGNT is that words which can legitimately be analyzed in more than one way are clearly marked. All other competing "tagged" texts arbitrarily choose one analysis over the other. AGNT takes into account more than morphological considerations, considering both sentence-level and discourse-level information. This new edition includes new lemmas (dictionary forms) and some simplification of the tags. The AGNT text also marks words which are "used as" or "function as" more than one function in a sentence. Please see the appendix to the printed edition of AGNT for an extensive discussion of all the tags. The combination of the AGNT analysis with Bible Windows' word by word glossing (translation) of the Greek New Testament makes this a highly valued tool by both scholars and students. ************Standard Features The most powerful Bible concordance tool (both grammatical and word) for Windows. Power Mousing. Try the right mouse button and see the power of mousing! Movable toolbar for easy access to the most common commands and features. Optional Interlinear display: See the analysis while reading the text or turn off the analysis with the press of a button. Word for word translation of the Greek NT. Dictionaries for Greek and Hebrew words. On-screen description of all grammatical tags. Easy, fast grammatical searches. No complex rules or syntax -- simply fill in a dialog box. Save and restore grammatical searches with the press of a button. Directly print texts or lists of verses. Copy text in Rich Text or WPWin 6.0 Format. Insert verses into your Windows word processor document via the Clipboard (or Dynamic Data Exchange). Extended copy. Copy a list of verses to the clipboard with one easy step. Complete documentation on-line with context sensitive help. Synchronized windows. Open several windows at a time. ************ Harry Hayne in Computer-Assisted Research Forum, "Bible Windows blends ease-of-use with the most powerful Greek and Hebrew grammatical search ability of the programs reviewed." Chaplain James Griffith in Military Chaplain's Review, "Bible Windows is a super program with an intuitive menu layout and the most powerful Windows based grammatical search engine available today. . . . The best Windows academic package is Bible Windows." "Bible Windows is a fantastic program. It takes the place of several of the books on my shelves. It allows me to do infinitely better studies of texts and grammatical constructions in an even faster time. This makes sermon preparations more enjoyable than before as I discover "gems" that I might have missed before because I lacked the time to research EVERY reference and cross-reference. Thank you for making this program available." Pastor Robert Trueblood "Bible Windows is a wonderful program, which I use constantly. Keep up the good work!" Prof. Ben Ollenburger. Order blank Bible Windows Basic (BW, Tagged Greek NT & KJV) [10 MB required] $125 Bible Windows Bible Bundle (BW, Tagged Greek NT, Tagged Hebrew OT, RSV, KJV) [26 MB required] $195 Bible Windows Extra Bundle (BW, Tagged Greek NT, Tagged Hebrew OT, Tagged LXX, RSV, KJV, Latin Vulgate) [50 MB required] $275 Biblical Studies Scripture Index [36 MB required] $80 New Revised Standard Version [5 MB required] $40 Louw-Nida, Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament Based on Semantic Domains [12 MB Required] $50 Intermediate Greek-English Lexicon by Liddell & Scott [18 MB] $50 Bible Windows CD (BW Extra Bundle, Biblical Studies Scripture Index New Revised Standard Version, Louw-Nida, Liddell & Scott) $295 Shipping per order US Priority Mail $5 Foreign Mail, Small Packet Airmail $20 VISA MasterCard __________________________________ exp date ______ Name Address Address City State Zip Country Silver Mountain Software, 1029 Tanglewood, Cedar Hill, TX 75104-3019 (800) 214-2144 (214) 293-2920 jbaima@onramp.net $20 VISA MasterCard __________________________________ exp date ______ Name Address Address City State Zip Country Silver Mountain Software, 1029 Tanglewood, Cedar Hill, TX 75104-3019 (800) 214-2144 (214) 293-2920 jbaima@onramp.net