Dear B-greekers, I am attempting to memorize Romans 8 from my GNT. So far I've got the first 8 vss down pretty solidly. But I've bumped up against a practical problem. I cite the reference as well as the vss in Greek but I'm not sure what preposition to use when citing a range of vss. For example in English we say: "Romans eight one through (to) four" In Greek I would say: "PROS hRWMAIOUS OKTW hEIS (EIS, DIA, PROS, EPI, PARA, hEWS) (TESSARAS, TESSARWN)" Which prep. should I use? (Perhaps one I have not listed) Which prep. did the ancient writers use when citing a range of numerals? Yours in His grace, Richard Ghilardi -- New Haven, CT USA Nibai kaurno hwaiteis gadriusando in airtha gaswiltith, silbo ainata aflifnith: ith jabai gaswiltith, manag akran bairith. --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to