Dear B-greekers, Carl Conrad wrote: << LSJ has two different verbs, both of which would produce the imperfect middle 3d sg. HLATTONOUTO (since E + O and O + O both contract to -OU-). >> While Carl is perfectly correct that both E+O and O+O contract to OU, these are not the pair of contracting vowels found in the verbs in question. For ELATTONEW: impf mid 3d sg (HLATTONEETO) --> HLATTONEITO For ELATTONOW: impf mid 3d sg (HLATTONOETO) --> HLATTONOUTO Thus the contracting pairs are: E+E and O+E. Carl was thinking of the 3d pl. where the contracting pairs are as he states them above. AUTOU CARITI SOS, Richard Ghilardi -- New Haven, CT USA Nibai kaurno hwaiteis gadriusando in airtha gaswiltith, silbo ainata aflifnith: ith jabai gaswiltith, manag akran bairith. --- B-Greek home page: You are currently subscribed to b-greek as: [] To unsubscribe, forward this message to To subscribe, send a message to