
Zabulistan = Ghazni, v2.p324

Zafar Khan

Given territories of Amardi and Attok by Jahangir, v5.p311

Governor of Kashmir, ordered by Shah Jahan to effect conquest of Tibet, v5.p327

Resolves to win inhabitants of Tibet by kindness, v5.pp328–329

Returns from Tibet, v5.pp329–330

Zafar Khan, general under Ala-ad-din, takes Siwistan from Mongols, v3.p102

Death of, v3.p102

King of Gujarat in 1396, v3.p183

Zafarabad, city of Oudh, forms separate fief in reign of Firoz Shah, v3.p153

Supplanted by Jaunpur, v2.pp175–177

New name of Ratagarh, v3.p177

Zaid, see Abu Zaid

Zain-al-Abidin, Sultan, founder of Shihab-ad-dinpur and ruler of Kashmir, v5.p306

Zaitun (or Chincheu), celebrated ancient trade port in China, v6.pp30–31

Zamindar, land-holder, v4.p218

Zamorin of Calicut, royal state of the, v9.pp214–215, v9.p222

Zanba (Jambu?), a river having its source in the pond Arhata, v9.p191

Zanzibar (or Xengibar), v6.p59

Coast, Portuguese command of (1505), v6.p94

Zariaspa Balkh, v2.p198

Zarmanochegas, a Hindu who immolated himself, epitaph of, v9.p67

Zend, see Avesta

Zeus Ombrios (Indra), a Hindu god, v9.p63

Zia-ad-din ibn Mohammad Abd-as-Salam Tolaki in command of fort of Sarhind, v5.p82

Ziyad ibn Abu-Sufian, brother of the caliph Mu’awiya, v5.p4

Zonchio, Ottoman defeat of Venetians at (1499), v6.p32


Alleged persecution, v2.p310

Deities, v2.p286

Zoroastrians (fire-worshippers), at Akbar’s court, v4.p36

Zoroastrians about Taghlak-pur, beliefs of, v5.pp195–196

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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