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Appendix 2 – Chronology of the Indian Campaign of Alexander the Great

From May, 327, to May, 324 B.C.

Date B.C. Event.
327 The Advance
Early in May Passage of Hindu Kush mountains over the Khawak and Kaoshan passes
June From Nikaia (Jalalabad), Alexander with picked force proceeds to the subjugation of the mountains; Hephaistion with rest of army advancing to the Indus through the valley of the Kabul River
August Capture of stronghold of Astes (Hasti) by Hephaistion after thirty days’ siege
September Alexander subdivides his force, advancing in person against the Aspasians; he crosses the Gouraios (Panjkora) River, captures Massaga of the Assakenians (probably Manglaur on Suwat River), and massacres 7,000 Indian mercenaries
November Siege of Aornos (Mahaban)
December Capture of Aornos (Mahaban)
January Arrival of Alexander at bridge-head at Ohind
February Halt of army for thirty days
March Passage of Indus “in beginning of spring;” halt at Taxila
April Advance eastward
May Arrival at the Hydaspes (Jihlam) River
Beginning of July Battle of the Hydaspes; defeat of Poros
July Foundation of Nikaia and Boukephala; passage of the Akesines (Chinab) River near the foot of the hills
August Passage of the Hydraotes (Ravi) River, and conflict with the Kathaeans
September Arrival at the Hyphasis (Bias) River; refusal of army to proceed farther
The Retreat
Sept–October Retirement to the Hydaspes (Jihlam) River
End of October Commencement of voyage down the rivers, and of march of army escorting the fleet
January Collapse of the Mallian power
Till September Voyage continued, fighting with the Sogdoi, Sambos, Mousi-kanos, etc.
Beginning of October Departure of Alexander to march through Gedrosia
End of October Nearchos starts on voyage to the Persian Gulf

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Date B.C. Event
Early in January Arrival of Alexander at Poura (Bampur), the Gedrosian capital, sixty days distant from Ora
January Halt of army at Poura
February March through Karmania, about 300 miles
End of April or beginning of May Arrival at Susa in Persia, after about 500 miles of marching from western frontier of Karmania.
June Death of Alexander at Babylon

NOTE.– The time spent by Alexander in India proper, from his passage of the Indus in March, 326, until his departure for Gedrosia in September, 325, was about nineteen months. The voyage down the river occupied about ten months out of this period, and the march from India to Susa was effected in about seven months. The march from the Bactrian frontier, that is to say, from the Hindu Kush to the Indus, and the subjugation of the mountain tribes on the north-western frontier of India were completed in ten months.

I. May, 327, to February, 326, inclusive: march from Hindu Kush to Indus, ten months.

II. March, 326, to September, 325, inclusive: in India proper, nearly nineteen months.

III. October, 325, to April, 324, inclusive: march to Susa, seven months.

Total duration of expedition, three years.

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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