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Appendix 5 – Alphabetical list of Bactrian and Indo-Greek Kings and Queens

No. Name Greek title or epithet Remarks
1 Agathokleia Theotropos Queen, or mother, of Strato I.
2 Agathokles Dikaios Probably succeeded Pantaleon, No. 28, and contemporary with Euthydemos I or Demetrios.
3 Amyntas Nikator A little earlier than Hermaios.
4 Antialkidas Nikephoros Contemporary with early years of Eukratides, cir. 170 B.C.
5 Antimachos I Theos Probably succeeded Diodotos No. 13, in Kabul.
6 Antimachos II Nikephoros Later than Eukratides, No. 17, or possibly contemporary.
7 Apollodotos Soter, Megas, Philopator Probably son of Eukratides, and king of entire Indian frontier.
8 Apollophanes Soter Probably contemporary with Strato I or II.
9 Archebios Dikaios, Nikephoros Probably connected with Heliokles.
10 Artemidoros Aniketos Later than Menander.
11 Demetrios Aniketos Son of Euthydemos I, No. 18.
12 Diodotos I No coins known.
13 Diodotos II Soter Son of No. 12.
14 Diomedes Soter Apparently connected with Eukratides, No. 17.
15 Dionysios Soter Later than Apollodotos.
16 Epander Nikephoros Probably later than Eukratides, No. 17.
17 Eukratides Megas Contemporary with Mithradates I.
18 Euthydemos I Subsequent to Diodotos LT, No. 13.
19 Euthydemos II Probably son of No. 11.
20 Heliokles Dikaios Son of No. 17; last of Bactrian dynasty.
21 Hermaios Soter Last Indo-Greek king.
22 Hippostratos Soter, Megas Probably succeeded Apollodotos.
23 Kalliope Queen of Hermaios.
24 Laodike Mother of Eukratides.
25 Lysias Aniketos Predecessor of Antialkidas, No. 4.
26 Menander Soter Dikaios Later than Eukratides, invaded India about 155 B.C.
27 Nikias Soter Later than Eukratides.
28 Pantaleon Contemporary with Euthydemos I or Demetrios, probably preceded Agathokles, No. 2.
29 Peukelaos Dikaios, Soter Contemporary with Hippostratos (J.A.S.B., 1898, part i, p. 131).
30 Philoxenos Aniketos Probably succeeded Antimachos II, No. 6.
31 Plato Epiphanes 165 B.C., contemporary with Eukratides, No. 17.
32 (?) Polyxenos Epiphanes, Soter Num. Chron., 1896, p. 269: Air. Rapson doubts the genuineness of the unique coin described.
33 Strato I Soter, Epiphanes, Dikaios Contemporary with Heliokles.
34 Strato II Soter Son, or grandson, of No. 33. .
35 Telephos Euergetes J.A.S.B., 1898, part i, p. 130.
36 Theophilos Dikaios J.A.S.B., 1897, part i, p. 1; connected with Lysias.
37 Zoilos Soter, Dikaios Apparently later than Apollodotos.

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Contents merged with page 400 and reformatted.

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Synchronistic Table, 280 B.C. to 50 A.D.

B.C. Syria Bactria Parthia (Persia) N.W Indian Frontier Panjab Kabul Interior India Remarks
280 Antiochos Soter acc. } }
261 Antiochos Theos acc. } }
c. 250 Diodotos I acc. } }
c. 248 Arsakes I acc. } Maurya dynasty }
246 Seleukos Kallinikos acc. (Antiochos Hierax,rival } }
c. 245 Diodotos II acc. } }
c. 232-1 } } Death of Asoka.
c. 230 Euthydemos acc. } Maurya dynasty.
223 Antiochos III (the Great) }
c. 208 } Recognition of Bactrian independence
c. 206 } Invasion of Kabul by Antiochos the Great.
c. 200 Demetrios Euthydemos II Antimachos Pantaleon Agathokles }
c. 190 } Indian conquests of Demetrios.
187 Seleukos Philopator acc.
184 Pushyamitra Sunga acc.
c. 175 Eukratides acc.
c. 174 Mithradates I acc.
165 Plato (rival of Eukratides) Menander (Kabul)
c. 156 Hellokles Apollodotos
c. 155 Invasion of India by Menander.
c. 148 Agnimitra Sunga acc.
c. 138-130 End of Bactrian dynasty Various Greek princes Saka Invasion of Bactria, etc.
c. 136 Phraates II acc.
124 Mithradates II acc.
c. 120 Strato I Strato II Maues acc. Satraps of Taxila and Mathura
c. 90 Vonones acc. Various Greek princes
c. 72 Vasudeva Kanva acc.
c. 50 Azes I acc.
A.D. 21 Gondophares acc. Hermaios St. Thomas
c. 50 Overthrow of Hermaios by Kushans.

This collection transcribed by Chris Gage
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