Page 323



Aboriginal tribes in India, 43, 44, 54, 55

Adityas, the gods, 236

Agama, later term for Nikaya, 168

Agni, 216, 219, 235, 242

Ajatasattu, king of Magadha, 3, 12–16, 89

Ajivakas, an order of ascetics, 143, 290

Akbar, 307

Akhyanas (Akkhanas), 153, 185

Aldermen of the guilds, 96, 97

Alexander, his Indian coin, 100; his invasion of India, 267, 268

Alphabets, 116–118, 124, 131

Alwis, James, 28

Ambattha’s visit to the Sakiyas, 19

Amitra-ghata, 272

Ancient history and modern, the dividing line between, 240

Andhra dynasty, 310–312

Angas, name of a tribe, 23; name of Jain hooks, 164

Animism, 210–230

Ahjana, the Buddha’s grandfather, 18

Anjana Wood, near Saketa, 39

Anuradhapura, 69, 70, 75, 85, 201, 277, 311

Apastamba, date of, 32

Arachosia, 268

Archaeology in India, 41, 132

Architecture in old times, 63 foll.

Ardha-Magadhi, 154

Armies, size of, in India, 266

Aryan, immigration, routes of, 31; settlements in the South, 156

Asavas (Intoxications) 296

Asceticism, see Tapas

Asoka, not mentioned in the Buddhist canon, 174, nor by the Greeks, 272; Indian accounts of, 276; his treatment of the Buddha relics, 278; his marriage, 279; his coronation, 280; his conquest of Kalinga, 282; his conversion, 282–284; his buildings, 286 – 290; his Edicts, 290–299; his missions, 295–300; his sending the Bo Tree to Ceylon, 302 – 304; other measures to propagate his Dhamma, 304; his failures, 305; his character, 306

Asoka Avadana, 276

Asramas, the four, brahmin theory of, 249, 250

Assakas, an ancient tribe, 27, 203

Assattha tree, 230, 234

Assyria, 113

Asuras, see Titans

Agvaghosha, poet, 315

Agvins, 236

Atanatiya Suttanta, 210

Atharva Veda, 166, 213, 252

Attha Salini, revised in Ceylon, 175

Authors, none known before Asoka, 179, 180

Avanti, one of the four great kingdoms, 3, 4, 27, 28; incorporated into Magadha, 267; probable home of Pali, 153, 154

Avesta, 181

Ayojjba, 34, 39


Babylon, 104, 113, 115, 116

Bacon’s Essays, 166

Baktria, 313

Bali offerings, 227

Banyan Deer Jataka, 190–194, 198

Barbers, guild of, 94

Barrows, round, the origin of stupas, So

Barter, traffic by, too

Basket makers, 54, 96

Baths, hot-air, 74; open-air, 75

Bayern (Babylon), 104

Behar, 42

Benares, conquest of, by Kosala, 25; size of, 34

Bengal, ignored in old records, 29

Bhaddiya, consul of the Sakiyas, 19

Bhandarkar, Professor, 32, 150, 177

Bharahat Tope, 10, 82, 198, 209, 288

Bharhut, see Bharahat

Bharukaccha, first mention of, 31; trade at, 38; sea voyages from, 96, 104, 116

Bimbisara, king of Magadha, 3;

builds Rajagaha, 37

Bindusara, king of Magadha, 272, 30–4

Blacksmiths, 264

Boats, 94, 103

Bodh Gaya, 288, 302

Bodhi, prince of the Vacchas, 7

Bodhi, the sacred tree, 229

Bodhisatva, progress of the idea, 177

Books and MSS., 110

Bower MS., 124, 128

Brahma, the god, 235 Brahma-Viharas, 197

Brahmanas, language of, 147; morality of, 240, 247

Brahmi Lipi, later name of the Asoka alphabet, 117

Brahmin, spelling of the word, 2; their social rank, 54; trades they followed, 57; could marry a Kshatriya, 59; were considered low-born as compared with Kshatriyas, 60; their theories as to learning, claimed to be divinities, 118; as grammarians, 149, 317; their influence in Buddhist times, 150, 159; their struggle against the rajputs, iii, 158; the debt we owe to the learned, 210; their divisions, 249

Bricks used for writing on, 121–24

Buddha Carita, 315

Buddha Vamsa, age of, 176

Buddhaghosa, 201, 277

Buddhist Literature, down to Asoka, chronological table of, 188

Bühler, Professor, 43, 113, 126, 202, 319

Burgess, James, 31

Burma, 94, 104

Burnouf, 171

Butchers, 93


Caravans, 98

Cariya Pitaka, 176, 196

Carpenters, 264

Carts, 93, 98

Caste, 56, 59, 62

Cattle, customs as to village, 45, 46

Cetis, an ancient tribe, 26, 29

Ceylon Chronicles, 261, 274–277

Ceylon, ignored in the old records, 29; date of first Aryan settlement in, 33, 104; history of language in 155; were the Pali books forged there? 170 foll.; scholarship in, 304

Chamba, 32

Champa, 23, 35, 104, 260

Chanakya, 270

Chandragupta, emperor of India, 259–271

Charms, 5

Childers, Professor, 201

Cholas, 298, 311

Chunam work in ancient buildings, 69, 52

Cities, very few in number, 50; architecture of, 61 foll.; great size of, 35, 263

Clans, in ancient India, 17–22

Climate, influence of, 42, 43

Coins, 100 foll., 106; the oldest Sanskrit, 136

Colours, the four, 53, 62

Commensality and connubium, 52, 57, 58

Common lands, 45–48

Constantine, 298

Copper plates, 122–125

Cowell, Professor, 189

Credit, instruments of, 101

Cromwell, 306, 307 Oita, see Kacch


Dagabas, 80

Dakkhinapatha, 30

Dancing and music, 186

Dantapura, settlement at, 31

Dasaratha, Asoka’s grandson, 143

Dead, curious customs as to disposal of the, 78–82

Dekkan, 30, 311, 312

Delhi, 27

Deussen, Professor, 190

Devadaha, the Buddha’s ancestor, 18

Devadatta, the Buddha’s cousin, 13, 193

Dhamma, meaning of, 292; sketch of Asoka’s, 294–297

Dhamma-kathika, 167

Dhana Nanda, king of Magadha, 267

Dialogues of the Buddha, date of, 107

Diana, the goddess, 217 Diogenes, 245

Dipavamsa, 276, 277

Disease due to escape of the soul, 252

Divyavadana, a look of legends, 10

D’Oldenhurg, Professor Serge, 209

Drama, use of the, 184–186

Dravidian, names of imports into the West, 116; tribes, civilisation of, 53, 56; dialects, charged with Sanskrit, 156; kingdoms, 311

Dreams, 252, 253

Drugs, 98

Dundubhissara, 299, 300

Dushta Gamini, king of Ceylon, 278, 311

Dvaraka, capital of Kamboja, 28

Dyaus, 236

Dyers, 93


Earth, the mother, 47, 219

East, the immovable, 237

Economic conditions, 87 foll., 258

Eights, the name of a book of lyrics, 178

Elephant, legend of the decoy, 5; their use in war, 266–268

Elu, the Prakrit of Ceylon, 155

Endogamy and exogamy, 52

Epics, growth of, 179–183, 206

Eran coins, 115


Family rights, 47

Famines, 49, 50

Fausböll, Professor, 189, 200, 204

Feer, M. Leon, 194

Fergusson, James, 227

Fick, Dr., 62, 57, 202

Fields, custom as to cultivation of, 46; not salable, 47

Fire-drill, 231

Fishing, only in rivers, not in the sea, 93

Fleet, Mr. J. F., 31

Folk-lore, 208

Forests, large expanse of, 20, 21; see Maha-vana

Fortifications of Pataliputta, 262

Forts in ancient times, 38, 63

Franke, Professor Otto, 315

Freedom of thought in ancient India, 247, 258

Frescoes, 96


Gaggard, queen of Anga, 35

Gambling halls, public, provided by the king, 71, 72

Games, 105

Gandak, river, 259

Gandhard, the country, 28

Gandharvas, 220

Garuclas, harpies or griffins, 224

Gavelkind, custom of, 47

Gedrosia, ceded to Magadha, 265

Geiger, Professor, vi, 275

Geldner, Professor, 181

Giribbaja, old capital of Magadha, 37, 38

Giri-nagara (Girnar), in the Kathiawad, 134, 312

Gods, origin of, 255

Godhavari river, 27, 30, 156

Gold plates used for writing, 124

Golden Age, in India, 187

Gonaddha, in Avanti, 103

Gosinga Vihara, MS. from, 122, 124, 128, 173

Grammar, studied in the North-West, 203

Grierson, Mr., 32

Grimblot, 185

Grünwedel, Dr., 303

Guilds of work people, the eighteen, 90 foll. 96

Gupta dynasty, 150, 308


Hardy, Professor E., 298

hardy, Spence, 30

Hermits, 140; distinct from Wanderers, 143

Hillebrandt, Professor, 242

Himalayas, 29; dialects of, 32; as boundary, 260; missionaries sent to, 299–301

Hiranya-keni, date of, 32

History, how treated in brahmin records, 157

Hoernle, Dr., 126

Hopkins, Professor, 87, 152

Hume’s “Essay,” 166

Hunting and hunters, 44, 93


Images, none in ancient times, 241

lndika of Megasthenes, 260 foll.

Indra, the god, 232–235

Inscriptions in India, were first in Pali, 130; gradual growth of use of Sanskrit in, 131–139; specimen of an Asoka, 135; donations recorded in, 151

Interest on loans, 101

Intermarriages in ancient India, 59

Internal evidence as to the age of literary records, 165

Intoxication, god of, see Soma; ethical, 296

Irish legends, 181

Irrigation, 46, 56, 264

Isisinga legend, 201

I-Tsing’s travels, 35

Ivory, 94; ivory-workers, 93, 98


Jacobi, Professor, 31, 163, 164, 133, 185, 227, 235

Jain records, 12, 163, 318

Jain temple at Khujarao, 255, 290

Jains, founder of, 41; early name of, 143

Janaka, king of Videha, 26

Jataka Book, discussion of history of, 189–208; summary of results, 207, 208

Jetavana, 99

Jewellers, 93

Jhanas, 197

Jumna, the river, 27

Jupiter, 235


Kacch, Gulf of, 28, 32, 35

Kahapana, square copper coin, 100–102

Kalasoka, king of Magadha, makes Pataliputta the capital, 37

Kalinga, earliest settlement in, 31

Kalpa-rukkha, the Wishing Tree, 227

Kamboja, the country, 25

Kammassa-dhamma, in the Kuru country, 27

Kampilla, capital of the Kurus, 27, 35

Kancipura, 156

Kanishka, 315–320

Kanoj, capital of the Kurus, 27

Kapilavastu, the old town and the new, 18, 103

Kasi, township of, matter of dispute between Kosala and Magadha, 3; the Basis as one of the sixteen great tribes, 24

Kasgapa, the Buddha, 229

Kassapa-gotta, a Buddhist missionary, 299, 300

Katha Vatthu, the book, age of, 167, 176; author of, 299

Kennedy, Mr., 115

Kerala, 311

Kharavela, king of Kalinga, 310

Kharotri. alphabet, 124

Khotan, MS. from, 124

Kolarian tribes, 53, 56

Konagamana, the Buddha, 290

Kosala, one of the four great Kingdoms, 3; importance of, in the Buddha’s time, 25; its influence on language, 147; the language of, its place in history, 153; the Ramayana arose in, 153; centre of Buddhist literary activity, 183

Kosambi, city on the Jumna, 3, 36, 103

Kshatriyas, 53; working as artisans, 54, 55; not always Aryan by race, 56; when made outcaste, 58; disputed the claim of the brahmins to social supremacy, 61

Kumarila, iv, 156

Kurus, ancient tribe, 27

Kushanas, 314 foll.

Kusinara, the Mallian town, 26, 37, 103

Kuvera, the god, 220


Land tenure, 46 foll.

Language, outline of history of, in India, 153, 211

Learning, its nutriment, 111

Leather-workers, 54, 92

Lena dialect, 154

Lettering, an ancient game, 108

Levi, Professor, 124, 240

Licchavis, the clan, 26, 40; their public hall for religious and philosophical discussion, 141; their political power, 25, 260

Linga, worship of, 166

Literature, pre-Buddhistic, 120 foll.; Pali, 161 foll.

Luck, goddess of, see Siri; Asoka’s view of, 295

Luders, Dr., 201


McCrindle, his Ancient India, 261

Macchas, an ancient tribe, 27

Macdonell, Professor, 226

Madda, the country, 29, 39

Madhura, on the Jumna, 36; in South India, 311

Magadha, one of the four great kingdoms, 3; one of the sixteen main tribes, 24; its struggle with Champa, 260; in Alexander’s time, 267; after Asoka’s death, 309, 310

Maha-bharata, iii, 183, 184, 190, 214, 255

Maha Kaccana, lived at Madhura, 36

Maha Kosala, king of Kosala, 8, 10

Maha-nama, 273

Maha-samaya Suttanta, 219

Maha-setthi, 97

Maha-sudassana Jataka, 195–197

Maha-vamsa, 276–278

Maha-vana, the Great Wood, 20, 21, 41, 142

Maha-vastu, 173

Mahayana, 177, 319

Mahissati, 103

Mahosadha, his underground dwelling, 66

Maine, Sir Henry, 235

Mallas, their Mote Hall, 19; their territory, 26; their power, 29

Mallika, queen at Savatthi, her hall for public debates, 141

Marcus Aurelius, 307

Markets, 100, 101

Maruts, wind gods, 236

Maung-gon, gold plates from, 124, 126

Medicine, ancient, 231

Mcgasthenes, 49, 50, 260–268, 274

Mesa inscription, 113

Mesopotamia, its influence on India, 70

Metal-work, 90

Middle Country, the so-called, 172

Milanda, the king, 39

Milinda, the book, 37, 38, 167, 173

Millionaires, 102

Miners, 264

Mithila, capital of Videha, 37

Mitra, a god, 236

Moggallana, 233

Moon, as a god, 219

Mora-nivapa, 142

Mortgage, not allowed, 46

Mote Halls, in the old republics, 19; in heaven, 66

Mother Earth, 47, 219, 220

Mountains, Spirit of the, 220


Nagas, siren-serpents, 220–224, 233, 235

Nalanda, in Magadha, 103

Nikayas, the five, 168; differ in doctrine, 173; age of, 176; importance of, 187; tree-worship in, 226

Nirvana, under the tree, 231

Northern and Southern Buddhism, discussion of the phrase, 171–173


Occupation, facility of change of, 56, 57

Octroi duties, 93

Oldenberg, Professor, 181

Ophir, perhaps - Sovira, 38

Order, the Buddhist, 304, 316

Orissa, 29

Ossian, 181


Painting, 96

Paithana, see Patitthana

Pajapati, the god, 235

Pajjota, king of Avant, 3 foll.

Pali, its relation to Sanskrit, 120-153; the Pali literature, 161 foll.

Text Society, 163

Panca-nekayika, 168

Panchalas, ancient tribes, 27, 203

Pandyas, 298, 311

Panini, 144, 203

Panjab, 260, 267

Paramatta, the god, 224, 256

Paramitas, the ten, a late doctrine, 177

Parantapa, king at Kosambi, 7

Parasariya, a brahmin teacher, 144

Parayana, sixteen lyrics, 178

Pasenadi, king of Kosala, 3, 8–11, 19

Pataliputta, capital of Magadha, 203; its size and fortifications, 262

Patimokkha, rules of the order, learnt by heart, 111

Patitthana, 30, 103, 311

Pava, a capital of the Mallas, 26

Payaga, 30

Peasantry, social position of, 51

Peppe, Mr., his discovery of the Sakiya Tope, 84, 130, 131

Petakin, one who knows a Pitaka, 167

Peta Vallhu, the book, age of, 176

Phallus-worship, 165

Philpot, Mrs. 224

Pindola, a recluse, 7

Pingalaka, a king, 176

Pippal tree, 230, 234

Pischel, Professor, 148, 154

Piyadassi, name of Asoka, 273–276

Police, 21, 90, 108

Population in ancient India, 18, 33

Potters, 54, 55, 92

Prakrit, meaning of the term, and date of, 154

Prices of commodities, 101

Prinsep, his first readings of the Asoka inscriptions, 273

Progressive societies, 238, 239

Pukkusati, king of Gandhara, 28


Rainy season, 112

Raja, meaning of the word on old documents, 19

Rajagaha, capital of Magadha, 36, 37

Rajasthan, dialects of, 32

Rajasaya sacrifices, 203

Rama-gama, 290

Rama-ganga river, 259

Ramayana, geography of, 31, 34; place of origin of, 183

Rapson, Mr., 136

Republics, in ancient India, 1, 2; organisation of, 17 foll.; their Mote Halls, 18; consuls in the, 19; list of names of, 22

Rhys-Davids, Mrs., on economic conditions, 87; on the Attha Salini, 175; on the meaning of Dhamma, 292

Riddles of Sakka, an old Suttanta, 150

Rig Veda, 30, 46, 213, 223, 226, 232, 236, 242

Roruka, later Roruva, capital of Sovira, 38

Rudradaman’s inscription, 28, 134, 267


Sacrifice, brahmin theory of, 240–242; lay view, of 248, 249; Asoka’s view of, 296

Sagala, capital of the Maddas, 38

Sailors, 94

Sakas, 312 foll.

Saketa, town in Kosala, 39, 103

Sakiyas, the clan, 17 foll.; Vidudabha’s campaign against, 11; pride of, 11; the Sakiya tope, 17, 90, 100, 130, 133; subject to Kosala, 259

Sakka, the god, the riddles he asked, 180; takes the place of Indra, 234

Samajja, 185

Samarati, queen of the Vacchas, 7

Sambodhi, 282

Sanarn Kurnara, the god, 224

Sanchi Tope, 198, 288

Sanitary arrangements, 78

Sankara, 156, 187

Sanskrit, Indian use of the term, 154; its relation to Pali, 128–139; date of the use of, in India, 134–136, 315, 316; compared to Latin, 136, 137; was it a spoken language? 148, 149, 154; its alphabets, 155; of the schools, 211

Sariputta, 169, 288

Satraps, 312–314

Savatthi, in Nepal, capital of Kosala, 25, 40, 103, 290

Scrollwork, along buildings, 77

Seleukos Nikator, 268

Self-torture, see Tapas

Semitic alphabets, 114

Senart, on caste, 62; on the Gosinga anthology, 124; on the Asoka inscriptions, 132; on the post-Asoka inscriptions, 152; on the Jataka verses, 205; on the Ceylon chronicles, 276

Seniya, an ascetic, 245

Setavya, in Kosala, 103

Seven-storied buildings, 70

Sigalovada Suttanta, 185

Silas, a tract, 107, 215

Singhalese, the so-called canon of the, 171; commentaries, 201, 207

Sill, the goddess of luck, 217

Sisunaga, king of Magadha, makes Vesali the capital, 37

Sirva, the god, 166

Sivi, the country, 28

Slaves in ancient India, origin, position, and numbers of, 55, 263

Smith, Mr. Vincent, 315

Social grades in ancient India, 52–62

Soma, the intoxicating drink, as god, 219, 231, 235

Sona, the river, 24

Sophists, 246, 248

Soul-theories, souls in trees, 227; size and shape of the soul, 251; absent in disease and sleep, 252

South India, not mentioned in the Buddhist canon, 29–32, 174

Sovira, the country, 29, 38, 104; the port, 116

Spelling, in Indian inscriptions, compared with English, 132- 135

Spiritual matters, 247, 257

Stars, beliefs about, 6

Stonework, 66, 90

Strabo, 260 foll.

Stylites, St. Simeon, 244

Suddhodana, the Buddha’s father,

Sudras, their position among the Colours, 54; fate of learned, 118

Suicide, tog

Sumana, princess in Kosala, to Sun-god, 197, 219, 255

Supparaka, the seaport, 31, 38, 116

Sura, intoxicating drink, 204

Sarasenas, ancient tribe, 27

Sutta, as name of book or chapter, 168, 169

Sutta Nipata, growth of, 177–180; tree-worship in, 226

Suttantas, treatises so-called, 8; learning them by heart, 110; cut off at the root, 111; forgotten, 112; afterwards called Suttas, 169

Suttantika, one who knows a Suttanta, 168


Tagara, the town, 31

Tagara-sikhin, 31

Takka-silo (Takshila), seat of learning in N. W. India, 8, 28, 203 copper plates from, 124; capital of the Kushanas, 314

Tamil words in use in the West, 6

Tamralipti, seaport, 103

Tanks, for bathing, 74, 75; for irrigation, 86

Tapas, self-torture, growth of doctrine of, 242 foll.

Teaching, etiquette of, 5; brahmin views about, 249

Temples, none, in ancient times, 241

Tilaura Kot, site of Kapilavastu, 18

Tirhut, 32, 41

Tissa, son of Moggali, 299

Titans, 224, 241

Toleration, 296

Tope’s, see Dagabas

Trade routes, 102–104

Trades, 89 foll.

Tree-worship, 224–233

Tribal migration in India, 32

Tribes, the sixteen chief, in pre-Buddhistic times, 23 foll,

Trita, the god, 235

Truth lower than sacrifice, 243

Turbans, 94, 97

Turkestan, MSS. discovered in, 128


Uddalaka Aruni, his defeat in argument, 247; his influence on pantheistic thought, 257

Udena, king of Kosambi, 3 foll., 7

Udyana, the country, 29

United Provinces, 42

Ujjeni, capital of Avanti, 3, 40, 103; Magadha viceroys at, 260, 272

Upanishads, 162, 187, 223, 226, 250, 255

Upasaka, 282, 294

Urvasi, 236.


Vacchas, see Varpsas

Vaikhanasa Sutra, 144

Vaigyas, their social rank, 54

Vajapeya sacrifices, 203

Vajira, daughter of Pasenadi, married to Ajatasattu, 4

Vajjians, their powerful confederation, 25, 26, 40

Valmiki, 31

Vamsas, or Vatsas, 3, 27

Varuna, the god, 219, 235

Vasula-datta, legend of, 4 foll.

Vayu, wind-god, 235

Vedanta, 163, 168

Vedic language, 153; divinities, 155, 158; hymns, interpretation of, 162

Vedisa, in Avanti, 103, 288

Vegetable diet, result of, 42

Vekhanassa, follower of Vikhanas, 142, 144

Vesali, 29, 40

Vessas, 54, 55

Vessavana, the god, see Kuvera

Videha, as kingdom and republic, 26, 37

Vidudabha, king of Kosala, 4, II, 12

Vikhanas, a teacher, 144

Village, customs, 45 foll.; head men, 49

Vimana Vatthu, 176

Vindhya Hills, 29

Vishnu, 219, 236


Wanderers, the, their discussion halls, 141; names of corporate bodies among, 143–146; freedom of thought among, 247, 258; their Dhamma, 294

Weavers, 54, 57, 90 46

Weber, Professor, 113, 114

Wickramasinha, Mr., 115

Windisch, Professor, 180

Winternitz, Professor, 190

Wisdom-tree, 230

Woodwork, 66, 90, 264

Writers, astrade, 108

Writing, history of, 107–127


Yoga Sutras, 197

Yueh-ti, 313 foll.


Zimmer, Professor, 87, 232

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