INLS181: Internet Applications

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Course Catalog Description

INLS 181 Internet Applications (3 credit hours). Introduction to Internet concepts, applications, and services. Introduces the TCP/IP protocol suite along with clients and servers for Internet communication, browsing, and navigation. Examines policy, management, and implementation issues.

INLS 102-Internet Tools

Course Objectives
INLS 181 gives broad knowledge of data communication systems, with a focus on Internet tools and applications. INLS102 teaches how to create web pages. This course goes into depth of how to do it the right way. Skills to be taught include:
  • Internet protocols: HTTP, FTP, telnet, POP, IMAP, SMTP and other major protocols for data transmission on the Internet. Alternatives, including ssh and SSL.
  • Web display variation: Issues that impact the appearance of a Web page: different browsers, HTML versions and standards compliance, and colors.
  • Web enhancements: Plug-ins and other ways of extending Web functionality.
  • Audience targeting for online content: Tailoring appearance and content for a particular audience and a particular purpose. For example, ecommerce Web pages versus corporate information pages.
  • Usability issues: Fundamentals of usability assessment for content. User-based design, functional specification, user feedback, and the design cycle.
  • Advanced markup: XML for marking up content and its associated display mechanisms.
  • Dynamic content: Hands-on experience with some client-side and server-side methods for creating dynamic content. Client-side programming taught with Flash and server-side programming with PHP scripting.

Laptop & Software Requirement
This course is transitional to the SILS Laptop Requirement ( The instructor will assume that SILS graduate students and undergraduates for the class of 2004 or later will have a laptop computer compatible with SILS guidelines (or, for undergraduates, CCI guidelines). Laptop use will be required for these students in class or at home, and other students are encouraged to consider meeting the laptop requirements. Students with laptops should bring them to class daily. The laptop has to be networked. Should you not have a wireless card, they are available in the SILS library for checkout.

The following software applications must be installed on your computer for this class (all are free downloads except Dreamweaver):

We have a site license for Dreamweaver for those that do not have it. If you install it, you must sign an agreement form that requires you to uninstall it at the end of the semester.

All assigned work must be completed in order to receive a passing grade in INLS 181. Late work is downgraded at a rate of 1 letter grade per business day or partial day. All work will either need to be added to your online Web-based portfolio and/or submitted via email for evaluation and is due at the start of class time on the due date. Instructions for doing this will be given in class. Throughout the semester we will discuss ideas that build upon each other, enabling you to create more sophisticated presentations for your work. Evaluation of grades will be based on the following criterion in terms of percentages:

Criterion Percentage
Midterm 20%
Homework 45%
Final Project 25%
In-class Participation & Attendance 10%
  • Attend class
  • In-class Midterm
  • 1st Tables Assignment
  • 2nd Tables Assignment
  • Flash Assignment
  • PHP Programming Assignment
  • XML (Final) Assignment
Graduate Undergraduate Score
H A 100 - 95
P A- 94 - 90
P B+ 89 - 85
P B 84 - 80
P B- 79 - 78
P C+ 77 - 75
L C 74 - 70
F F Below 69
Code of Student Conduct
The honor code prohibits lying, cheating or stealing when these actions involve academic processes or University, student or academic personnel acting in an official impair significantly the welfare or the educational opportunities of others in the University community. As a student at UNC-CH, you have accepted a commitment to the Honor Code and the Campus Code, and the principles of academic integrity, personal honesty, and responsible citizenship on which they were founded more than 100 years ago.

Academic dishonesty in any form is unacceptable because it circumvents the purpose of the University. As a faculty member, I have a responsibility to report any possible Honor Code violations to the Student Attorney General. I hope that you will join me in supportin the Honor Code by signing the Honor Pledge on all written work, and consulting me if you are uncertain about your responsibilities within this specfic course.

-from Chancellor Hooker's letter to All Members of the Faculty, Aug 1995

Sign up for the listserv at: To subscribe to the class listserv, address a message to:, leave the subject fields blank, and place the following command in the body of your message: "subscribe inls181 your-first-name your-last-name."

The listserv is primarily for class announcements...not class discussion. If you have something you would like to discuss in class, do not hesitate to send me an email; however, not signing up for the listserv could result in missing out on important or vital information that could make an impact on your grade.

AOL Instant Messenger
I am a firm believer of adapting my teaching style to fit the needs of students. Everybody communicates their thoughts effectively in different ways whether it is through speaking, writing, body language, etc. Many times as a student, I have often wanted to ask a question but was afraid to, in fear of embarrassment in front of my fellow classmates. To address those concerns as well as those who prefer to communicate through writing, I am open to students asking questions via AOL Instant Messenger during class time. My AOL screen name is markonassis.
There are two required texts for the course. Readings will also come from reserved readings on the web. You may elect to choose supplemental readings from alternate texts. There are many books related to the course subject matter, most of which cover similar topics. These texts were chosen for its subject matter and style of delivery, recent publication date, publication quality, and coverage of HTML topics. Read the assigned readings before the class date they are assigned for, and review as necessary afterwards.
Required texts

Niederst, Jennifer. Web Design in a Nutshell, 2nd ed. September 2001. O'Reilly.
Brill, Gregory. Codenotes for Web-Based UI. January 2002.

Recommended texts
Harold, Elliotte Rusty. XML Bible, 2nd ed. 2001. Hungry Minds.
Ullman, Larry. PHP for the World Wide Web Visual Quickstart Guide. 2001. Book News, Inc.