[[¤¤¤å³n¥óªí CNapps LIST] FAQ

How to convert among GB, Big5, etc on www?

Big5 <-> GB Converter

This Java applet at <http://www.erols.com/eepeter/b5gbconv.html> will convert between GB and Big5. Url entry is not yet supported but will be. Chinese system needed to view characters but not to convert.

Kanji Convert

This conversion program by michael@kanji.com at <http://kanji.com/cgi-bin/convert> allows you to enter the pinyin, or the internal code number of various encoding, and get all available mappings and bitmap display for Unicode, GB Big5, CNS, JIS, KSC, EACC, CCCII, Xerox, Morohashi, PinYin, KunYomi, and OnYomi.
Enter search:
Show fields:
Morohashi PinYin KunYomi OnYomi

Convert Web Documents between GB and Big5

This service at <http://www.erols.com/eepeter/urlg2b.html> will convert a page in Big5 and have it come up in GB, and vice versa.

URL ( HTML Plain Text ) :
Character Conversion:

Above services provided by Erik Peterson <eepeter@erols.com> as part of the Chinese Online Tools.


This Chinese Delegate-based Code-Translator Service is provided to CNapps LIST courtesy of Seke Wei. There are a total of 42 filters supported in this Chinese patch to Delegate. The service is will be moved to a new machine, and may be unstable at times.

To use a filter, you have to rewrite your URL and specify the proper flag in the following format:


             where 'incode' can be one among the 8 choices
                             jis, sjis, euc
                             big5, gb, hz
                             jp, cn

             and 'outcode' one among the 6 choices
                             jis, sjis, euc
                             big5, gb, hz

When incode=cn or incode=jp, auto recognition of Chinese {Big5/HZ/GB} or Japanese {Jis/Shift-jis/EUC-Jis} is enabled.

For example, you can accesss the gb to big5 filter by specifying "-_-/cc.big5.gb" in the URL as below:

CityU Multilingual WWW Gateway


Client (Browser) Code:
WWW Server Code:

MIME types:


  1. Use a GB based WWW Browser to view a Big5 HTML URL

  2. Use a Big5 based WWW Browser to view a GB text URL

Feedback on CityU's gateway can be directed to <ccricky@cityu.edu.hk>.

Service of ACCESS on the Net

This service at <http://peflinux0.ie.cuhk.hk/~access/accnet.html> is provided by ACCESS. It can be utilized via either World Wide Web browser or Email. If you have a URL in Chinese, you can submit it here, and get the result in your WWW browser. Information regarding Functions and Email service is now available.

Your URL of http:
If you have any questions about this service, please send a mail to access@peflinux1.ie.cuhk.edu.hk . Please tell us about any bugs you find, since this is still an experimental service. We would also like to hear your opinion about this!

We do not take any responsibilities for damage caused by using this service. We also do not guarantee that the results obtained will be correct, even though we will do our best to achieve this.

REMINDER: By submitting your text to access@peflinux1.ie.cuhk.edu.hk you agreed that this text may be used by us for research purposes. We will NOT give other people access to this text as a whole.

1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.04.25 Updated: 1997.04.27