[中文軟件表 CNapps LIST] FAQ

What online dictionary references are on www?

Zhongwen Zipu - Chinese Character Genealogy

An Etymological Chinese-English Dictionary in big5 at <http://zhongwen.com/> with genealogical charts, and can be searched using pinyin, zhuyin, radical, stroke count, English translation, root or pictographs/ideographs. Provided by Rick Harbaugh <harbaugh+@pitt.edu>

Chinese Character Dictionary

A CGI character dictionary at <http://www.erols.com/eepeter/chardict.html> that supports English, pinyin, Cantonese, and radical/stroke searches. Has a database of over 15,000 characters. No Chinese system required. Provided by Erik Peterson <eepeter@erols.com> as part of Online Chinese Tools.

OK88 English-Chinese Dictionary

This service at <http://www.ok88.com/go/svc/ecdict.html> is provided by OK88 Bilingual Internet Services. Type in an English word and find the Chinese translation in both big5 and readable image format.
To see the first entries currently in the dictionary database beginning with the letter

Chinese Computer Terminology

This service at <http://ccts.cs.cuhk.hk/> is provided by Hong Kong Computer Society and the Chinese Computer Federation to publicize the official set of computer terms in Chinese published by the Standard Terminology Assessment Committee of China.
Enter English term:

Chinese Dictonary on the WWW. (中文字典)

Richard Wong (Sai Ho) 黃世豪 of Australia (QLD) Griffith University, <R.Wong@cit.gu.edu.au> provides an online Chinese dictionary at <http://www.cit.gu.edu.au/~rwong/cdict/>

An English-Chinese IT glossary

This is an English-Chinese Information Technology glossary by Koh Chit Tng (高 極 登), <kohct@singnet.com.sg> at <http://www.iscs.nus.sg/~colips/archives/glossary/glossary.html>

0-A B C D E F G H i j k l
M N O p Q R S T U V W X-Z

1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.07.17 Updated: 1997.04.27