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How to retrieve pronunciation of Chinese text on www?

Add PY to a Web Document

This CGI program at <http://www.erols.com/eepeter/addpy.html> takes a URL and returns the entire page with pinyin added next to the characters. Supports GB and Big5. User can select how much pinyin should be added. Need Chinese system to view final results. Provided by Erik Peterson <eepeter@erols.com> as part of the Chinese Online Tools.

URL ( HTML Plain Text ) :
Encoding: Big5 GB
Occurances to Add Pinyin: First All

Chinese Character Pronunciations

This online (continuously updated) Javascript allows user to input (copy-and-paste) any Chinese text and obtain the transliteration in Mandarin (pinyin) or Cantonese and is a service provided by Ochlocrat <ocrat@netcom.ca>. at <http://www.webcom.com/ocrat/reaf/>

The core data used by the program is given by cxterm's dict/gb/TONEPY.tit and dict/big5/PY.tit files. Instead of inputting characters based on pinyin input method, the data is turned inside out to give pinyin pronunciations for characters.


This is the Cantonese Pronunciation Page at <http://humanum.arts.cuhk.hk/Lexis/Canton/>

此網頁由香港中文大學人文學科研究所「人文電算與人文方法研究室」關子尹劉創馥建立。 試行版!建立日期:1996年1月19日。 閣下如有建議,或發現資料有誤,請按上址以電郵通知。謝謝。
1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.07.15 Updated: 1997.04.27