[ ¤¤¤å³n¥óªí CNapps LIST] Host Sponsorship Programme

Participating Host Sponsors

Host Sponsor URLE-Mail Contact
Yat Siu
Discovery Bay, Hong Kong
Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org
Chinese Community Info. Ctr.
host by TMPW, Framingham, MA USA
http://cnapps.ifcss.org/Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org

Join the CNapps LIST Host Sponsorship Programme and host the CNapps LIST on your machine today. The host sponsorship program license fee is US $150.00 for six months, or $250.00 for one year. For registration material, send your fax# and postal address to cyl@ifcss.org with your request.



1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.07.01 Updated: 1996.08.21