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Installation of
Chinese Language Kit (CLK) / Japanese Language Kit (JLK)
on PCI Power Macs


  1. Start with a fresh system.

  2. Download (or somehow get your hands on) a copy of the System 7.5 Update 2.0 from

    ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/ Apple.Software.Updates/US/Macintosh/ System/Language_Kits/Updater.sea.hqx>

    [It's about 20MB, so I hope you have an ethernet connection. The good news is that it can be run from the hard drive.]

  3. Run the System 7.5 Update 2.0. You are now running on System 7.5.3.

  4. Remove the Launcher control panel from the Control Panels folder.

  5. Download the WorldScript Updater file from

    <ftp://ftp.info.apple.com/Apple_Support_Area/ Apple.Software.Updates/US/Macintosh/ System/Language_Kits/WorldScript_Updater.sea.hqx>

    and just leave it on the hard drive.

  6. Download the Chinese Language Kit Updater disk image from

    <ftp://ftp.info.apple.com//Apple_Support_Area/ Apple.Software.Updates/US/Macintosh/System/ Language_Kits/Chinese_Lang._Kit_Updater.sea.hqx>

  7. Copy the disk image to a floppy using a disk image utility like DiskCopy 4.2 or Shrinkwrap.

  8. Set out the CLK/JLK (either floppy disks or CDs). You are now ready to install.


  1. Run the WorldScript Updater from the hard drive.

  2. Begin installing the CLK.

    [It doesn't matter which you do first, Traditional or Simplified. I did Traditional.]

    [The program will tell you that the WorldScript version on the computer is newer than the one you are trying to install; just click on the "Newer" button.]

  3. Reboot and install the second half of CLK.

    [The first half will not be functional since you haven't installed the CLK Updater yet.]

  4. Run the CLK Updater disk.

  5. Install the JLK.

    [Strangely enough, this install program just writes over the WorldScript Updater pieces without asking. This makes sense since the Updater version and the version on the JLK 1.2 are the same (i.e., 7.5.1 / 7.5.2). However, it also made me feel nervous because the JLK version didn't work by itself on our 7600 machines. Consequently, as a precaution I added the following step.]

  6. Re-install the WorldScript Updater from the hard drive.

    [As I said, this step was a precautionary measure; I didn't want to have to reinstall everything all over again if my fears were realized.]

    Viola! I'm now a happy camper.

    One question I still have is why aren't the latest versions of the WorldScript pieces on the latest version of the System 7.5 Updater? I mean, why do I have to use an extra updater? Perhaps Mr. Tiffert said it best when he said, "chalk it up to that 9 month period last year when apple *really* lost focus."

    I hope this is useful to someone.

    Thanks to those four people that responded to my call for help on installing JLK/CLK on a PCI Power Mac. I went back and read Glenn Tiffert's Dec. 16 and Apr. 2 postings. I guess I was just incredulous that it should be so difficult. For those of you who are contemplating installing the CLK / JLK on a Power Mac, I would suggest saving and printing out this file, it may save you a lot of headaches.

    Again, thanks especially to Mr. Tiffert, Mr. Inglis and Mr. Moran for their patience in answering this question.

    Jeffrey J. Hayden
    Department of East Asian Languages and Literatures
    University of Hawai'i at Manoa, Moore Hall 382
    1890 East-West Road, Honolulu, HI 96822

    jeffrey@Hawaii.Edu, <http://www.lll.hawaii.edu/ICUsers/jhayden/>

    1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.12.23 Updated: 1997.04.27