[中文軟件表 CNapps LIST] [麥金塔系統 Macintosh]

[中國 China] [香港 Hong Kong] [日本 Japan] [德國 Germany] [臺灣 Taiwan] [美國 USA]

Software: MacBlue Telnet cool
Version: 2.6.6, Feb 16, 1995 Size: Bytes Date Added: 96/07/31
Description: A Telnet program that can handle all Chinese encodings (such as HZ, GB, Big5, ET etc), EUC-JIS and EUC-KSC; based on NCSA Telnet with built-in hanzi input methods. You either need direct TCP/IP access or SLIP/PPP access to Internet. No Language Kit now required.
Author: MacBlue <steve@im.mgt.ncu.edu.tw>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/MacBlueTelnet/

Software: NewsWatcher for Macintosh cool
Version: 2.0b27CH01, 950630 Size: Bytes Date Added: 96/07/31
Description: client Usenet News for Macintosh with auto HZ<->GB<->Big5 filter and can be used if you have only one of chinese script (traditional or/and simplified) installed to read/post both simplified/traditional chinese news with HZ/GB/Big5 coding. Need MacTCP, System 7.0 or newer and one Chinese Script enable.
Author: LIU Chang-jun <chang@glaciog.grenet.fr>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/NW2.0b27CH1.68k.sea.hqx
[CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/NW2.0b27CH1.ppc.sea.hqx

Software: YA-NewsWatcher cool
Version: 2.1.5, 951230 Size: 828032Bytes Date Added: 96/07/31
Description: News group reader for Mac and PowerMac with HZ, GB, Big5 code inter-conversion.
Author: Brian Clark, Chinese code set enhancement by Xiaolin Zhao <xlz@Chem.LSA.umich.edu>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/YA-NewsWatcher2.1.5.sit.bin

Software: ToadNews cool
Version: 1.1 Size: 201515Bytes Date Added: 96/07/31
Description: Unbatcher for news collected by MacSlurp for reading with rnMac with original documentations for ToadNews.
Author: John Mah jpmah@undergrad.math.uwaterloo.ca
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/News_Offline/ToadNews1.1.sea.hqx
[CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/News_Offline/ToadNews_Doc.sea.hqx

Software: MacSlurp cool
Version: 1.5.2 Size: Bytes Date Added: 96/07/31
Description: Two way batch news transfer application for use with ToadNews/rnMac
Author: Tom Davies <>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/News_Offline/MacSlurp1.5.2.sea.hqx

Software: rnMac cool
Version: 1.3b5 Size: Bytes Date Added: 96/07/31
Description: Offline Newsreader including GB <-> HZ conversion
Author: Roy Wood <rrwood@io.org>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/mac/networking/News_Offline/rnMac13b5.cpt.hqx

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You must be a registered user in order for your vote to count. The CNapps LIST Cool Apps of the Month Award will be announced on the last day of each month for each platform function. You may resubmit your vote at anytime. Only latest vote collected from each registered user for each platform function will be used toward the count on Cool Apps Award announcement day. For each platform function you cast your vote in, you will automatically be entered in the next upcoming raffle contest.

1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.08.01 Updated: 1997.04.27