[¤¤¤å³n¥óªí CNapps LIST] [Miscellaneous]


Software: QBASIC Source Code DAZI.BAS & YINZI.BAS
Version: Aug 1993Size: 7856
Description: DAZI.BAS print Chinese characters to screen YINZI.BAS print Chinese characters to EPSON/compatible dot matrix printer. 1. source code for software development 2. as learning material for Basic Chinese Programming 3. demonstrate the principle of output in Chinese
URL: [CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/misc/yinzi.zip
Author: Liangsheng WU <lsn@mail.soton.ac.uk>

Software: Weiqi 267
Version: 2.67Size: 310480
Description: record Weiqi games and transfer them through net. GB, HZ 100 % compatable (but Russian char disabled). * Now can also be used for Chinese Chess || There is a user guide in HZ coding.
URL: [CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/misc/wq267.zip
Author: Xiangbo Kang <xkang@dosuni1.bitnet>

Software: wqcclib.16
Version: 0.1, 930820Size: 160999
Description: changed 10 charactors in the zwdos cclib.16 from position 69 to 78 in No. 2 Qu(section), where there used to be chinese symbols for 1-10. These new charactors are solid circles with number 1-10 in them in reverse color (white). These new symbols are requested by some alt.chinese.text readers so that they are able to read WeiQi diagrams in a.c.t.
URL: [CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/misc/wqcclib.16.gz
Author: Zhiping You <zpy@Glue.umd.edu>

Software: Multiple Bitmap Font Demo
Version: 1.0, 21 March 1994Size: 7356
Description: Example C program for opening multiple bitmap files simultaneously.
URL: [CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/misc/bmpfdemo.c
Author: Liangsheng WU <lsn@mail.soton.ac.uk>

Software: Binary Tree for Input Method
Version: 1.0, 21 March 1994Size: 29888
Description: Example C program for implementing Input Method by binary tree search. Usable as searching algorithm for Chinese Input Method.
URL: [CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/misc/bintree.zip
Author: Liangsheng WU <lsn@mail.soton.ac.uk>

1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.02.29 Updated: 1997.04.27