[ 中文軟件表 CNapps LIST] [UNIX]

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Software: FirebirdBBS cool
Version: 2.31, 960512 Size: 576836Bytes Date Added: 96/08/19
Description: FirebirdBBS 是中正大學資工系所修改的, 大致上還是架構在 Phoenix4.0 版上面。
Author: 中正大學資工系 <>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/bbs/FirebirdBBS2.31.tar.gz

Software: MapleBBS cool
Version: 2.0.5, 950621 Size: 196151Bytes Date Added: 96/08/19
Description: MapleBBS 是清華大學資訊科學系所發展的電子布告欄系統, 這個版本的電子布告欄系統在記憶體的使用方面較為節省, 但安裝並不容易。
Author: 清華大學資訊科學系 <>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/bbs/mapleBBS-2.0.5.tar.gz

Software: PalmBBS cool
Version: 2.01, 950531 Size: 435394Bytes Date Added: 96/08/19
Description: PalmBBS 是台大計中的電子布告欄所採用的系統, 也是同樣由台大自行發展維護的。
Author: 台大計中 <>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/bbs/palmbbs-2.01.tar.gz

Software: PhoenixBBS cool
Version: 4.0, 950831 Size: 269446Bytes Date Added: 96/08/19
Description: o UNIX platform multiuser BBS system, o discussion boards, private email o multichannel chat, one-to-one chat o Internet Email, News gateway, o 0Announce : Gopher-like information query interface. o fine tuned to allow more than 256 users on-line o configurable menu, screen display o Chinese message
Author: 交大資工 Ji-Tzay Yang, Ming-Feng Chen, Tzung-Yu Wen <>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/bbs/PhoenixBBS-4.0.tar.gz

Software: PivotBBS cool
Version: 5.9, 960530 Size: 264752Bytes Date Added: 96/08/19
Description: PivotBBS 是由中興大學計中所發展的一套電子布告欄系統, 也是由 EagleBBS 修改而來, 但是主體的架構已經修改甚多。
Author: 中興大學計中 <>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/bbs/pivot5.9.tar.gz

Software: PowerBBS cool
Version: 2.2, 960616 Size: 594144Bytes Date Added: 96/08/19
Description: PowerBBS 是目前台灣學術網路上使用 Client-Server 架構最成熟的一個電子布 告欄系統。
Author: 台灣學術網路 <>
URL & Mirrors: [CN |HK |JP |DE |TW |US] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/unix/bbs/pbbs22srv.tar.gz

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You must be a registered user in order for your vote to count. The CNapps LIST Cool Apps of the Month Award will be announced on the last day of each month for each platform function. You may resubmit your vote at anytime. Only latest vote collected from each registered user for each platform function will be used toward the count on Cool Apps Award announcement day. For each platform function you cast your vote in, you will automatically be entered in the next upcoming raffle contest.

1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.02.29 Updated: 8/20/96