[ ¤¤¤å³n¥óªí CNapps LIST] [VMS]

[CN|HK|JP|DE|TW|US] Printing

Software: cnprint cool
Version: 2.60 JAN-25-95, use v2.61 for DOS Size:95606
Description: print GB/Hz/BIG5/JIS/KSC/UTF8 etc or convert to PostScript (conforms to EPSF-3.0). Fast. Multicolumn. Vertical printing. Small disk space requirement. "Intelligent" treatment of punctuations. Flexible change of fonts, char size, width/height, char and line spaces, paper orientation and margins, etc. Support of European chars. Special modes for printing HXWZ. See readme for more
URL: [CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/vms/print/cnprint260.zip
[CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/gb/hbf/
[CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/big5/hbf/
[CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/misc/hbf/
[CN|HK|DE|TW] ftp://ftp.ifcss.org/pub/software/fonts/unicode/hbf/
Author: Yidao Cai <CAI@neurophys.wisc.edu>

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You must be a registered user in order for your vote to count. The CNapps LIST Cool Apps of the Month Award will be announced on the last day of each month for each platform function. You may resubmit your vote at anytime. Only latest vote collected from each registered user for each platform function will be used toward the count on Cool Apps Award announcement day. For each platform function you cast your vote in, you will automatically be entered in the next upcoming raffle contest.

1996(c) copyrighted and maintained by Nelson Chin, cyl@ifcss.org. Hosted by Chinese Community Info. Ctr.. Created: 1996.03.01 Updated: 1997.04.27