By Charles Deemer





I've been in your country 

I've been all around 

I slept in your beds 

And I slept on your ground 

Never have I found 

A reason you should put 

So many down 


I've traveled by thumb 

And 1've driven big cars 

Eaten from cans 

I've smoked big cigars 

I just don't see 

Why you let a family 

Go hungry 


I've lived in your houses 

I’ve lived in your jails 

Heard happy laughter 

I've heard bitter wails 

But I just don’t know 

Why you won't help 

A baby grow 


I’ve heard all your reasons 

For going alone 

You told me of your family 

Told me of your home 

I don't understand 

Why won't you bend 

We could be friends 


He came to your city 

He came as a friend 

He came with his heart 

He just wanted to stand 

When did you bend 

When did you lend 

A helping hand




Look all around you, look from a hill 

If you don't see it, nobody will 

Look all around you, look from the sky 

If you don’t see it, there's a reason why 


Why don't you see it, why don't you care 

You think you need a new 'frigidaire 

You think you need a new car, I know 

An old one will get you anywhere you go 


While you sing this song and get your high 

Too many people are gonna die 

To think nice thoughts is not enough 

Gotta bring it all back home with love 


Get off your ass & alibi 

And take a close look at the sky 

A different trip is needed now 

Better find what, better find how 





I used to live down in L.A. 

And. then I moved up to Frisco Bay 

Lived north, west, east and in the south 

Learned to shove grits and chitluns in my mouth 



Well, one thing I found 

From town to town 

A man needs a few things when he's down 

Food in the mouth 

Roof on the head 

A pretty little baby in a big warm bed 


Everywhere I've been from man to roan 

Everybody wants a little piece of land 

A few have a lot, but most have none 

Most have to sweat it while the few have fun 


A man digs a ditch around. a water tank 

Another lives on interest from the city bank 

Nothin' wrong with lots of different kinds of work 

Til the poor go hungry and

the rich just shirk 


Been talkin' around and quite a few 

Don't think Johnson knows what to do 

He's got a lot of promises in his mouth 

We need a heap of votes now to kick him out 


I don't think Republicans would do no good 

And Johnson didn't do what he said he would 

Gotta spread the word all over the land 

It's time to bring in a third party man 

‘Cause one thing I found 

From town to town 

A man needs a few things when he's down

Food in the mouth 

Roof on the head 

A pretty little baby in a big warm bed 

Gotta spread the word all over the land 

Time to bring in a third party man!