:A0930 Bride of Edgefield
          (A)  /h10/ /en6/ TIME CODE: 09:30

        CYNDI is channelling into DWALLAH, meditating in the area
        when YANG RICHARD enters; spontaneously he starts meditating
        as well. This involves making strange humming sounds.

        EVELYN enters the area.  /en14/  TIME CODE: 10:00

        She turns on her recorder.

                I'm with Yin Priestess Dwallah and
                Yang Richard of the Universal Church
                of Primitive Balance, who appear to
                be in some sort of meditative posture
                or trance, at the moment, making
                the sound you hear . . .

        She holds the microphone to pick up the sounds.

                        YANG RICHARD AND DWALLAH
                Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm etc.

                I'm not sure what, if anything, this
                may have to do with the wedding.

        But suddenly, as DWALLAH continues to hum less loudly
        now, YANG RICHARD comes to life.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I desire!  I am the personification
                of electrical charges and the movement
                of harmones.  I desire!  I am the
                chemical spirit of the male principle,
                unattached and alone.  Oh help me,
                great Universal Balance, to perfect
                my form in Primitive Union.  Mmmmmmmmm.

                Something very definitely going on
                here . . . Whether this has anything
                to do with the wedding ceremony
                itself . . . wait a minute, I believe
                the Priestess is about to speak . . .

                I have become the Yin Priestess Dwallah and I
                hear the longing! With matriarchal wisdom
                twenty-five thousand years old I hear the
                eternal movement of loneliness, the unmatched
                chemistry of the male principle searching for
                its complement in female-universals. Dwallah
                understands!  Mmmmmmmmmm.

                       YANG RICHARD
                Oh might this longing become magnet to
                the universal female principle, in itself
                homeless and wandering!  Oh might this
                longing find root in the female!  Oh to
                be mated!

                Oh to be mated!

                        YANG RICHARD
                Mated, mated!

                MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM etc.

                Apparently Cyndi has already channeled back
                into the past and become the Yin Priestess
                Dwallah, perhaps that was what her humming
                sounds were about, channeling back into time.
                So it must be the wedding ceremony, we've
                heard the longing of the groom for a bride, I
                think we've begun the ceremony, though quite
                without fanfare, though slowly people are
                beginning to congregate here, in a corner of
                the ballroom, people are gathering around what is a
                very strange sight indeed . . .

                                YANG RICHARD
                The vibrations?  Where are the vibrations?

                The female principle vibrating its essence
                throughout the Universe, longing for Balance.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I don't feel the vibrations!  Oh woe, to be
                lost without Balance, maleness unattached,
                roaming without complementarity.

                Appear o vibrations, respond o vibrations,
                in the search for Balance I hear the longing
                of maleness that seeks femaleness to make
                it whole!  Oh wholeness!  Oh vibrating
                female, find magnetic male and let us have
                Primitive Balance, in the essence that is
                the wholeness of all things when bound
                to complementarity.


                        YANG RICHARD
                Yes!  Vibrations!  I feel vibrations!

                A female moves closer!  In the great Universe
                does a female spring forward, its full
                vibrating rhythm searching for balance!


                Do you feel the vibrations?

                        YANG RICHARD
                I feel the vibrations!

                Does the male principle respond to the

                        YANG RICHARD
                I respond, I respond!

                The female principle gets closer.  Do
                you feel the approach of the female?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Yes, the female comes!

                Does the male respond to the approach
                of the female?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Yes!  I feel the vibrations!

                Let us tune our bodies to complementarity. Let
                us move our spirit in unison with the
                approaching vibrations of the female, so
                that it might seek union in the grand
                pairing that is Primitive Balance.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Let us seek Primitive Balance!

                Let us await the coming of the female . . .

        The hum together again but differently now, their sounds have
        the rising and falling pitch and rhythm of "vibrations":


        EVELYN corners JUSTIN. /en4/

        TIME CODE: 1100

