
        A / Time: 1400

        Justin and Lylla find one another.  Susanne has
        entered as well, at some distance from them.  Evelyn
        is still observing in the area.

                Seems a shame not to talk shop, doesn't it?

                Does it?

                So much of our clients' interests could
                be settled out of court.  In fact, maybe our
                interests actually coincide.  Mrs. Brodey and
                Trudy have had a falling out.  Jack is on his
                way to recovery.

                I think you're worried.

                You can go to hell.

        She starts away, staying in area A.

                And you'd better take another look at Jack's
                so-called recovery.

        They watch the wedding procession, until:

?"Go with Justin" ?"Go with Lylla" ?"Hang with Susanne"
?"Go with Evelyn"

:"Go with Justin"
Go with Justine

:"Go with Lylla"
Go with Lylla

:"Hang with Susanne"
Hang with Susanne

:"Go with Evelyn"
Go with Evelyn