
          (A)     TIME CODE: 19:30

                We have another apparent break,
                with the bride and groom, as well
                as the priestess Dwallah, back
                in their vibrating mode of
                meditation, making the strange
                humming sound you hear now . . .
                the guests don't seem to know what
                to make of all of this . . . some,
                in fact, seem to have seen enough
                to get the drift and have moved
                off . . .

        She is looking for someone to interview; she sees the
        Matre'd in the area.

                Here's the official Edgefield host for the evening
                . . . excuse me, sir -- what do
                you think of the ceremony thus far?

                Haven't paid that much attention to
                it, to be honest.  I have other
                duties to concentrate on.

                It's a very unusual ceremony, is
                it not?  You've seen that much?

                Who's to say?

                What are the duties you speak of?

                Make sure everyone's having fun,
                that there aren't any problems
                caused by us.  We are the hosts,
                after all.

                And very gracious hosts, indeed, here at the
                beautiful Edgefield resort.

                Thank you.  If you'll excuse me . . .

        He moves off.  /ex7/  TIME CODE: 20:30

?"Follow Matre'd" ?"Stay here"

Open Part 2 and select character.