        A / Time: 2100

                Well, the help are making sure we
                have a tight ship here, during
                these unusual wedding ceremonies.
                The humming, the incantations, whatever
                we might call it, continue . . .
                Wait, I think the Priestess, Yin Priestess
                Dwallah, is coming out of it now . . .
                Let's see if we can get closer and
                pick up what is going on . . .

        She moves closer.

                We remember now an Age of Wisdom.  We
                recall now a time, twenty-five-thousand
                years ago, when Matriarchal Wisdom
                witnessed the Universal Balance of
                Yin Female and Yang Male, when Yinless
                Yang and Yangless Yin came together
                like magnets in the night.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I am like a magnet in the night.

                I am like a magnet in the night.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Yinless Yang.

                Yangless Yin.

                Attracting like magnets in the night.

         Yang Wolf hums underneath the ceremony now.

                        YANG WOLF
                Mmmmmmmmmmmm etc.

                Oh, Yinless Yang, oh Yangless Yin, do
                you seek the universal balance without
                which all joy and peace are uncertain?

                Yangless Yin seeks Yang!

                        YANG RICHARD
                Yinless Yang seeks Yin!

                Yin and Yang seeking!  Yang and Yin seeking!

                        TRUDY & RICHARD
                Seeking, seeking!

                I, the Yin Priestess Dwallah, from the
                Matriarchal Wisdom of twenty-five-thousand-
                years ago, when Universal Balance kept all
                energies in complementarity, I ask you,
                Yinless Yang, if thou doest seek the principle
                of Yin into the very heart of your incomplete
                Yang being?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Yinless Yang seeks Yin, I do!

                And doest thou, Yangless Yin, seek the
                principle of Yang into the very heart of
                your incomplete Yin being?

                Yangless Yin seeks Yang, I do!

                Then in the power granted me by the Universal
                Church of Primitive Balance, and in the grand
                universal spirit that brings complementarity
                to all incomplete things, I grant to thee,
                Yinless Yang, the full female principle of
                Yin, as bestowed to you by the very female
                who now takes your hand, granting you Yin
                . . .

                I grant thee Yin.

                And to thee, Yangless Yin, I grant the full
                male principle of Yang, as bestowed to you
                by the very male who now grasps your other
                hand, granting you Yang . . .

                        YANG RICHARD
                I grant thee Yang.

                Yinless Yang no more . . .

                        YANG RICHARD
                No more . . .

                Yangless Yin no more . . .

                No more . . .

                I now pronounce you Yinful Yang . . .

                        YANG RICHARD
                Yinful Yang!

                . . . and Yangful Yin . . .

                Yangful Yin!

                I now pronounce you Balanced and Whole!

                        YANG WOLF
                Let's party!

         Pandomonium among the wedding participants now, lots of hugs
        and cheering, nothing solemn any more but people ready to
        have a good time.

                Well, you heard it for yourselves, perhaps
                the strangest wedding you've ever witnessed,
                performed by a twenty-five-thousand-year-
                old Matriarchal Priestess, reached by the
                spiritual channelling of Cyndi, who
                apparently has no last name, or none that
                she admits to . . . witnessing the ceremony
                was one of the members of
                the religious order, who suddenly yelled,
                "let's party!," in surprising contrast to
                the mystical solemnity of the ceremony
                itself, and it indeed looks like the rest
                of this affair is going to be one big
                party . . . I'm not sure what the guests,
                the great majority of whom are not members
                of the religion at all, but Portland guests
                 of the bride, it's hard to be sure what
                they are thinking right now . . . let me
                see who I can find . . . wait, the bride
                is coming by now, here's the bride herself,
                the former Trudy Brodey, I'm not even sure
                what her married name is now . . . Trudy!
                Trudy!, do you have a minute, please?

        Trudy comes forward.  TIME CODE:

                Hi . . .


                Thank you . . .

        Richard comes forward.

                        YANG RICHARD
                We're very happy!

                Here's the groom, Yang Richard.  Let
                me ask, excuse my ignorance, but,
                Trudy, how do we address you now, what's
                your new name?

                Just Yin Trudy.

                No last name?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Last names are symbols of male tyranny.

                That sounds feminist.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Heavens, no!  We aren't feminist, we don't
                believe in female tyranny any more than in
                male tyranny.

                Yet the Yin Priestess Dwallah kept referring
                to Matriarchal wisdom--

                        YANG RICHARD
                She meant the origins, the first nature of
                all things, Mother Earth, Father Sky . . .

                Let's not get lost in politics today!

                        YANG RICHARD
                If you'll excuse us, we're going to the bar
                for some champagne!

                Well, congratulations again!

        The couple moves off, heading for E but JACK will stop and
        accost them in B, having come from area G. /ex3/ /ex6/
        TIME CODE: 24:30

?"Follow the newly weds" ?"Stay here"

:"Follow the newly weds"
Follow the newly weds

:"Stay here"
Stay here