

(Entering are Irina, on Sorin's arm, Trigorin, Ilya, Medvedenko and Masha.)

ILYA: I saw her at the Fair in 1873 - she gave an extraordinary performance. And what about Pavel Chadin? I don't know of a better comedian. Do you ever hear from him?

IRINA: All that was so long ago. I have no idea where he is.

(They begin to take seats for the play.)

ILYA: There's no one like Pavel around any more. The theater's not what it used to be, Irina. Where once stood mighty oaks - today mere stumps!

DORN: Genius on stage may be more rare - but I think the general level of acting is much better today.

ILYA: I beg to differ with you. I suppose it's a matter of taste.

(Treplev comes out from behind the stage.)
