
         (B) / /h12/ TIME CODE: 60:30

        Continuing action after Angelo leaves.

                You two are the ringleaders or what?

                        YANG WOLF
                Why don't you relax.   We'll be
                dockside soon enough.

                        MATRE'D (bluffing)
                The police will be waiting.

                        YANG WOLF
                Will they now?

                I already phoned them.  I found drugs on board
                myself a while ago, I think it must belong to
                one of my staff, and I phoned the
                police right away.

                        YANG WOLF
                That wasn't a very smart thing to do.

                But I did it.

                        YANG WOLF
                Move over there.  Face the window.

        He's directing him toward the hallway area, as he moves
        toward the container of ashes into which he earlier saw Jack
        hide the ashes.  With his focus remaining on the matre'd,
        Wolf reaches into the container and brings out what he thinks
        is the stash: but instead it's the plastic container of Dr.
        Brodey's ashes.  He quickly slips them into his coat pocket.
        Spying in the C area, Brad has seen this.  As Wolf approaches
        the matre'd now, Brad will sneak behind him.

        /en8/ TIME CODE: 61:00

                        YANG WOLF
                Okay, turn around.

        The matre'd does.

                        YANG WOLF
                What can be done can be undone, right?  You're
                going to go to the phone and tell the police
                it's a hoax, it's something to do with the
                wedding here, a party game and you thought it
                involved real drugs -- anything, just so we
                got no cops on the dock.  You understand me?

                And if I refuse?

                        YANG WOLF
                Then your life ain't worth shit.

                I don't believe you'd kill me.

                        YANG WOLF
                Try me.

                I think I shall.

        Brad has come up behind Wolf and points his finger in his

                Drop it -- now!

        He reaches around and grabs the pistol from Wolf.

                Good work, Brad!

                        YANG WOLF
                You sonofa--

                Easy now.

                I'll phone the police.

        But Brad has the gun on the matre'd as well.

                Stay where you are, sir.

                Are you serious?

                Like the man said: try me.

                        YANG WOLF
                Hey, good sense, man--

                Stay put, both of you!  Give me the drugs,
                man.  I saw you put them in your pocket.

        Wolf hands over the plastic bag containing Dr. Brodey's
        ashes, which Brad quickly slips into his own coat pocket.

                Are you out of your mind?

                Not really.  Just looking out for
                number one.  You won't give me a break, so
                what choice do I have?

                You're just digging a deeper hole for

                We'll see.  You, to the phone.

         He's directing Wolf to the phone.

                Pull the sucker out.

        Wolf does so.

                No more phone calls.

                It's still not too late, Brad--

                Hey, it was too late when you didn't even give
                me a chance to explain myself, okay?  I never
                wanted into this in the first place.  But if
                I'm going to be in, I might as well get
                something out of it, right?

                        YANG WOLF
                You can get more where that came from, man.

                No deals.

                        YANG WOLF
                You haven't even heard what I'm offering.

                I don't have to.

                        YANG WOLF
                That's nothing, that stash you got, compared
                to what's possible, man.

                The church is into drugs, is that it?

                        YANG WOLF
                You wouldn't believe what I'm into, man.

                What we're going to do is relax, we're not far
                from the end of this thing.  We're all acting
                like nothing happened.

                        YANG WOLF
                I got connections that'll--

                I don't need no talk!  Over there, both of
                you.  Face out the window, like before.

        He directs them to the windows side of the area.

         /h8/ /h12/ /h7/ TIME CODE: 62:30

