
         (B)  /en10/ /en6/  TIME CODE: 41:30

        Richard hurries after CYNDI, into area B.  Trudy spies from

                        YANG RICHARD
                What the hell's going on?

                She's up to something.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Who?  What are you talking about?

                Your lovely bride.  Before you so flamboyantly
                decided to play fertility games, I was
                overhearing her with someone, and what I heard
                I didn't like.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Go on.

                I didn't understand most of it -- she seemed
                very upset.  But I understood this much: she
                didn't join us because she loves you or wants
                to bestow her riches to the church or anything
                of the sort. She's trying to get even with
                someone -- something like that. Someone in the
                church -- I didn't get it all.

                        YANG RICHARD
                You heard her say this?

                Surprised?  I never did trust her.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Come on, she'd marry someone just to get into
                the church?

                You married her just to get her money.
                Christ, I never should have agreed.

                        YANG RICHARD
                She seemed fine a moment ago, she was going
                through with the ritual, no problem.

                I only know what I heard.  What do we do now?

                        YANG RICHARD
                Who's she trying to find?

                I missed the name.  She was very upset.  There
                was something about her mother not being here
                for the wedding, too.  And something her
                mother is up to.  Do you know her mother?

                        YANG RICHARD
                No.  I expected her to be here.  She's
                probably angry at her daughter for betraying
                the family church or something.  You're sure
                you didn't get this out of context?  She never
                struck me as the devious type.

                Your own deviousness blinds you, dear.  Now
                use your devious mind to get us out of this.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Well, there still may not be a problem.  We
                just have to be quick about the money matters.
                I'll take care of it tomorrow.

                And file for divorce tomorrow.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I have to get the money in our account first.


                        YANG RICHARD
                I'll do my best.

                Tomorrow, Richard.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I can't be so quick she's suspicious.

                She's already suspicious, is the point -- she
                never joined sincerely, so why should she sign
                over any money?  Tomorrow or any other day?

                        YANG RICHARD
                I'll get it.

                Don't count on it, lover boy.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Are you sure you're not exaggerating something
                with a very simple explanation?  I never
                expected you to be so jealous, especially of
                such a twit, Jesus.

                She's not a twit.  She's a schemer, as much as
                you are, and if you've met your match, dear,
                don't get into this any farther than you
                already are.  We've got enough problems
                without being a part of whatever it is she's
                up to.

                        YANG RICHARD
                Well, I intend to find out what she's up to.

                You do that.

        Trudy, who is overhearing this, will now seek her escape
        before being found out and head to F.
         /ex3/  TIME CODE: 43:00

?"Follow Trudy" ?"Stay here"

:"Follow Trudy"

:"Stay here"

                        YANG RICHARD
                 And while I'm doing that, why don't you try to
                relax, for God's sake.

                That isn't funny.

                        YANG RICHARD
                You've been a bundle of nerves ever since we
                set out.

                Because I've smelled a rat from the beginning.

                        YANG RICHARD
                She might well be upset herself -- the
                realization of what she's doing, of marrying
                on such short order, may have hit her.  Hell,
                it could be anything.

                Don't speculate, please.  Go talk to her.
                She's upset about something, and if you don't
                see that immediately, well . . . I don't know,
                maybe she's good enough an actress, maybe
                she'll be different around you.  I just know
                what I saw, Richard.  Do you believe me or

                        YANG RICHARD
                Of course I believe you think you saw what you
                say -- I'm just saying you may have it wrong,
                in the wrong context, it may be something far
                more innocent.

                Find out, please!

                        YANG RICHARD
                Will you try to relax?

                I'll relax when we're sure what's happening.

                        YANG RICHARD
                I probably won't be long.

                Take as long as it takes, Richard.  Just find
                out the truth.

                        YANG RICHARD

         He heads off to find Trudy.  He'll wander into H
        and find her in F, spying on her.  Cynid goes to A.
          /ex6/ TIME CODE: 44:00   /h10/

?"Follow Richard" ?"Follow Cyndi"

:"Follow Richard"
Follow Richard

:"Follow Cyndi"
Follow Cyndi