
         (D) - TIME CODE: 02:00 /en14/

         After the prelude ends, EVELYN moves into the D area.
        She carries a portable cassette tape-recorder for her
        interviews. She starts getting ready now.

                Testing, one-two-three . . . testing
                one-two-three . . . testing, testing . . .

        She rewinds and turns on the machine.

                        (on the machine)
                "Testing, one-two-three . . . testing
                one-two-three . . . testing, testing" . . .

        She's ready to go; she keeps the machine on.

                Notes for the radio special on the Brodey
                wedding . . . the mood is expectant here and
                I presume we'll be starting soon now. It's a
                crowd I haven't figured out yet, whether
                they're here as genuine friends of the Brodeys
                or as social gossip-mongers. Of course, this
                is a by-invitation-only affair but when it
                comes to the marriage of her daughter, Mrs.
                Brodey has the social style to invite anyone,
                and I mean anyone, of prominence in this

                Still, one wonders what people
                really think about being here, given the
                shadow that still covers the beautiful Brodey
                mansion overlooking the city -- that will
                cover the family and its affairs until the
                issue of Dr. Brodey's death, and his wife's
                possible involvement in that tragedy, is
                finally settled.  Mrs. Brodey, of course, has
                been out of jail on bail for some months now,
                waiting for a ruling on her appeal.  The
                twin brother of the late doctor, Justin
                Brodey, took on the case, of course, and he's
                a criminal lawyer second to none.

                Interestingly enough, he's attending the
                wedding tonight.  I've yet to see Mrs. Brodey
                or the bride, Trudy Brodey, but the groom --
                if I recognize him by the photos that have
                appeared in the paper -- is wandering around
                in a state of absolute calm.

                Note to myself: this isn't going to be an
                easy program -- don't do your usual last
                minute job! Call David tonight, in fact, at
                home and beg, plead, flirt, do whatever it
                takes to get enough lead time to edit this
                thing together right.  There's a story here
                beyond the wedding, I can smell it, and it'd
                be grand to be able to hint at it and scoop
                the smartasses at city desk.

                The McMenamin brothers have made Edgefield something
                of an instituion for very special weddings.
                And it's going to be a night to remember, it
                looks like, people milling about, chatting,
                enjoying themselves.  But I get a definite
                sense that people are wondering "what's
                going to happen next."  There's an aire
                of expectancy in the air.

        She turns off the machine, rewinds just a little bit and
        plays it back to make sure it's working.

                        (on machine)
                 "--definite sense that people are wondering
                what's going to happen next.'  There's an aire of
                expectancy in the air."

                Christ, don't use an aire in the air!, or the
                city desk slobs will really ridicule you.

        She shuts off the machine.  She sees Susanne Wheeler in the
        area.  TIME CODE : 03:30. /en9/

?"Continue" ?"Bookmark" ?"Exit"
