         (D)   /h14/  TIME CODE: 05:30

         EVELYN is alone, turns on her tape recorder.

                Testing, testing, one two three . . .

        She rewinds and checks that it's working again.

                        EVELYN (V.O.)
                "Testing, testing, one two three . . ."

        Recording on tape now.

                Okay, where were we?  There appears to be
                a contagion of support -- strike that, no
                one's going to understand "contagion" --
                many people are here, apparently, to
                demonstrate their support for Helen
                Brodey.  Mrs. Brodey is not here, or
                at least is not making her presence known
                to anyone, which suggests the grand
                entrance for which Portland's most famous
                socialite -- strike that, we'll be
                flooded with jealous socialites claiming
                the title for themselves -- for which
                 Portland's what?

        She's trying to think of something when YANG RICHARD
        approaches.  /en6/  TIME CODE: 06:00

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