        E /  Time: 1930x

        Maxine enters.  /en11/ TIME CODE: 19:30

                        YIN MAXINE
                Hello, Jack.


                        YIN MAXINE
                Long time, no see.

                You got that right.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Surprised to see me?

                Should've guessed it -- where goes
                Trudy, can Maxine be far behind?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Wrong guess, actually.  I joined the
                church before Trudy did.

                You lured her into it, then?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Wrong again.  I was in the Bay Area
                region.  Trudy joined in Los Angeles.
                Yang Richard wooed her, not I.

                Don't tell me you two haven't renewed
                old acquaintances?

                        YIN MAXINE
                We've both changed a good deal, as a
                matter of fact.

                I don't think you're the type that
                changes very much, Maxine.

                        YIN MAXINE
                You'd be surprised.  What if I told
                you I'm going to become a mother?

                A mother!  Fat chance.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Well, it's not mine.  I mean, not mine
                to keep.

                What's that supposed to mean?

                        YIN MAXINE
                I'm a surrogate mother.  I'm three
                months pregnant this very moment.

                A surrogate mother?  You?

                        YIN MAXINE
                For the church.  It's one of our most
                successful programs.

                The church specializes in surrogate
                mothers, right.  Now I've heard everything.

                        YIN MAXINE
                We believe spiritual inheritance is as
                important as genetic inheritance.  We
                get the top rate in the market, as a matter
                of fact.  We have a larger demand for
                surrogate mothers than we can provide.

                You're putting me on, right?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Lots can change in a year, Jack.

                Tell mother that.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I'd like you to understand why I did what
                I did.

                I can guess.  What I'd like you to know is
                you're not going to get away with it.

                        YIN MAXINE
                After your father died, I expected to retain
                the same place in the household as I had
                before.  That was the agreement I thought I
                had with your mother.

                Obviously she didn't think so.

                        YIN MAXINE
                When she kicked me out of the mansion, I had
                no choice but to go to the police, Jack.  It
                was a terrible burden of guilt I was carrying.

                You don't know the meaning of guilt.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Yes, I do.  I poisoned the cheesecake that
                killed your father under direct orders from
                Helen.  Yet she planned to cast me out,
                probably planned to blame the death on me.
                The autopsy identified the cause of death,
                after all -- where there's poison, there has
                to be a poisoner.  I did it but I was paid
                to do it, more or less.  So I had no choice
                but to go to the police and make a deal
                with them.

                I don't believe you.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I'm sure you don't.  But it's the truth.  I
                swear by Universal Balance.

                Universal bullshit!  And I'm going to make sure you
                don't get away with it.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I just wanted to let you know the truth.  It's
                all I can do.

                Trudy had nothing to do with with my father's

                        YIN MAXINE
                Heavens, no.  It was Helen's idea, from top
                to bottom.

                Why would mother want to kill him?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Surely you can answer that yourself, Jack.

                This way . . .

        The matre'd approaches.  Jack and Maxine move off to
        G.  /en7/ /ex2/ /ex11/  TIME CODE: 21:00

        "Follow them" ERROR CODE GO TO DISK2

?"Follow them"  ?"Stay at bar"

Open Part 2 and select character.