        E/ 3100

         Yang Wolf arrives and now joins Maxine at the bar.
        /en12/  TIME CODE: 31:00

                        YANG WOLF
                Champagne, please.  You're not drinking?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Not when I'm pregnant.

                        YANG WOLF
                Right, I forgot.

                        YIN MAXINE
                You don't contribute to the sperm bank?

                        YANG WOLF
                Haven't, no.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I think the Reproductive Center is the most
                important activity in the church.

                        YANG WOLF
                We keep busy in so many areas, actually.  Hard
                to keep track of all the stuff the church is
                up to.  I had hard enough time keeping the
                wedding ceremony straight.

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's your first wedding?

                        YANG WOLF

                        YIN MAXINE
                I thought you'd done one before.

                        YANG WOLF
                What difference does it make?

                        YIN MAXINE
                You don't have to get nasty about it.

                        YANG WOLF
                Sorry -- I got things on my mind.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I know you do.

                        YANG WOLF
                What I got on my mind is none of your
                business.  You keep that straight, and we'll
                get along fine.

                        YIN MAXINE
                You don't have to bark at me -- I'm on your

                        YANG WOLF
                I don't need you anything but quiet,

                        YIN MAXINE
                We made a deal -- don't you trust me?

                        YANG WOLF
                Not when you stick your nose into business
                that has nothing to do with you.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Jack has to do with me -- and with you, too, I

                        YANG WOLF
                I don't know what you're talking about.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Of course you do.  You're afraid Jack will
                nose in on your business.  Bad enough the
                press is snooping around, saying the church
                deals drugs. It's a very big affair in L.A.
                Cokescam, the papers are calling it.

                        YANG WOLF
                How come you know about L.A.?  I thought you
                were from the bay area chapter.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Our law offices are in San Francisco.  I work
                as temporary help sometimes, it's all they
                talk about in the office, whether or not
                there's a bad apple in the church or whether
                it's just the usual harrassment.

                        YANG WOLF
                And what's the consensus?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Oh, I'm not sure there is one.

                        YANG WOLF
                Well, just make sure you don't give anybody
                any ideas.

                        YIN MAXINE
                All it takes is one bad apple.  Trudy, for

                        YANG WOLF
                If you got something to say about Trudy, say it.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Some of the best families are into drugs.  I
                know, I used to work for one, right here in
                Portland. Drugs were everywhere.  Jack deals,
                I'm sure you know about that -- and maybe
                Trudy is one of his best customers.  Maybe
                they both belong in jail.

                        YANG WOLF
                How come you never brought this up before?

                        YIN MAXINE
                I didn't put two and two together til I saw
                Jack here at the wedding.

                        YANG WOLF
                You want to frame Trudy, is that it?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Both of them.  I loathe the entire Brodey
                family.  If there's a scapegoat from the cult,
                it would make your business much easier,
                wouldn't it?

                        YANG WOLF
                I don't like you talking about my "business."

                        YIN MAXINE
                I can help you, is what I mean.

                        YANG WOLF
                Maybe you can, maybe not.  I'll have to think
                about it.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Jack surely has cocaine on him tonight.

                        YANG WOLF
                What if he doesn't?

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's unthinkable he wouldn't.

                        YANG WOLF
                You seem to have been around more than I

                        YIN MAXINE
                Very streetwise, as a matter of fact.  You
                wouldn't think so, given my artistic talent.
                Most artists are snobs.  But I'm very
                streetwise.  I know more dirt than you can

                        YANG WOLF
                How'd you get into the church?

                        YIN MAXINE
                I joined to be a mother.

                        YANG WOLF
                Sure you did.

                                YIN MAXINE
                It's true.

                        YANG WOLF
                Maybe I believe you, maybe I don't.

                        YIN MAXINE
                You're a very suspicious person.

                        YANG WOLF
                Comes with the territory.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Talk to Jack yourself, why don't you?  He
                doesn't hide his true nature very well.  For
                someone like you, he'd be a pushover.  He'd
                probably tell you he has drugs if you asked.
                He's not very clever at all.

                        YANG WOLF
                Like he might sell me some?

                        YIN MAXINE
                I bet he would.  Why don't we find him?

                        YANG WOLF
                You figure on coming along?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Just to point him out to you.  Or have you met

                        YANG WOLF
                No, we ain't met.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Then shall we?

        They leave to find Jack.  /ex11/  /ex12/ TIME CODE: 33:30

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