
         (G)  Time: 2430

        Lylla comes into the area to join Maxine. moves off.

                Quite a wedding you people put on.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Thank you.

                I must congratulate you -- it's a
                very impressive and creative idea,
                a wedding with such, well, unusual trappings.
                Of course, the very name -- the
                Universal Church of Primitive
                Balance -- suggests going back to

                        YIN MAXINE
                You have an interest in the church?

                As a matter of fact, yes, I do.

                        YIN MAXINE
                You should talk to Cyndi.

                I plan to.  Have you been a member

                        YIN MAXINE
                About six months.

                That's about how long I've known about
                them.  Was it a difficult choice for you to

                        YIN MAXINE
                Actually, no.  They had something I wanted.

                I'm still more vague in what I'm searching
                for, I guess.  Just another lost soul.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I used to be lost myself.

                What is it the church gives you?  I know it's
                a hard question to answer.

                        YIN MAXINE
                It isn't at all: I have an opportunity to be
                a mother.

                I don't think I understand.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I was attracted to the church's surrogate
                mother program.

                I haven't heard of it.

                        YIN MAXINE
                It's one of the most successful programs in
                the church.  The great majority of church
                members are very successful, very upward
                mobile people -- lawyers, doctors, engineers,
                and so on, very bright and successful and
                spriritual people.  Both the surrogate
                mother program and the sperm bank take
                advantage of this elite quality -- it's
                more or less putting the best genetic
                material available on the market.  I was
                very flattered to be accepted, actually.

                You joined just to be a surrogate mother?

                        YIN MAXINE
                I was recruited, actually.  They sought me
                out. I still don't know how they knew about
                me, it's not as if I've had the opportunity to
                give concerts. I'm an artist, a concert
                pianist, but I've been very invisible, very
                isolated and dedicated to my art. I was
                shocked, frankly, that they'd even heard about
                me. Then they offered me the opportunity to
                join the church, to get paid for becoming a
                surrogate mother, with considerable time to
                devote to my studies -- I was in a rather
                precarious situation at the time, it was like
                a godsend, like a prayer come true.  I can't
                believe it happened to me.

                How fortunate for you.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Modestly, I must say I do deserve it.

                Do you have other children?

                        YIN MAXINE
                No.  If I didn't have this godsend, it'd be
                too late for me.

                But you're not keeping the child.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Oh no, of course not.  But at least I have the
                birthing experience.  And, of course, I've made
                a considerable genetic contribution to the species.

                Do they pay you for your services?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Well, yes, but I hope you don't think I'm
                doing it for the money.

                I didn't mean to imply that.

                        YIN MAXINE
                They're paying me very well, actually.  It has
                to do with the artistic genes, I think.  Like
                I said, I feel very flattered by the entire
                affair.  I've been doing my art in a vacuum
                for so long.

                You look familiar, actually.  You never gave
                concerts?  I could swear I've seen your
                picture in the paper.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Oh dear.  I have been in the paper.

                I remember: You lived in the Brodey mansion,
                didn't you?

                        YIN MAXINE
                That's a part of my life I want to forget.  I
                suppose you remember me from those terrible
                photographs during the trial. It was the most
                trying experience of my life, going through
                that. It's not easy finding out your employer
                is a murderer.

                And a victim.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Oh, Mrs. Brodey is the one who wrote my check.
                She ran the mansion.  The doctor was hardly
                ever home.  Too busy with his daliances, as it
                turned out.

                It was a controversial trial, as I recall.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Naturally Mrs. Brodey declared her innocence.
                In fact, she claimed that I murdered the
                doctor.  Like I said, it's a part of my life
                that seems like a nightmare.

                You must be much happier now.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Indeed I am!

                Having worked at the mansion, you must know
                the bride.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Of course.

                The wedding was so unusual -- are you
                something like a bridesmaid?

                        YIN MAXINE
                Yang Wolf and I were involved in the bridal

                So that's what it was.  I take it that's
                something of an honor -- especially since you
                know the bride so well.

                        YIN MAXINE
                Oh, we're not really very close.

                I thought you were.  I mean, living in the
                mansion together and now participating in the
                wedding . . .

                        YIN MAXINE
                Do you know the Brodey family?

                Only Jack, really.

                        YIN MAXINE
                You know Jack?  I wish I'd known that earlier.


                        YIN MAXINE
                Jack and I don't get along very well.  It's
                not my fault.  I think he blames me for his
                father's death.

                Why would he do that?

                        YIN MAXINE
                I'm sorry, I think I've talked too much about
                the past -- it brings such bad memories.  If
                you'll excuse me, I--

                I didn't mean to upset you.

                        YIN MAXINE
                I'm going to get back into the spirit of the

        She moves off, into area E.  /ex11/  TIME CODE: 27:30
         Lylla goes downstairs.  /ex5/ TIME CODE: 27:30

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