
        93.  (H)  - /en4/ TIME CODE: 54:00

        Justin enters H, sees Yang Richard in F, and spies.

        Waitperson enters, Justin shushes him, they spy together.
        /en8/ TIME CODE: 55:30

        As Yang Wolf starts into B with the others, following
        behind, Justin grabs him and moves him back into area H.
         /en12/ TIME CODE: 56:00

                        YANG WOLF
                Hey, what's going on?

                You tell me.

                        YANG WOLF
                If you don't mind, I was going down--

                Cokescam, how's that?  That intrigue you?
                That's right, I've been here all along,
                hearing you and Yang Richard -- very
                interesting stuff.  Who's he trying to

                        YANG WOLF
                If you heard, you heard he's trying to
                blackmail me.

                He's trying to use you to blackmail someone in
                the church.

                        YANG WOLF
                Well, I don't know nothing about that.

                I'm not interested in burning you.  I'm
                interested in Yin Trudy.  And Yin Maxine.

                        YANG WOLF
                You're talking to the wrong guy.

                Brad here knows that Maxine's involved in the
                drug scam herself -- at least in how it's
                developed here at the resort.  You care to
                comment on that?

                        YANG WOLF
                What's this got to do with you?

                Like I said, I'm mainly interested in Maxine
                and Trudy. If they're involved in any of this,
                and you can help me prove that . . .

                        YANG WOLF
                Even if I could, why would I tell you?

                Because a certain Angelo DiMarco would be very
                upset to learn what you're up to.  Which
                brings up an interesting point: what happened
                to his brother?  Murder, Yang Richard
                suggested.  Murder in order to take over
                cokescam.  Of course, Angelo would be
                surprised to learn that his own brother had
                become a competitor.  Been then, families are
                full of surprises, aren't they?  Like your own
                professional family, so to speak -- the
                Mafioso would be surprised to learn what
                you've been up to, I suspect.

                        YANG WOLF
                How do you know Angelo?

                I don't.  But I know his "father," if you know
                what I mean.

         A pause, as Wolf thinks this over.

                What about Maxine and Trudy?

                        YANG WOLF (lying)
                Yeah, both of them are involved.

                Can you help me prove that?

                        YANG WOLF
                They tried to blackmail me, too, man -- before
                Yang Richard did.  I think they want to set up
                their own drug scene, you know?

                Brad, that make sense to you?

                I just know Maxine wants to screw Jack and

                        YANG WOLF
                No, man, she and Trudy are tight.

                        JUSTIN (to Brad)
                What she told you could be a cover.

                        YANG WOLF
                Right.  They hold a grudge against Jack or

                Who does?

                        YANG WOLF
                Both.  Trudy and Maxine.

                How is Trudy involved with drugs?

                        YANG WOLF
                Like I said, she and Maxine tried to blackmail
                me, to take charge of the whole operation

                What did they have on you to blackmail you?

        Another hesitation: Wolf didn't mean to imply this.

                Murdering Angelo's brother, perhaps?

                        YANG WOLF
                They think so, yeah.  But I don't know who
                done it.  But they were going to go to Angelo.

                That worried you?

                        YANG WOLF
                Angelo's real uptight about his brother
                joining the church, fact he don't even believe
                it happened.  I didn't want to risk Angelo's
                temper.  If you seen it, you'd know what I

                Can you prove any of this?

                        YANG WOLF
                It happened to me, man.  What can I say?

                Any direct evidence connecting them with
                drugs?  Do they have access to drugs at the

                        YANG WOLF
                No, I didn't give in.

                Then they're not really involved because their
                blackmail didn't work.  Is that what you're

                        YANG WOLF
                Maybe they have something else going, I don't

                Let me get right to the point again: I want to
                get something on Maxine and Trudy -- can you
                help me?

                        YANG WOLF
                Why're you so interested in them?

                Can you help me?

                        YANG WOLF
                And if I don't?

                Can you help me?

        Wolf thinks this over.

                                YANG WOLF
                There is one thing.

                Go on.

                        YANG WOLF
                Just something I've noticed, I can't really
                prove nothing.  I think Trudy's not really
                marrying Yang Richard -- I mean, they married,
                we all saw it, but I think it's a sham, a
                coverup, for something else.  I think maybe
                Yang Richard is up to something and Trudy is
                going along.  Or maybe it's the other way
                around. They just don't act like two people
                marrying, if you know what I mean.

        Justin continues this line of questioning, though he already
        knows about this.

                You think she joined the church for ulterior
                purposes -- like yourself?

                        YANG WOLF
                Yeah, that's part of it.  Just a feeling I
                have, watching her, watching the two of them
                together.  It ain't a marriage, is all I'm
                saying.  So why do the ceremony?  Especially
                such a weird one, you know?  So I ask myself,
                what are they up to?

                And how do you answer yourself?

                        YANG WOLF
                I don't know yet.  Just a feeling I have.

                Does Trudy suspect you feel this way?

                        YANG WOLF
                No way.

                Do you think you could get her over here?

                        YANG WOLF
                Right now?


                        YANG WOLF
                She said the priestess was up to something
                weird.  Depends on what's going on with that.

                You're right -- perhaps we should all go over
                and find out.

                        YANG WOLF
                You want Maxine, too, or just Trudy?

                Just Trudy for the moment.

                        YANG WOLF
                I can't promise anything -- I don't know
                what's going on.

                Let's find out.

        Justin and Wolf head off; Waitperson waits.
        /ex4/ /ex12/ /h8/ TIME CODE: 59:00


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