What if my screen won't refresh?

If your "start screen" for Advice to an Artist on Choosing a Wife doesn't automatically refresh, and the poetry performance begin, after about ten or fifteen seconds, then your browser isn't accepting the new html codes that direct this to happen, which probably means you are running a version of your browser too dated to recognize the codes. You're out of luck unless you upgrade to a more recent browser.

A long alternative, not nearly as much fun as watching new screens "magically" appear before you every six seconds (once the performance begins), is to manually load all the screens in order. If you want to do this, you need to replace artbegin.htm in the URL with the following files in order: art1.htm, art2.htm, art3.htm ... art29.htm, art30.htm. These 30 files comprise the performance.

But it's a lot more fun if you download a recent browser!

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