By Charles Deemer





              FADE IN:


              EXT. OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY


              People fill tables at an outdoor cafe in the city on a

              beautiful spring afternoon.


              At a table sit JOE and TRICIA, a handsome couple in their

              20s. Tricia wears a designer jogging outfit; Joe is dressed

              casually in slacks and sportcoat.


              Tricia is visibly agitated, while Joe sits calmly, sipping an




                                    I can't believe you're doing this -

                                    especially now.  We were going to

                                    Washington next week.



                                    We can still do that.



                                    What's the point? A final fling

                                    before you leave?



                                    I told you six months ago I'd

                                    probably be moving.



                                    I thought you'd change your mind

                                    since everything's been so good.  Or

                                    so I thought.


              Several tables away, watching the couple closely, sit HELEN,

              60s, and AMY, 40s.



                                    I bet he's telling her that he told

                                    her six months ago he'd be leaving.

                                    That's what he told me.



                                    And to pay closer attention.


              At the other table:



                                    You have to pay closer attention to

                                    what I'm really saying, not what you

                                    want to hear.  I've never lied to

                                    you, Tricia.



                                    I just can't believe you can do this

                                    so goddamn easily!


              She gets up from the table, throwing down her napkin.


              Watching the scene:



                                    "I've never lied to you."  I bet

                                    that's the line that gets her.



                                    That line was the last straw for me,



              At the table, Joe gets to his feet while Tricia is moving

              off.  He MOUTHS the very words that Helen is expecting and

              repeating to Amy.


                                                          HELEN (O.S.)

                                    "I never lied to you!"


              Then he calls after her:





              He sits back down, looking more resigned to the inevitable

              than upset.


              At the other table, Amy leans forward to confide something,

              as Tricia stomps by the women's table in a huff.



                                    It was summer, in 1976, the

                                    Bicentennial.  I can remember it like

                                    it was yesterday.  I loved that man

                                    so much.  I was only 19.



                                    Spring of '55 for me, dear.  But we

                                    don't want to lose her, do we?


              Helen gets up, Amy quickly behind her, and they take off

              after Tricia.


              Also overlooking this scene from another table has been

              GEORGE, 30s, who now moves to sit down across the table from




                                    I bring you greetings from home.


              He makes an unusual gesture with his hands, like sign

              language, and a LIGHT GLOWS in the palm of his hand.


              Joe's eyes widen.



                                    You're . . . ?


              George nods, yes.



                                    Don't react.  Do you have a domicile

                                    where we can talk?



                                    Of course.  They call it an apartment



              George takes a small foreign language dictionary out of his

              coat pocket.



                                    Apartment?  I don't recall learning

                                    the word.



                                    It's only a few blocks from here.


              EXT. CITY - STREET - DAY


              Helen and Amy catch up with Tricia on the city street.




                                    Excuse me.






                                    We'd like to talk to you.



                                    We couldn't help but see the fight

                                    you had with your boyfriend.



                                    What are you, spying on me?



                                    For weeks now.



                                    You're not serious.



                                    "I've always told you my plans."



                                    "You have to listen to what I'm

                                    saying, not what you want to hear."



                                    "I've never lied to you."


              These last three lines have a visible affect on Tricia, who

              looks like she needs to sit down.



                                    Who the hell are you?



                        Your predecessors.



                        What's that supposed to mean?



                        He dumped us, too, dear.  Me in the

                                    70s, Helen in the 50s.




                        You look like you need to sit down.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              George is looking around Joe's apartment with great

              curiosity. The small one-bedroom is tastefully decorated

              without being ostentatious, in a somewhat bohemian style.


              George finds a basket of laundry with a bra on top.  He picks

              it up, as if he were lifting the specimen of a snake.



                        You live alone?


              Joe ignores the question.



                        Maybe we should do this somewhere




                        Do what?


              The question takes Joe by surprise.



                        Wait a minute.  I thought you were--



                        I am.



                        Then you're here for my report,

                                    aren't you?


              George looks at him like a General looking at an enlisted man.



                        I could have let you send your

                                    report, as always.



                        Then why are you here?



                        To see for myself.




                        See what?


              George flips Joe a superior smile.



                        So many obvious questions.  Is this

                                    the style of the natives you've

                        adapted?  Now you have me doing it.

                                    What do I call you anyway?






                        This body was named George.



                        If you're not here to get my report,

                                    then what are you here for?



                        Joe, I'm here to see for myself.

                                    You've had some extraordinary things

                        to say about the natives here.  I

                                    want to make sure your reports are



              INT. COCKTAIL LOUNGE - DAY


              Tricia sips her drink, takes a deep breath and prepares to




                        Let me see if I have this straight.

                                    You lived with Joe for several years

                        in the 1950s--






                        --and you did the same thing in the




                        I was very much in love with him.

                                    Just like you.



                        And like I was.



                        You sit there with a straight face

                                    and tell me this.  I don't get it.



                        Don't get what, dear?



                        Joe wasn't even born in the 1950s -

                                    and was just a child in the 70s.  Now

                        what's this really about?


              Amy turns to Helen, deferring to the older woman to continue.



                        You don't understand.  The man

                                    doesn't age.  We believe he's, well,

                                    not from here.



                        I already know that. He was a Navy

                                    brat.  Born in Norfolk and attended

                                    a dozen schools before he reached

                        high school.



                        We believe he's from another planet.


              Tricia isn't sure what to make of this.  Finally she has to




                        He has an incision scar inside his

                                    right thigh.



                        Another on his left buttock.


              Tricia's expression tells us they are right.



                        Do you have some specific planet in




                        We think he survived the flying

                                    saucer crash at Roswell.



                        The summer of 1947, dear.  Long

                                    before you were born.



                        He's a refugee from Roswell.


              Tricia is speechless.


              EXT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              George follows Joe out of the apartment.  A DOORMAN, 60s,

              greets him.



                        Good morning.


              Joe ignores him.  He is in a huff, moving quickly down the

              sidewalk, with George right on his heels.



                        I deserve medals, not censor.



                        Why are you angry?  You're acting

                                    like a native.



                        Who has done better research than me?



                        I believe the correct grammar is I.



                        Nobody here says I.  It's a giveaway.



                        They don't follow their own rules of




                        I've been sending you invaluable data

                                    about these people for fifty years.



                        I'm not criticizing you.  I just want

                                    to see for myself before the

                                    committee arrives.


              Joe finally stops walking.  He turns and confronts George.



                                    What committee?


              George ignores the question.



                                    How about the grand tour?  We could

                        start with this children's game

                                    played by millionaires.  Basket . . .?



                        Basketball.  What committee?



                        Basketball, yes.  A children's game,

                                    you wrote, in which they throw a ball

                                    through a hoop - and according to

                        your reports, for this they get

                                    rewarded far beyond the reward given

                        to teachers or nurses or parents. We

                                    sure got a laugh out of that!  And

                                    you wonder why I'm here?



                                    Yes, that's the way it is. I can

                        prove it to you.



                        I hope so!  I'm on your side here.

                                    I want the committee to see that

                                    everything you've reported is true.

                        My plan depends on it.



                        What plan?  What committee?


              INT. COCKTAIL LOUNGE - DAY


              Helen and Amy both hand photographs to Tricia.



                        We realize how hard this must be for

                                    you to understand.




                        I was just as disbelieving at first.


              Tricia looks at the FIRST PHOTOGRAPH:


              it shows Joe, physically looking exactly as he looks today,

              posed informally with Helen as a young woman, whose peddle

              pushers and hair style date the era as the fifties.


              In the SECOND PHOTOGRAPH, Amy is sitting on the lap of Joe,

              again who looks the same, at a party.  A backdrop banner

              reads "Happy Bicentennial 1976!!"


              Tricia tosses down the photographs.



                        You made these with a computer.


              EXT. COCKTAIL LOUNGE - DAY


              Tricia comes out of the bar, moving quickly down the street.


              Helen and Amy come out behind her.  They watch her go.



                        She doesn't believe us.



                        Would you have?



                        No.  What now?



                        We count on her curiosity.




              Tricia sits at a microfilm machine in the public library.


              She brings up a headline about the flying saucer crash in

              Roswell, New Mexico.  It's the July 8, 1947, edition of the



              The headline reads:  "Roswell Army Airfield Captures Flying

              Saucer On Ranch".




              Tricia is checking out a book about the Roswell incident.


                                                          CHECK OUT CLERK

                        I read this.  You'll love it.  Did

                                    you see the alien autopsy on




                                    The alien autopsy?


                                  CHECK OUT CLERK

                                    The government filmed it.  They've

                        been covering it up for years.


              INT. GYM - POOL - DAY


              Tricia stands on a diving board, ready to dive into a pool.


              Poolside is her coach, BI JINGJING, a middle-aged Chinese



                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Reverse somersault tuck.


              Tricia takes a deep breath and dives: she over-extends her

              rotation, a very poor dive.


              She swims to the edge of the pool and climbs out.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Where is your mind today?



                        Joe's moving to Seattle.  We're

                                    splitting up.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        I'm sorry.



                        Me, too.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Do you want to call it quits for the

                                    day?  I'm not focusing too well

                                    myself.  I think I'm nervous about

                        meeting the President.




                        No!  I want to dive.


              She goes to the board for another dive.  She takes a deep

              breath, trying to get her concentration back.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Again: reverse somersault tuck.


              Tricia dives - better but by no means up to her usual

              standard.  Bi's face tells us this.


              INT. SUSAN'S APT - NIGHT


              Tricia's girlfriend, SUSAN, 20s, opens the door to find

              Tricia standing there.  The look on Tricia's face tells Susan




                        Oh my God.  It finally happened.


              Tricia breaks into tears.


              INT. SUSAN'S APT - WET BAR - NIGHT


              Tricia and Susan sit at a wet bar, drinking coffee.



                        I think I have an explanation.

                                    Mental hospital refugees.



                        That's too easy.



                        Every time you pick up the paper,

                                    some mental ward is closing.  They

                                    just dump these people on the streets.



                        They went to all the trouble to make

                                    the photographs.  And where did they

                                    get a picture of Joe to work with?

                        How did they know about the scars?



                        You've convinced me.  He's a Martian.

                                    That's why he always looks so damn

                                    good.  He doesn't age, they're right

                        about that. He hasn't aged a day in

                                    the three years I've known him.



                                    They're crazy, or he's an alien.

                        Great choice we have here.



                        I guess you're just going to have to

                                    ask him.



                        Maybe he put them up to it.  Some

                                    weird idea to make it easier on me.

                                    He's moving to Seattle.



                                    Oh, Trish . . .



                                    Just what I need right now.



                                    How could he, with the trials coming

                        up?  Wasn't he going to Washington

                                    with you?



                        We were going to see Bi get her

                                    award, and then he'd stay for the

                                    trials.  But the thing is, I had my

                        own surprise - I was going to tell

                                    him this was my last meet, I was

                                    retiring from competition so I could

                        . . .


              She is fighting to hold back the tears.



                        I'm pregnant.


              Susan moves to put her arms around Tricia, and Tricia finally

              lets the tears come.


              EXT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Tricia's car pulls into the lot and parks.  She gets out and

              heads for the apartment building.



                        And how are you this lovely day?



                        I've been better, Mr. Wells.



                        At least you have your youth!


              Tricia hurries inside, ignoring the remark.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              The door opens and Tricia steps inside.



                        Joe?  It's me!


              She finds a blanket on the divan, evidence that someone slept

              there last night.  She looks surprised.


              She goes to the bedroom and peeks inside.  The room is empty,

              the bed unmade.


              She goes to the closet and starts taking out her clothes.


              INT. OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY


              Joe and George are at the outdoor cafe, having coffee.


              George makes a face after a sip.



                        How long did it take you to get used

                                    to this?



                        I liked it immediately.


              George makes a face.



                        You do have an affinity. So what's in

                                    store for today?



                        Nothing until you tell me what's

                                    going on.



                        I want to see these millionaires who

                                    play children's games.



                        I want to know about the committee.



                        The committee has to make the final

                                    approval of the plan.  If what you've

                                    sent us is true, there's no question

                        that they will.



                        Approval for what?



                        Making this a destination planet.  If

                                    the natives are as primitive as you

                                    report, it's perfect.



                                    I'm not sure I understand.


              George is thumbing through his dictionary.



                                    I saw the word for it this morning.

                        Turning this planet into . . . here

                                    it is: a zoo, a planetary zoo.

                                    Where civilized people can come to

                        visit and marvel at the exotic habits

                                    of the primitive natives.



                        You want to turn Earth into a zoo?



                        They have zoos for monkeys - and

                                    we'll have zoos for them!  Every

                                    species in its rightful place.


              George grins.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Tricia brings two suitcases into the living room from the

              bedroom, setting them onto the floor.


              She goes to a small desk and prepares to write Joe a note.

              As she's thinking how to begin, the door opens, and Joe and

              George step in.


              Tricia gets quickly to her feet.



                        I was just writing you a note.  I'll

                                    be staying with Susan for a while.

                                    I don't want to get in the way while

                        you're packing.


              When Joe doesn't reply, she thrusts her hand forward at




                        I don't think we've met.  I'm Tricia.



                        I'm sorry, this is-- . . .






                        George!  Meet Tricia; Tricia, George.


              There's an awkward silence.



                        Can we speak in the hallway a minute?


              She picks up the suitcases.



                        Let me help you with that.



                        I can manage.


              She takes the bags into the hallway.  Joe gives a shrug to

              George and follows her.


              INT. JOE'S APT - HALLWAY - DAY


              Tricia sets down the heavy suitcases again.



                        I want to ask you something.






                        Joe, are you-- . . .



                        Am I what?


              Tricia frowns, the question suddenly too absurd for her to




                        Are you comfortable with me going to




                        Seems like the logical place to go.

                                    She's your best friend.



                        The logical place to go.  Great.


              She picks up the suitcases and storms off.  Joe calls after






              George steps into the hallway.



                        To an outsider, the natives have a

                                    very primitive emotional life.



                        Tell me about it.


              INT. SUSAN'S APT - NIGHT


              Tricia is stretched out on the divan, reading the Roswell

              book, when Susan enters.



                        Sorry I'm late.  Did you manage

                                    dinner for yourself?




                        No problem.


              Susan stands over Tricia, waiting for her to go on.



                        Well?  Did Joe call?


              Tricia shakes her head and continues to read.



                        Are you going to tell him?


              Tricia ignores the question.



                        How's the book?






                        So is he an alien?


              Tricia gives her a dirty look.



                        If he is, Trish, what about the baby?



                        What about it?



                        It might not be . . . ?






                        Well, yes.  Have you thought about



              Tricia slams her book down and gets up.



                        Of course I've thought about it!

                                    I've thought about nothing else.


              Tricia is shaking, and Susan steps forward to embrace her.

              Tricia melts in her arms, crying.




              Tricia, dressed casually, comes into her office at a health

              club, moving past the SECRETARY, a woman in her 40s.



                        Your mother's waiting for you.


              This stops Tricia.



                        My mother's dead.



                        Oh dear . . .


              The secretary stands up from her desk.



                        I'll take care of it.


              Tricia walks into her office to find Helen seated across the




                        If you don't leave voluntarily, I'm

                                    calling security.


              She's stopped by an old newspaper on her desk.  The headline

              reads: "Flying Saucer Crashes On Roswell Ranch".



                        Turn to page five.


              Tricia starts to say something but doesn't.  She turns to

              page five - and immediately she gasps.


              She's looking down at a PHOTO OF JOE in the 1947 Roswell

              newspaper, looking exactly as he looks today.  A headline

              describes the young man's death in an automobile accident.



                        The young man died in a car crash in

                                    Roswell the same day as the flying

                                    saucer crash.




                                    And you're claiming that . . . ?



                                    Joe survived the crash and took over

                        the young man's body, and he hasn't

                                    aged a day since then.


              Tricia thinks a moment, then buzzes her secretary on the




                        Cancel my appointments.  I'll be tied

                                    up the rest of the day.


              INT. HOTEL - ROOM - DAY


              Tricia sits at a table in a hotel suite, going through a

              scrapbook showing scenes of Joe with Helen or Amy through the



              There's a knock on the door.  Amy goes to answer it.



                        There's someone we want you to meet.


              Amy brings BRAD MCCALL, 30s, into the room.  Mccall is an

              investigative reporter.



                        You must be the latest.  Brad Mccall.


              He offers his hand.  Tricia just stares at him.



                        She still has doubts.



                        Who can blame her?  Miss . . .?



                        Who are you?



                        I write for Time Magazine, and I was

                                    a skeptic for months.  But not any





                                    What do you people want from me?



                                    Your help in stopping him from going

                        on with this.



                        Going on with what?



                        Whatever it is he's up to, dear.



                        I'd like your cooperation.  This is

                                    the story of the century.  Of any




                        I think I should talk to Joe first.



                        He moved this morning.



                        He wouldn't leave without saying




                        He has to move every four or five

                                    years or people will notice he never




                        He can't have moved already.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Tricia is walking through Joe's apartment as Helen, Amy and

              Brad watch.  Only Tricia's things that she left behind

              remain, Joe having packed and gone.


              Finally Tricia accepts that Joe has, in fact, moved out.



                        What can I do to help?


              INT. GYM - POOL - DAY


              Tricia springs off the board, doing a front dive with a half

              twist pike.  Not bad.


              She gets out of the pool, where her coach is waiting for her.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Much better today.



                        I have to go to Seattle for a few



                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Really?  Do you think you can afford

                                    a break in training?



                        I don't have a choice.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        The trials are only-- . . .



                        I know when they are!  I'm sorry.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        You're seeing Joe in Seattle?





                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Bad timing.



                        I know.  I'll try to dive every day

                                    while I'm there.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        You still plan to come early to




                        I wouldn't miss it for the world.

                                    I'll be there - with or without Joe.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - NIGHT


              Joe and George are sharing a suite at the Hilton in Seattle.


              Joe is combing his hair at the mirror.  George sits at a

              table, reading over something.  He reads aloud:



                        Here it is:  "Earthlings who play

                                    sports professionally earn millions

                        of dollars, much more than teachers,

                                    nurses, social workers, police,

                                    fireman, parents, or many others who

                        contribute essential work to the

                                    society.  Here Leisure and Escape are

                                    more important than Education and

                        Social Welfare."  The committee got

                                    a good laugh from that.  Then I

                                    thought, if this is actually true,

                        what a fantastic opportunity for a

                                    vacation retreat!  Primitive life

                                    forms are so fascinating.



                        I don't like the idea of turning this

                                    planet into a zoo.  These people are

                                    more complex than you think.



                        That's why you're the scientist, and

                                    I'm the businessman, isn't it?




              A professional basketball game is in progress, the Seattle

              Sonics at home.


              INT. ARENA - STANDS - NIGHT


              Joe and George sit in the stands, watching the game.  Joe has

              become something of a fan, but George is totally bewildered.


              George looks around the stands in amazement, never having

              seen anything like this before.


              Joe notices his disbelief.



                                    You'll get used to it.



                        Who ARE these people?  This is



              INT. RESTAURANT - NIGHT


              Joe and George are having pie and coffee after the game.

              George inspects every bite, as if he were eating sweetened




                        These basketball players and teachers

                                    you interviewed - can I talk to them?



                        Of course.  They'll tell you the same

                                    thing they told me.



                        And they talk to you openly?



                        Once they trust me.  I tell them I'm

                                    writing a book.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Susan is watching Tricia pack.



                        Even if it's true, following him to

                                    Seattle is dangerous.  He could zap

                                    you into a pile of ashes.



                        This isn't Star Trek.



                        Then what is it?



                        I don't know.  But something is - I

                                    don't even know the word for it.

                                    Very strange.



                        This stuff scares the bejesus out of

                                    me, Trish.  Why can't you just drop





                                    Because I love him.  And I don't

                        believe he would hurt me.  No matter

                                    where he's from.


              INT. SCHOOL - DAY


              Joe and George wait outside a classroom.  The bell rings, and

              students pour out.  Many are dressed in the wild attire of

              the times, which George looks at with wide-eyed amazement.


              TOM BRADLEY, 30s, a teacher, steps out into the hallway.



                        I only have twenty minutes.




              Joe and George sit with Tom at a corner table in the faculty




                        George, as I told Joe earlier, the

                                    way I figure it, in this society,

                        where we are free to choose, we get

                                    exactly the kind of culture we

                                    deserve.  If the American people

                        think that watching a bunch of seven-

                                    foot freaks, with mediocre educations

                        at best, is more important than

                                    giving the men and women who educate

                        their children a living wage - well,

                                    what can I say?  You get the society

                                    you deserve.  So here we are.  It's

                        the pits, isn't it?


              George just looks at him.



                        That's just my opinion, of course.


              EXT. OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY


              Joe and George are having espresso.  George still isn't sure

              whether he likes it or not.



                        This is extraordinary. Evolution has

                                    proven that the care and education of

                                    the children are the foundation of

                        species stability - and look what

                                    they do.  If we left them to their

                                    own devices, they'd be extinct within

                        a century.


              Joe doesn't look pleased as his line of thought.



                        We'll be doing them a favor.


              INT. AIRPORT - SEATTLE - DAY


              Tricia walks through the airport.


              EXT. AIRPORT - SEATTLE - DAY


              She comes out and hails a cab.




              Tricia is on the phone with Susan.


              Intercut phone conversation:



                        He's staying at the Hilton.



                        Now there's a needle in a haystack.



                        He's been doing research for his book

                                    in Seattle and always stays at the

                                    Hilton.  He's a creature of habit.



                                    Please don't use the word "creature."

                        And be careful!




              A police car moves down a city street.


              INT. POLICE CAR - NIGHT


              Sitting in back are Joe and George.  Two POLICEMEN sit up



                                                          POLICEMAN DRIVING

                        So how's the book coming?



                        Oh, it's coming right along.  I was

                                    telling my assistant here what you

                                    told me earlier about how many guns

                        are on the street.


              The policeman in the passenger seat turns back to them.


                                                          OTHER POLICEMAN

                        There are more goddamn guns than

                                    people out there.



                        More guns than people?  Surely that's

                                    an exaggeration.


                                                          OTHER POLICEMAN

                        Believe it.


              Suddenly a CALL comes over the radio.  The driver swerves to

              the curb.


                                                          POLICEMAN DRIVING

                        I don't think you want to be a part

                                    of this.


              Joe and George get out.




              They watch the police car speed away.



                        More guns than people?



                        And their policemen don't get paid

                                    any more than their teachers do.



                        Extraordinary.  The committee will

                                    love this.


              EXT. HILTON - NIGHT



              A cab pulls in front of the Hilton, and Joe and George get




                        I have some business to take care of.

                                    What you've shown me is perfect.  I'm

                                    recommending you for an accommodation.



                        You have your key?



                        Yes.  But I don't need a key, and

                                    neither do you.


              George starts wandering off down the street.



                        You do if you want to keep your

                                    cover.  Goodnight.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - NIGHT


              Joe opens the door and comes in. He turns on the light.


              Tricia is sitting in a chair, waiting for him.



                        How did you find me?



                        It wasn't very hard.


              Tricia gets up, fetches a newspaper that is sitting on the

              table, and approaches Joe.



                        The bellboy let me in.  I said I was

                                    your wife.


              She hands him the paper.


              The paper is turned to the 1947 PHOTO OF "JOE" after the

              automobile accident.  Joe looks at it without reacting.



                        Where did you get this?




                        You'd be surprised.


              Tricia's voice breaks.  This isn't easy for her.



                        This guy looks a lot like me.



                        He looks exactly like you, Joe.  Why

                                    didn't you tell me about Helen and



              Joe clears his throat.



                                    Who are Helen and Amy?



                                    Goddamn it, I love you so much . . .


              Tricia is very close to losing it now.  She moves away,

              trying to gain control over her emotions.


              Joe looks helpless and trapped.


              Tricia gets ahold of herself and turns to face him.



                                    Please tell me the truth.


              Joe considers this.



                                    You'd better sit down.




              Helen, Amy and Brad are waiting in a hotel room when the door

              opens and Tricia enters.



                        He'll agree to an interview.


              Brad gets to his feet.






                        There are conditions.



                        I thought so.



                        He needs a couple weeks to finish up

                                    his research.


              Brad looks at Helen and Amy to get their reaction to this.



                        I wouldn't trust him.



                        Me neither.



                        I do.



                        Lord knows how much more evil he can

                                    do in two weeks.



                        We don't know he's doing anything

                                    "evil" here.



                        Where do you think AIDS comes from,




                        You think it's an alien virus?



                        Do you have a better explanation?



                        A few weeks more is out of the

                                    question.  I say we tell the world

                                    what we know.



                                    And go to the police.



                                    I promised him no police.



                                    That wasn't wise, dear.



                                    What else did you promise him?



                        After the interview, he can go back

                                    to where he came from.



                        You sound like you're on his side.



                        I didn't know there were sides here.



                        Tricia, he's an impostor.  He's an

                                    alien.  He's been studying us like

                                    bugs, infecting us with strange

                        diseases to see how we respond, Lord

                                    knows what else.



                        He has to be stopped, not pampered.



                        Ladies, I think we're getting ahead

                                    of ourselves.  Tricia, is there any

                                    way I could have a brief interview

                        right away?  Just to set the ground




                        I could ask.  But not tonight.



                        Of course.



                        I'll talk to him in the morning.  If

                                    you'll excuse me, I'm exhausted.


              She turns and leaves.



                        She's still in love with him, poor





              Tricia comes into her room.  She plops down on the bed.


              She stares up at the ceiling until the tears come.


              INT. HILTON - DINING ROOM - DAY


              Joe and George are having breakfast.  They are having Eggs

              Benedict, and George inspects each bite carefully before

              putting it into his mouth.



                        Like it?



                        I'm not sure.


              They eat some more.



                        I think we have a problem.



                        Pardon me?



                        Tricia knows.



                        Tricia knows what?



                        Who I am.


              George looks at him with interest and concern.



                        Not the details, of course.  It's

                                    actually pretty complicated, the way

                                    she explained it, but she knows I'm

                        not from here.



                        How could she possibly know?



                        She's not the only one.  Helen, the

                                    woman I lived with over 40 years

                                    ago - and Amy, that I lived with 20

                        years ago.  And unfortunately there's

                                    a magazine reporter involved, too.


              George gets up from the table.



                        Don't tell me this here!


              He hurries off, as Joe scrambles to follow him.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - DAY


              George is very upset at what Joe has told him.



                        You've jeopardized the entire

                                    development plan!



                        If that's true, then I'm glad.  I

                                    don't approve of it.



                        Which is insubordination - and cause

                                    enough to relieve you of your duties




                                    Being discovered was bound to happen

                        sooner or later.



                        I'm taking over your assignment.

                                    You'll be returning to Alpha as soon

                                    as I can arrange it.


              Joe's jaw drops.  This is the last thing he expected to hear

              and the last thing he wants to happen.



                                    That's not fair.



                                    Tonight, if possible.



                                    Who made this decision to turn Earth

                        into a zoo?  There was no talk of

                                    that when I left.



                        You left a long time ago.  I was

                                    hoping you'd cooperate in the

                                    transition, but since you won't, you

                        leave me no choice.



                        You need me. I know more about

                                    Earthlings than anyone.


              George thinks a moment.



                        This reporter - who is he?



                        Brad Mccall. He writes for Time.



                        Time as in eternity?



                        It's the name of a magazine.



                        And he's also in town?



                        They're all staying at the Roosevelt



              George turns and starts to leave.



                        There must be a compromise we can

                                    work out.  Let me talk to the



              George exits without responding.  Joe takes a deep breath.


              EXT. HILTON - DAY


              A cab pulls up in front of the Hilton.  Tricia gets out.


              As she does, George comes out of the hotel and turns up the

              street.  Tricia sees him - but he doesn't notice her.


              Tricia enters the hotel.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - DAY


              Joe opens the door to find Tricia.  He lets her in.



                        I was just going to go looking for







                        Something's come up.  I may have to

                                    leave sooner than I thought.


              Tricia looks at him, waiting for more.



                        I'm being called home.



                        When?  And why?



                        Maybe tonight.  It's complicated.


              The news slaps Tricia in the face, and her expression is

              flushed with shock.  Suddenly, spontaneously, she is in his

              arms, holding him, kissing him . . .



                        Joe . . .


              . . . and slowly Joe begins to respond, kissing her back,

              until their growing passion moves them toward the bedroom.




              Helen, Amy and Brad sit around a table playing cards when

              there is a knock on the door.


              Brad is the first to get up.



                        I'll get it.


              He opens the door to find George.



                        Brad McCall?






                                    There's a message for you at the desk



              He turns to call to the women inside.



                        I'll be right back.




              Brad follows George down the hallway toward the elevator.



                        You know what it's about?



                        I just work here, sir.


              They get to the elevator, and George presses the button.

              There's an awkward silence as they wait.


              Then the door opens, and they step inside.




              They are alone in the elevator.


              Suddenly George grabs Brad by the head, his hands pressing

              the writer's forehead as if he were squeezing a melon.

              George's grip is incredibly strong, putting Brad in great



              Then a GLOWING LIGHT surrounds Brad's head.


              George has his eyes closed, in great concentration.


              Both suddenly TWITCH, dramatically, as if they have been

              shocked by an electric current.


              When George speaks now, it is from Brad's body and in the

              VOICE of Brad. George has managed to exchange the host bodies

              for their individual energy systems.


              In other words, George now looks like and talks like Brad,

              and Brad looks like and talks like George.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        Sorry about that.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        What the hell is this?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        And sorry about this, too.


              He sprays Brad with a small canister, and Brad passes out.


              George punches an elevator button.  The elevator stops, and

              the door opens.


              George drags the body of Brad out into the hallway, leaving

              it there and getting back into the elevator.


              He punches a button again.




              The elevator opens as George (as Brad) gets out.  He hurries

              to the door of the women's room.  He tries it - but it's



              He knocks.


              Helen answers the door.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        I've just been put on a major story.

                                    I'm leaving town.



                        But what about your interview?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        Sorry, no time.  I have a plane to

                                    catch.  Anyway, I think this is all

                                    a hoax.





                                  GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                                    I think you should both go back home.

                        This entire affair is a hoax.


              He hurries off, leaving Helen staring at him, dumbfounded.


              She goes back into the room.




              Amy notices her confused expression.



                        What was that about?



                        Brad's leaving.  He thinks this is a



              Amy is as surprised by the news as Helen.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - BEDROOM - DAY


              Joe and Tricia are cuddling after lovemaking when they hear

              the door open outside.



                        It must be George.


              He slips out of bed.



                        He's also . . .?


              Joe nods and goes into the main area.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - DAY


              Joe enters, seeing a complete stranger (George looking like

              Brad) in the room.



                        I beg your pardon.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        You'll be leaving at midnight.




                        Who are you?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        It is I, George.  I mean me, George.



                        Why did you take a new body?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        It's a long story.


              Tricia comes into the room, wearing one of Joe's bathrobes.


              George is beside himself, seeing her.





                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        Get her out of here!



                        What are you doing here.



                        This is George.  He took a new body.



                        But it's Brad's body.



                        George, what's going on here?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        Too many people are snooping around.

                                    You haven't been very careful, have




                                    We can trust Tricia.



                                    We can trust nobody!


              He turns and heads for the door.



                        I have something to say here!


              At the door, George turns and stares at Joe.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        I'm sending you home.  I'll phone

                                    with details.


              And he's gone.


              Tricia goes to Joe, and they embrace.



                        Joe, I don't like this.  What

                                    happened to Brad?



                        He's fine.  He just looks like George

                                    looked before.



                        I don't understand.



                        I can't explain it right now.



                        Joe, I-- . . .



                        I said, I can't explain it!  I'm

                                    sorry.  Trish, I don't want to leave

                                    like this.  I need to contact my




                        Can I help?



                        I need to be alone for a while.


              This visibly hurts Tricia.  Joe turns away, avoiding her.


              EXT. HILTON - DAY


              Tricia comes out of the hotel and hails a cab.


              As she gets into it, George (as Brad) appears from out of a

              doorway and gets into the cab behind Tricia's.


              EXT. SEATTLE STREETS - DAY


              George's cab follows Tricia's cab through the streets of the



              EXT. ROOSEVELT HOTEL - DAY


              The first cab stops, and Tricia gets out, going into the



              A moment later, the second cab stops, and George (as Brad)

              goes into the hotel.




              An elevator door opens, and Tricia comes out.  She moves down

              the hallway.


              The second elevator door opens.  George (as Brad) gets out

              and follows her.


              Tricia comes to a door and knocks on it.  Helen opens the

              door, and Tricia enters the room.


              George carefully approaches the door.  He glances around,

              measuring his next move, when he spots a bellboy coming down

              the hallway.


              George walks to the bellboy.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        There seems to be a problem on the




                        What kind of problem, sir?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BRAD)

                        I'll show you.


              George leads the way to the door leading to the stairs.


              INT. ROOSEVELT HOTEL - DAY



                        It all happened so suddenly.



                        Brad said this was all a hoax, he had

                                    another story to do - and that's that.



                        It's not a hoax.  And it wasn't Brad.

                                    That's George in Brad's body.


              Helen and Amy exchange a glance of surprise.



                        Who's George?




              As soon as George (as Brad) and the bellboy are in the

              stairwell, George turns and, using the same grip as before,

              drops the bellboy to his knees, a GLOWING LIGHT surrounding

              his forehead.


              Then both TWITCH, and their energy systems exchange bodies.


                                                          BELLBOY (AS BRAD)

                        What the hell?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Sorry to have to do this.


              He sprays the bellboy with the canister, knocking him out.


              George, as the bellboy, leaves the stairwell.




              There's a knock on the door, and Helen answers.  George

              (bellboy) is at the door.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        There's a message at the desk for the

                                    young lady.





              Tricia comes forward.





                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        You have a message at the desk.



                        I'm not expecting a message.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        A family emergency.  Something about

                                    your mother, I believe.



                        I'll be right down.


              She quickly closes the door, then gestures to Helen and Amy

              to keep quiet.




              George (as bellboy) faces the closed door.  He waits

              patiently for Tricia to come out.  He puts his ear to the





              Tricia leads Helen and Amy away from the door, then speaks to

              them quietly.



                        He said it was a family emergency.

                                    Both my parents are dead.




              George is waiting for Tricia to come out when the door to the

              stairwell opens, and the bellboy (as Brad) moves slowly into

              the hallway, still dizzy.  He sees "himself" down the hallway.


                                                          BELLBOY (AS BRAD)

                        Hey, you!


              There is an inter-hotel phone on the wall and the bellboy

              moves quickly to it.


              Seeing this, George (as bellboy) hurries down the hallway.


              The bellboy (as Brad) is on the phone.


                                                          BELLBOY (AS BRAD)

                        Jane, this is Tim. . . . Of course it

                                    is. Call the police. . . . Dammit,

                                    it's me!  I need the police and a



              He slams down the phone, exasperated (i.e. Jane on the other

              end hears "Brad's voice," not her co-worker's).




              Tricia, Helen and Amy carefully open the door and peer out.

              The coast is clear.




              The three women move into the hallway - and see "Brad" moving

              toward them.





              Tricia grabs Helen and Amy and moves them back into the hotel





              Tricia slams the door and puts on the safety chain.



                        That's George in Brad's body.



                        I'm calling the police.


              She heads for the phone but Tricia intercepts her.






                        He saw us!  Helen, call the police.



                        I promised no police.  We're just

                                    going to sit tight.


              The three women stare at the door, as if waiting for it to

              explode open at any moment.


              INT. HOSPITAL ROOM - DAY


              Brad (as George) is in a hospital bed, on the telephone.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        I don't care what I sound like, it's



              The voice on the other end isn't convinced, and Brad slams

              down the receiver.  He gets up and starts to dress.


              A NURSE enters the room.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        Lady, don't say it.  I'm rapidly

                                    becoming irrational and dangerous.


              The nurse considers this, then backs out of the room.




              The door opens and Tricia peers into the hallway.  It's safe.


              She gestures, and Helen and Amy follow her out into the

              hallway.  They hurry to the elevator.


              EXT. ROOSEVELT HOTEL - DAY


              Outside the hotel, Tricia hails a cab.  The ladies get in.



                        Where to, ladies?



                        The Hilton.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - DAY


              Joe is at a table, sitting in front of an open briefcase,

              which houses a complex electronic signaling system.  He's

              trying to contact home - but without luck.


              INT. HILTON - HALLWAY - DAY


              A HILTON BELLBOY is unlocking the door, letting in Tricia,

              Helen and Amy.


                                                          HILTON BELLBOY

                        You've got to quit locking yourself





                        I know, I'm terrible.  My husband

                                    says I have a mind like a sieve.

                                    Thank you so much for your help.


              The three women enter the room.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - DAY


              Joe is still at the electronic device when the women enter.

              He looks up and sees them.



                                    Don't try anything. The police know

                        we're here!


              Joe gets to his feet.






                        There's no police.


              Helen gives Tricia a dirty look.



                        But the desk clerk knows we're here.

                                    He'll come looking for us if we don't

                                    return safely.



                                    Who are you?


              Joe studies them, remembering.



                                    Helen?  Amy?  You've changed so much.



                                    We get old here, Joe.



                                    I know.



                                    What can we do to help?


              Helen and Amy react to this.



                                    I'll help, even if they won't.



                                    Actually I do need your help.



                                    Don't trust him, Tricia.



                                    He's still Mr. Smooth-Tongue.



                                    How could I have stayed with you,

                        since you grow old and I don't?  I've

                                    meant no one any harm.  But now -

                                    there's been a change.  I don't

                        understand it, but I have to try and

                                    stop it.  I can't do it alone.



                        What kind of change?



                        My people plan to turn Earth into a

                                    kind of zoo, a destination for

                                    tourists.  They think you're

                        primitive and cute.


              The women regard one another, letting this sink in.



                        How can I help?


              The phone rings.



                        Excuse me.


              He answers the phone.



                        Hello? . . . You sound different. .

                                    . . . I know where it is.


              He hangs up.




                        I'm supposed to go home tonight.  I

                                    think I may be able to change his

                                    mind - but there's no point if I

                        can't stop them.



                        I'm calling the police right now.


              She starts away but Tricia stops her.



                        How can we beat them that way?  They

                                    obviously have superior technology.



                        She's right.  The only way is to

                                    convince my people that you

                                    Earthlings aren't as primitive and

                        exotic as you appear to be.


              There's a silence, as the larger meaning and challenge of

              this sinks in.


              EXT. HILTON - DAY


              The women come out and get into a cab.


              EXT. ROOSEVELT HOTEL - DAY


              The women get out of the cab in front of the Roosevelt Hotel.

              Brad (as George) comes out of a doorway to them.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        Where the hell have you been?  It's



              INT. COCKTAIL LOUNGE - DAY


              Brad and the women sit around a corner table, speaking in

              hushed tones.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        I can't get my editor to believe it's

                                    me.  But I'm writing this story, even

                                    if I have to give it to the Inquirer.

                        Unfortunately, I'm going to need more

                                    evidence than I have.



                        If we help Joe, maybe he'll give you

                                    an interview - and help you get your

                                    body back.



                                    Can we trust him?



                                    I don't think we have a choice.


              The truth of this sinks in, all around the table.


              EXT. SPACE NEEDLE - NIGHT


              Joe is standing near the space needle, waiting.  He looks at

              his watch.


              From out of nowhere, George (as bellboy) appears.


                                  GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        It's me.  I have a cab waiting.



                        I think there's more things you need

                                    to see before I go.  You really don't

                                    understand how primitive these people

                        are.  They have former teachers and

                                    nurses living on the streets.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        What do you mean?



                        They get fired and can't find jobs.

                                    They lose their homes.  They have no

                                    money.  They live on the streets and

                        sleep in alleys and doorways, like

                                    stray dogs.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        You expect me to believe that?



                        I can show you.  Listen, I made a

                                    mistake.  You're the businessman,

                        like you say. I know you want to

                                    impress the committee, and I can show

                                    you things you have to see to

                        believe.  Give me a few more days,

                                    maybe a week, and then I'll go home.

                                    You'll have the strongest possible

                        case to show the committee.


              George is thinking, definitely interested.



                        I can show you families with young

                                    children living on the street.  They

                                    have to build makeshift shacks out of

                        cardboard boxes.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        The natives let entire families live

                                    in cardboard boxes?  What kind of

                        society is this?



                        I told you, they're more primitive

                                    than you think.


              INT. HILTON - SUITE - NIGHT


              Joe comes into the suite, where Tricia is waiting for him.



                        He bought it.  I only have a few

                                    days, but it's better than nothing.

                                    Did you call her?



                                    She's expecting us.



                                    What about Helen and Amy?



                        I don't know if we can trust them or

                                    not.  They don't know I'm here.  Brad

                                    is still after his story.



                                    If we get a happy ending, it's all



              EXT. AIRPORT -  NIGHT


              A jet lands.


              INT. AIRPORT -  NIGHT


              Bi Jingjing meets Tricia and Joe as they enter the terminal.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Are you all right?



                        Under the circumstances.


                                                          BI JINGJING



              She offers her hand, and Joe shakes it.



                        I've heard so much about you.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Now it's my turn to hear about you.


              INT. BI'S HOME - LIVING ROOM - NIGHT


              Tricia, Joe and Bi sit on pillows on the floor in the Chinese-

              decorated room.



                        I know it's hard to believe.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        Yes, it certainly is.  Is there any

                                    way you can - well, show me

                                    something?  Not absolute proof

                        necessarily - but anything?



                        Bi, as hard as this is to understand,

                                    please believe-- . . .



                        Wait.  There is something I can do.


              He moves closer to Tricia.



                        You're going to have to trust me.




                        I do.


              Joe reaches out and grasps her head, in the grip we've seen

              George use.  As before, a GLOW forms around her head as he

              holds it.


              Tricia looks scared.  Bi looks astonished.


              Then there is the sudden TWITCH - and their energy systems

              exchange bodies.


                                                          JOE (AS TRICIA)

                        I'm now in Tricia's body.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        You've got to be kidding.


                                                          TRICIA (AS JOE)

                        Bi, truly, this is me.  I'll tell you

                                    something Joe would have no way of

                                    knowing:  you're gay.


                                  BI JINGJING

                        Help me Buddha.  What do you want me

                                    to do?


                                                          JOE (AS TRICIA)

                        You're getting an award in

                                    Washington.  Can you introduce me to

                                    the President?


                                  BI JINGJING

                                    I can get you as far as the First

                        Lady. We went to school together.

                                    After that, you're on your own.


                                                          JOE (AS TRICIA)

                        Get us an appointment for tomorrow.


              He (as she) stands up.


                                                          TRICIA (AS JOE)

                        Joe, I want my body back!


                                                          JOE (AS TRICIA)



              He (as she) leans down and grasps Tricia/Joe's head.  The

              GLOW again, and the TWITCH - and their energy systems are

              back where they belong.


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        How does something like that feel?


              Tricia takes a deep breath.



                        There's nothing I can compare it to.

                                    It's weird.  But kind of sensual, too.



                        You want to try it?


                                                          BI JINGJING

                        No thank you!  I'm calling

                                    Washington, and you two are going on

                                    your way.




              Establishing shot of the nation's Capital.  We see the WHITE



              INT. WHITE HOUSE - ROOM - DAY


              Tricia and Joe are waiting in a small room filled with

              historical antiques.  Tricia is visibly nervous.



                                    I hate waiting.


              Joe is too preoccupied to reply.


              The door opens and the FIRST LADY walks in.  She is a

              striking woman in her late 40s.


                                  FIRST LADY

                                    You must be Tricia.  Bi says you're

                        her best competitor.



                        Thanks so much for giving us some

                                    time.  This is Joe.


                                                          FIRST LADY

                        Hello, Joe.  What can I do for you?


              Tricia turns to Joe, who doesn't know how to begin.



                        Joe . . .?



                        This will be hard for you to believe,

                                    but I am not from this planet.  I was

                        on the spacecraft that crashed in

                                    Roswell, in your year 1947.


              The First Lady just looks at him.  Then to Tricia:


                                                          FIRST LADY

                        Bi didn't mention you were a

                                    practical joker.



                        I can prove this to you.


              He takes a step toward the First Lady, as if the make the

              grip on her head, but Tricia moves quickly to stop him.



                        Joe, no!  We don't do that here.

                                    She's the First Lady.  It would be



                                  FIRST LADY

                        What were you going to do?



                        Very well.  I can show you another



              He suddenly sits in the floor, taking a position that looks

              like meditation.  Tricia, who has never seen him do this

              before, looks embarrassed to be there.


                                                          FIRST LADY

                        You're telling me he's an alien?



                        It's true.


              The First Lady looks at Tricia as if Tricia were crazy.


              Suddenly the same GLOW surrounds Joe, a golden halo

              surrounding his entire body.


              Then there is a POPPING SOUND and Joe's energy system breaks

              free of his body, which still rests in meditation, lifeless,

              and A BALL OF GOLDEN LIGHT streaks rapidly around the room.


              The women, shocked and scared, duck as the light beam flashes

              by overhead.


              Then the light returns to the body, enters it, Joe regains

              consciousness, and stands up.



                        Do you want to see more?


                                                          FIRST LADY

                        I'll get my husband.


              EXT. WHITE HOUSE - DAY


              A line of limousines has formed as important cabinet members

              are let off for an urgent meeting called by the President.


              INT. WHITE HOUSE - WAR ROOM - DAY


              The PRESIDENT, a handsome man in his 50s, sits at the head of

              a long table.  Next to him is Joe, with Tricia seated beside

              him.  Also represented are the SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, HEAD OF


              cabinet members.


              Joe has the floor.



                        I've been told you captured one of my

                                    colleagues alive.  You certainly have

                                    our space craft.  You know I'm

                        telling the truth.


              The Secretary of State, a professorial-looking man wearing

              glasses, laughs.


                                                          SECRETARY OF STATE

                        With all due respect, I've never seen

                                    evidence that we captured a flying

                                    saucer at Roswell or any place else.



                        With all due respect, Harry, you

                                    haven't seen even the tip of the

                                    iceberg of what we may or may not

                        have in this regard.


                                                          SECRETARY OF STATE

                        I see.


              Tricia leans over and whispers something to Joe.  He nods.



                        There's no time to quibble,

                                    gentleman.  I can settle your doubts

                        at once.


              He leans forward on the table, concentrating, meditating, and

              the GLOW forms around him.  Then the POPPING SOUND, and his

              energy system FLIES around the room like a laser beam out of



              The President and his staff can't believe their eyes.  Some

              duck under the table in panic.


              Then Joe focuses his energy system back into the body.



                        Now I have some ideas about what we

                                    can do.



                                    Please, tell us!


                                                            SECRETARY OF DEFENSE

                        I suggest we call an immediate Code

                                    Red and prepare for nuclear attack.



                        You are no match to our technology.

                                    The only way out is to prove to the

                                    committee that you are not as

                        primitive a people as you seem.


                                                          HEAD OF JOINT CHIEF OF STAFF

                        Primitive!  We'll show you who's

                                    goddamn primitive.



                        Cal, listen to the man.  He's

                                    obviously in the driver's seat here.

                                    What can we do?


              All eyes are on Joe.  Tricia takes his hand.




              An elevator door opens, and Brad (as George), Helen and Amy

              get out.


                                  BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                                    This way.


              He leads the way down the hallway.




              They reach the editor's office, which Brad enters without

              knocking, followed by the ladies.


              The EDITOR, a graying balding man in his 60s, sits behind his

              desk, which is piled with manuscripts.



                                    Can I help you?


                                  BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                                    It's Brad, David.


              The editor picks up his phone.


                                  BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                                    These women are my witnesses.



                                           (on phone)

                        This is David, I need security up



                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        I'm at the threshold of the story of

                                    the century!  Any century!



                        You see, the man is a refugee from




                        He survived the flying saucer crash

                                    and -- . . .




                        Out, all of you!  If you leave before

                                    security arrives, you won't be



              Brad gestures to the others that they should leave, and they

              do.  The editor shakes his head, watching their retreat.




              A CROWD of local people has gathered on Main Street in

              Marysville, a small midwestern town.


              Everyone looks up, at where the PRESIDENTIAL HELICOPTER is

              hovering overhead, preparing to land.


              Along Main Street, we also see the paraphernalia of a movie

              set in the midst of shooting - trucks and trailers,

              equipment, etc.


              INT. HELICOPTER - DAY


              In the helicopter are Joe, Tricia, the President and the

              Secretary of State.



                                    Harry, you've always gotten flak for

                        your Hollywood past.  If we pull this

                                    off, I'm giving you a medal for it.


              Tricia holds Joe's arm, looking down at the crowd below.


              EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY


              The helicopter comes in for a landing.


              A limousine moves through the crowd, beeping its horn, to

              greet the landing party.


              The helicopter lands, and the members of the Presidential

              party get out and hurry into the limousine, which drives away.


              EXT. MOVIE SET - TRAILER - DAY


              The limo is parked outside a long trailer.


              INT. TRAILER - DAY


              The Presidential party is meeting with JOHN HALLEY, 50s, the

              director of the movie.  They sit around a long conference



                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        Mr. President, Harry tells me we're

                                    in a national emergency.  I want you

                                    to know we're here to help you in any

                        way we can.



                        Excellent.  I'll let my friend give

                                    the details.  Joe?


              Tricia squeezes Joe's hand, and he rises to tell the news.


              EXT. OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY


              George (as bellboy) is having an espresso at the outdoor



              He is working on something, making final notes to greet the



              A WAITER comes by.



                        Is everything all right, sir?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Fine.  Tell me - where can I find a

                                    family living on the streets?



                        Excuse me, sir?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        A family living on the streets.



                        We don't have that problem here, sir.

                                    The police make sure of that.


              The waiter smiles, nods and moves off.


              George looks thoughtful, digesting the information.


              Joe arrives and sits down.




                        Sorry I'm late.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        The waiter told me there are no

                                    homeless families here.



                        He's probably right.  But we leave

                                    this afternoon - and believe me, you

                                    won't be disappointed.




              A transformation is underway, turning the "movie set" into a

              scene that brings the worst urban squalor to Main Street



              Makeshift shacks of cardboard and spare lumber are being



              Actors and actresses are being fitted into new costumes of

              dirty cast-away clothing.


              The director, John Halley, is in charge, with Tricia serving

              as his assistant.


                                  JOHN HALLEY

                        Are we getting there?



                        I think so.  What you've done is



                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        How about coffee?


              Tricia smiles and nods.


              INT. TRAILER - DAY


              John pours Tricia a cup and then himself.  They sit at the

              conference table.


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        You're in love with him, aren't you?



                        I suppose I can't hide it.


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        No, you can't.  It must be - hell, I

                                    have no idea what it's like.  Tell me.



                        No different, really.  Until recently

                                    I had no idea he wasn't just like us.


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        Not a clue?



                        No.  Except he never ages.  I noticed

                                    that but just thought he was one of

                                    the lucky ones.


                                  JOHN HALLEY

                                    What happens when this is over?



                                    I don't want to think about it.


              EXT. MAIN STREET - NIGHT


              The transformation is complete.


              Scattered fires line Main Street, with families huddled

              around them, some cooking beans in a pot, others there for



              Tricia walks the street alone, surveying the incredible

              scene, worse than any depression she's seen photographs of,

              the picture of an American town gone bankrupt.


              An actor recognizes her and approaches.



                        When's the big test?






                        How're we doing?



                        Wonderful.  It looks so real.  I'm

                                    practically in tears.


              The actor grins and calls to the others.



                        She likes it!


              A chorus of cheers rises from the crowd.


              EXT. MIDWEST - SKY - DAY


              A helicopter flies over farmland.


              INT. HELICOPTER - DAY


              The passengers are Joe and George (as bellboy).


              Joe points ahead at the town of Marysville.



                        There it is.


              George leans to the window to look.


              EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY


              The same makeshift camp fills Main Street.


              Children play stick ball in the street.  They look like

              street urchins from an old movie.


              A long line comes out of a doorway, over which the words

              "SOUP KITCHEN" have been painted.


              Everywhere are signs of poverty and the boredom that comes

              from hopelessness.


              INT. HELICOPTER - DAY


              George stares wide-eyed at the scene below.



                        The committee won't believe this.  I

                                    hardly believe it myself.



                        Want to land and look around?



                        No.  I want to get the committee here

                                    as soon as possible.  This is the



              He moves back from the window.



                                    How many other towns are like this?


              Joe, looking like a man on the spot, clears his throat before




                                    Quite a few.  But this is one of the




                        Let's get back so I can call in the



              EXT. MARYSVILLE - SKY - DAY


              The helicopter zooms off.


              EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY


              On the street below, Tricia looks up at the departing



              An actor appears beside her.



                        What's wrong?



                        I'm not sure.  I expected them to



              She moves toward a doorway.




              Tricia enters to find the President and Secretary of State

              looking out the front window.



                        Why didn't they land?



                        I'm not sure.


                                                          SECRETARY OF STATE

                        Maybe he wasn't fooled.



                        Joe will contact us, won't he?



                        I'm sure he will.


              But she looks troubled, weighing the possibility that he



              INT. MOTEL - ROOM - NIGHT


              Tricia is in the bathroom, getting sick, when the phone rings.


              She moves into the room, wiping her face with a towel, and

              picks up the phone.







              Joe is calling from a hotel room.



                        It worked perfectly.  All he needed

                                    was a glance.



                        That's great!



                        Except he wants to return with the

                                    committee sooner than I thought.

                                    I'll try to take them to a basketball

                        game first.  But just in case, try to

                                    make the changes as soon as possible.



                        I'll tell them.  Joe - are you okay?



                        So far, so good.



                        I miss you.


              There is a silence on Joe's end.



                        We'll get started right away.



                        I couldn't do this without you,



              Tricia is close to tears.



                        Call me before you leave.  Good night.


              She hangs up.  Suddenly, she is feeling sick again, and

              rushes into the bathroom.


              INT. ROOSEVELT HOTEL - DAY


              In the lobby, Brad (as George), Helen and Amy are talking to

              the bellboy (as Brad).  Brad is taking notes.


              Two SECURITY OFFICERS, escorted by the HOTEL MANAGER, arrive

              to escort the group out.


              EXT. ROOSEVELT HOTEL - DAY


              Brad (as George), bellboy (as Brad), Helen and Amy come

              outside after being thrown out.


                                                          BELLBOY (AS BRAD)

                        Nobody believes it's me.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        Why should they when you look like me?


                                                          BELLBOY (AS BRAD)

                        If you find this guy wearing my body,

                                    you let me know, okay?


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        Don't worry, you'll be hearing from

                                    us again.  I guarantee it.


                                                          BELLBOY (AS BRAD)

                        My kids look at me and start crying.

                                    My wife even put out a restraining

                                    order. This is crazy.


              He moves off down the street.



                                    Then George must look like the



                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        Unless he exchanged bodies again.

                                    Let's hope he didn't.


              EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY


              A frenzy of activity on Main Street, turning the economically

              depressed mask into a homey attractive community.


              John Halley stands on a platform overlooking the scene.  With

              him is an ASSISTANT, an attractive young woman in her 20s.


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        Have you seen Tricia?



                        She wasn't feeling well this morning.

                                    I loaned her my car to see a doctor.




              A young DOCTOR is monitoring Tricia's pregnancy.  His office

              is in a small town near Marysville.



                        How soon before we know if it's




                        You sound worried.  Is there

                                    something I should know?



                        Not really.  I'm just - concerned.



                        When do you see your regular doctor




                        In two weeks.



                        He should be able to tell you in the

                                    next month or so.  Everything's

                                    looking fine so far.


              He stops the examination.



                                    So what kind of movie are you folks

                        filming over in Marysville?  I hear

                                    all kinds of wild stories.


              EXT. STREET - PHONE BOOTH - DAY


              Tricia is at a phone booth, talking on the phone.  A Volvo is

              parked nearby.



                        Susan, I really need you here.




              The Volvo drives into town on Main Street.  Already the

              town's face lift is well underway.


              INT. VOLVO - DAY


              Tricia is driving.  She pulls to the curb and gets out.


              EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY


              The assistant comes over to Tricia for her keys.



                        Everything okay?



                        I think it's just stress.  Thanks for

                                    the loan.



                        John needs to see you.


              INT. TRAILER - DAY


              Tricia sits at the table in the trailer, with John, the

              President and the Secretary of State.




                        I'm not sure what he really needs.

                                    Is it enough to have the school fixed

                                    up?  How do we communicate that

                        teachers matter here?



                        And parents.  We need to show that

                                    raising kids is more important than

                                    anything else we do with our lives.


                                  JOHN HALLEY

                                    Isn't it?


              Everyone looks at him.


                                  JOHN HALLEY

                        I guess I meant - shouldn't it be?


              EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT


              A car pulls into the motel and parks.  Susan gets out, finds

              Tricia's room number, and knocks on the door.


              INT. MOTEL - ROOM - NIGHT


              Tricia opens the door, and the women immediately embrace.


              INT. MOTEL - ROOM - NIGHT (LATER)


              They sit at the small motel table, drinking pop.



                        I think it's your best alternative,

                                    Trish, and I'm beside you all the

                                    way.  Do you have an appointment?



                                    I was thinking of waiting til after

                        the trials.  It's only a week.  But

                                    I don't even know if I can compete





              Tricia and Susan are walking along Main Street.  Marysville

              has a new face now, a picturebook, charming small town in the

              midwest, where Mom and Apple Pie still mean something.


              But there's a difference:  banners over the street and

              posters in store windows congratulate a "Teacher of the

              Week", others honor a "Parent of the Week."



                        Did I ever tell you about my abortion?


              Tricia looks surprised at this.



                        Thought you knew everything about me,

                                    didn't you?  It was when we were in




                                    I can't believe you didn't tell me.



                                    I was so ashamed I didn't tell a

                        soul.  In fact, you're the first.


              Tricia takes her hand.



                        Did you regret it?



                        Yes and no.  It's never easy.  But

                                    yours is definitely a different




                                    Yes and no.  A part of me wants his

                        baby so bad.  No matter what it would

                                    turn out to be.


              Susan studies her, looking as if she's trying to reach deep

              within Tricia to understand her meaning.  Tricia picks up on




                        Does that sound too weird?



                        No.  Whatever it is, it's a part of

                                    you now.  I know it's not easy.


              They continue walking, their arms around one another.


              EXT. OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY


              George (as bellboy) is sitting at a table with THREE MEN IN

              BUSINESS SUITES, the members of the committee.  Each

              committee member is sniffing and examining an espresso with

              scientific interest.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        You actually do get used to it.


              COMMITTEE MEMBER #1 gives him a skeptical look.


                                                          COMMITTEE MEMBER #1

                        Is it addictive?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Actually, I'm not sure.  I don't

                                    think so.


              At a nearby table, Helen is observing them and dialing a

              number on a cellular phone.



                        He's here, looking exactly like the

                                    bellboy.  Three others are with him.


              She nods at what is being said and hangs up.


                                                          COMMITTEE MEMBER #2

                        What's the agenda?


              EXT. STREET - OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY


              Joe is moving quickly down the street, late to his



              EXT. OUTDOOR CAFE - DAY


              Helen is watching the other table closely.


              George (as bellboy) sees Joe approaching and stands up.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Gentlemen, our scientist and liaison

                                    officer is here!


              Beaming, George holds out his hand and Joe, arriving and

              nodding at the others, grasps it.


              The committee members, uncertain of the custom here, struggle

              to their feet and hold out their hands, looking awkward and



              Joe shakes their hands, one at a  time.



                        I'm sure you're all eager to begin

                                    the tour.


              Helen sees that they are getting ready to leave and is in a

              panic what to do.  She gestures for a waiter, who hurries




                        I'm expecting some people to meet me,

                                    but I have to leave.  Will you ask

                                    them to wait and I'll phone as soon

                        as I can?



                        Certainly, madam.


              Joe, George and the committee members are already leaving the

              cafe, and Helen hurries to follow them.




              Tricia and Susan are playing cards, when the phone rings.

              Tricia almost knocks over her chair getting to it.





              She nods to Susan, communicating that, yes, it's Joe.



                        We're ready when you are.


              She holds a hand over the mouthpiece and talks to Susan:



                        They're in Seattle for a basketball



              Back on the phone:



                        Okay, we'll see you then.  Are you



              Whatever Joe says moves her almost to tears.



                        I love you, too.


              She hangs up.



                        He said he loves me.


              Susan gets up and goes to her.



                        We don't know what that really means

                                    where he comes from.  Trish, I know

                                    it's hard, but you're going to have

                        to let him go.


              The women embrace.




              Joe steps away from a pay phone and rejoins George and the

              committee members in the stands.


              Also in the stands, observing Joe and the others, are Helen,

              Amy and Brad (as George).


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        Why basketball?



                        Maybe they don't grow that tall.  He

                                    said they want to turn us into a zoo.



                        For them, maybe it's like looking at



              The possibility that she's right concerns them all.




              A new day on Main Street - and the face lift is remarkable

              now, in contrast to what we saw earlier.


              Small groups of children of all ages gather around "mentors"

              and "teachers" all along the street.  Spontaneous classrooms

              and "lessons" are underway, as if the very life blood of the

              town had to do with educating the young.


              Tricia and Susan stroll along Main Street, accompanied by

              John Halley.



                        This is perfect, John.  I think Joe

                                    will be very pleased.


              They walk a bit in silence.



                        What would it take to make the world

                                    really like this?


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        A miracle.


              EXT. SMALL AIRPORT - DAY


              A helicopter has just taken off.  Watching from a distance

              are Helen and Amy.


              Brad (as George) arrives.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        They're heading for Marysville.


              EXT. MIDWEST - SKY - DAY


              The helicopter is in the sky over the Midwest, heading toward



              INT. HELICOPTER - DAY


              Joe, George (as bellboy) and the three committee members are

              the passengers.


              George smiles at Joe, confident of his mission.  Joe nods and

              smiles back.


              The committee members gawk out the windows, all eyes,

              marveling at this strange new planet.




              An actor sees the helicopter first.



                        They're here!


              John Halley has a portable bull horn and speaks to the actors

              along Main Street.


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        Everybody in character now!  We don't

                                    know how long this will take - but

                                    until that bird is back in the air,

                        we are an educational community here,   

                                    with kids our focus and priority.



              The helicopter makes its approach to land.


              Tricia and Susan exchange a quick glance, both looking

              worried, then wait for the landing.


              INT. HELICOPTER - DAY


              George (as bellboy) notices the considerable difference from

              the previous visit.  He leans close to Joe.


                                  GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                                    What's going on down there?



                                    I'm not sure.


              The helicopter has landed, and Joe gets to his feet to

              address the committee members.



                                    Here we are, gentlemen!


              George looks like he smells a rat.


              EXT. MAIN STREET - DAY


              Joe is the first off the helicopter.  Then he turns to help

              the committee members off, one by one.


              George is the last to step down, leaning close to Joe.


                                  GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                                    If you have anything to do with this--

                         . . .


              But Joe is already moving away, to escort the committee

              members into a survey of town.


              George catches up to them.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Apparently they were expecting us and

                                    cleaned up.  I think we should speak

                                    to the mayor.


              John Halley arrives, as if on cue.


                                  JOHN HALLEY

                                    Welcome to Marysville, gentlemen.

                        You've come at a good time.  We're

                                    honoring our teachers of the week



              Joe starts to reply but George butts in, beating him to it.


                                  GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                                    We want to see the homeless families.


                                  JOHN HALLEY

                                    Homeless families?  In America

                        You've got to be kidding.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        The families that were camped out on

                                    the street last week!  I saw them



              John laughs.


                                  JOHN HALLEY

                                    I don't know what you were on, sir,

                        but-- . . .


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        There's no point in staying here,

                                    gentlemen.  We've been set up.


              He glares at Joe.


                                                          COMMITTEE MEMBER #1

                        You say you honor teachers here?



                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        The first week of every month.  The

                                    second week we honor parents, the

                                    third week we honor our health care

                        workers and-- . . .


              George has heard enough.  He tries to herd the committee

              members back to the helicopter.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        They are hiding the truth from us!

                                    Believe me, I know what I saw!


              John shrugs and looks at him like he's lost his marbles.  By

              their expressions, the committee members are wondering if

              John isn't right.


                                                          COMMITTEE MEMBER #2

                        If there are no homeless families

                                    here, there's no point in staying.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Of course, there are!  He's hidden

                                    them, is all.


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        I sure don't know what you're talking



                                                          COMMITTEE MEMBER #3

                        Would there be a town nearby with

                                    homeless families?


                                                          JOHN HALLEY

                        I don't think you'd find a homeless

                                    family in the entire country.  This

                                    is America!


              John smiles.


              George moves to Joe.


                                  GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                                    You did this!



                                    I think you've been working too hard.



                                  COMMITTEE MEMBER #1

                                    Gentlemen, I think we've seen enough.


              The committee members march back to the helicopter.  George

              starts after them, then turns to Joe, who is staying behind.


                                  GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                                    I'm not through with you!


              The committee members and George get on the helicopter, which

              rises back into the sky.


              On the ground, Tricia moves to Joe and takes his hand.


              Everyone watches the helicopter rise into the distance.


              Suddenly, a spontaneous cheer rises over Main Street, and

              people embrace in self-congratulation.


              Susan joins Tricia and Joe.  Seeing her, Tricia becomes self-

              conscious and moves away, toward Susan, which Joe picks up on.



                        Can we all have dinner tonight?


              Tricia looks at Susan, as if for permission.



                        Sounds fine with me.  Trish?



                        Of course.




              The porch light is on at Tricia's motel.




              Tricia and Susan are waiting for Joe to come by.



                        I don't know if I can do this.



                        We don't have to.



                        Not going would be worse.




              Joe is seeing off the President and Secretary of State, and

              their party, who are getting ready to board the Presidential




                        What happens next?



                        I'm returning home.  Things have

                                    changed there that I need to find out




                                    Will I be seeing you again?



                                    Perhaps so.



                                    Up to you.  You can contact me easier

                        than the other way around.



                        I understand.



                        Thanks for doing this for us.



                        I've grown fond of you.



                        I'm glad.  May I ask one final




                        Of course.



                        Are we really that primitive?


              Joe considers this before replying.



                        It's that bad?



                        No, not that bad. But I wish you

                                    would value your parents and teachers



              The President nods.  Then he gestures to the others, it's

              time to go.


              The Presidential party boards the helicopter.  Joe watches as

              they take off.




              Tricia, Joe and Susan are finishing dinner at a restaurant.

              The silence hovering over the table suggests gloom.


              Tricia sets down her fork, done.  She forces a smile.



                                    That was tasty.


              Another silence.  Finally:



                                    I'm sorry.  I'm not very good at this.



                                    At what?



                                    Saying goodbye.



                                    There's no need to, really.  I mean,

                        it's a foregone conclusion.



                        I have to find out what is going on

                                    at home.



                        Of course.



                        That's the only reason I'm leaving.

                                    I've grown fond of it here.



                        Really?  What specifically do you

                                    like about us?



                        When I hear it, I like your laughter.

                                    I wish you did that more often.


              This is too much for Tricia.  She gets up from the table.



                        We have a plane to catch tomorrow.



                        That we do.


              Susan also gets up.  As Joe starts to stand, Tricia stops him




                        We can walk back to the motel alone.


              She offers her hand.



                        Have a safe trip.


              Joe takes her hand and gets up.



                        I will miss you.


              Tricia is fighting back tears.



                        Come on, Trish.


              Joe won't let go of her hand.



                        I hope to come back.



                        What for?



                        Trish?  We'd better go.



                        For you.


              This surprises Tricia and is more than she can handle.  She

              moves into Joe's arms, and he holds her tightly.  Susan looks

              on helplessly.



                        Don't do this to her.



                        I'm okay . . .



                        Please, let's get out of here.



                        Could we be alone?






                        I'm okay.  Give us a minute alone.



                        I'll be waiting outside.


              She leaves.


              Joe and Tricia look into one another's eyes.  No words are

              necessary now, and they kiss deeply.




              Susan is waiting outside the restaurant.  Very impatiently.




              Finally Susan comes back inside to fetch Tricia.  But she

              can't find them.


              Susan approaches a waitress.



                        Have you seen my friend?



                        She and the gentleman left a moment

                                    ago.  That way.


              The waitress points out a rear exit.  Susan looks troubled.




              Tricia and Joe are in bed, making love in Joe's room.  They

              have never been more passionately connected.




              Later Tricia is dressing, getting ready to leave, as Joe

              watches her from the bed.  She catches him staring at her.



                        You're making me blush.



                        This is good?



                        I'm not sure.



                        I want to ask a favor.  Wait for me.


              Tricia turns to him, looking puzzled, not ready to believe

              her ears.



                        You want me to . . .?



                        Wait for me.  I won't be away long.

                                    I want to come back to you.  I want

                                    to marry you.


              Tricia almost recoils, suddenly aware of her own

              vulnerability and facing a rush of interior objections to

              such an extraordinary idea.



                                    Joe, you don't have to tell me that.



                                    I tell you because I am asking you to




                        I-- . . . I don't know how to respond

                                    to something like that.


              She is in a sudden hurry to get out of there.



                        I want to stay here, on your planet.

                                    I want to stay with you.



                        Maybe you think so now - but in ten,

                                    twenty years, I'll be so much older

                                    than you.



                                    Trish, I have thought about that and--



                                    No!  We're too different.  We can't

                        make plans like that.



                        I love you.  You don't love me?



                        Yes, but I think maybe we mean

                                    different things, love means

                                    different things, here and where

                        you're from.



                        I know this is hard for you to--



                        I have an early flight.  I have to go.


              Now the tension, the difficulty of this moment of parting, is

              more than either can stand.  No one moves.  No one knows what

              to do.



                        Tricia, I love you.



                        Goodbye, Joe.


              She starts for the door.



                        Call me as soon as you arrive home.

                                    I'll wait here til I hear from you.



                        Have a safe trip.


              And she's out of there.





              Tricia comes out of the motel, an emotional mess.  A part

              of her wants to rush back into his arms, to believe

              everything he is telling her.


              Another part of her, the part that wins, wants to take

              flight.  She starts running down the street, just for the

              energy of it.




              A small jet takes off into a blue sky.


              INT. SMALL JET - DAY


              On the plane are Tricia and Susan.  Tricia looks like she

              hasn't gotten any sleep.



                        Are you all right?


              Tricia nods.  A liar.




              Brad (as George) is changing a tire as Helen and Amy watch.


              INT. MARYSVILLE - MOTEL - DAY


              Joe has slept late and now is stirring.  He rolls over.  He

              opens his eyes.


              He sits up and finds George (as bellboy) sitting in a chair,

              watching him.  He is pointing a futuristic-looking gun at him.



                        What do you think you're going to do

                                    with that?


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        There have been considerable advances

                                    in technology since you left.  You'd

                                    be surprised what I can do with it.



                                    Don't make a mistake.  The universe

                        is a very big place.  You can have

                                    your zoo anywhere.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        But who could be more entertaining

                                    than these primitives?



                        Not as primitive as you may think.


                                                          GEORGE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Very clever, what you did.  Now I am

                                    going to show you how clever I can be.


              He pulls the trigger and a laser beam shoots out of the gun,

              hitting and freezing Joe.


              George calmly puts down the gun and walks over to the bed.

              His hands grab Joe's head.  A beam of light forms around his

              grip as before.


              And suddenly, George takes over Joe's body - and Joe now

              looks like the bellboy.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I know you can hear me, "Joe."  Now

                                    I am "Joe" - and your girlfriend will

                                    think so as well.  I have a wonderful

                        surprise for her.


              George starts for the door.  Behind his frozen expression,

              Joe (as bellboy) shows eyes of fright and concern.


              George stops at the door and turns around.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        That will wear off.  By then,

                                    however, I will have "had my way with

                                    her."  I think that's how the

                        primitives put it.  Have a good day.


              He leaves.


              Joe's eyes show that he is ready to explode with anxiety.


              INT. SUSAN'S APT - DAY


              Susan and Tricia have just entered the apartment, and Tricia

              has gone directly to the phone.  Susan regards her with a

              puzzled look.



                        Joe asked me to call him.



                        Oh, Trish . . .


              Susan moves into another room.


              Tricia waits for an answer.


              INT. MARYSVILLE - MOTEL - DAY


              In Joe's room, the phone is ringing as Joe is still frozen on

              the bed, helpless to answer it.


              INT. SUSAN'S APT - DAY


              Tricia finally gives up and hangs up.




              The rental car with Brad, Helen and Amy finally enters



              INT. RENTAL CAR - DAY


              Brad (as George) is driving.  Helen sits in the front seat,

              Amy in the back.



                        Where do we begin?


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        With the motels.  They have to be

                                    staying somewhere.




              Susan is serving up dinner.  Tricia joins her, and they sit

              down at the table.



                        Any luck?



                        Still no answer.  I can't believe I

                                    fell for it.  He said he planned to

                                    come back, he wanted to marry me.



                                    How can he marry you?  I mean, what

                        kind of life would that be for you?



                        I was even thinking of canceling




                        You've got to let go, Trish.  I hate

                                    to see you this way.



                        He just said what he figured I wanted

                                    to hear.


              They start eating in silence.




              The rental car pulls into the motel where Joe is registered.


              INT. MOTEL OFFICE - NIGHT


              The clerk is looking through his register.


                                                          MOTEL CLERK

                        Room 114.  Just down the way.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)



              EXT. MOTEL - NIGHT


              Brad comes out and motions to the ladies, who are waiting in

              the car.  They get out and follow him to room 114.


              INT. MOTEL - NIGHT


              In Joe's room, he is just coming out of it when there is a

              knock on the door.  He move uneasily to answer.


              Joe, of course, appears to be the bellboy - so that when he

              opens the door to find Brad, Helen and Amy, they think he is



              Instinctively, Brad (as George) tackles Joe (as bellboy),

              dropping him to the floor inside the door.


              Helen and Amy start hitting Joe with their purses, as Brad

              continues to wrestle him on the floor.


              Joe starts protesting his innocence.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        It's me!  It's Joe!


              At first his protests go unheard, but he finally gets Brad's



                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        George took my body!  It's me, Joe.

                                    Tricia's in trouble.


              Brad, who has him pinned to the floor, looks up at the ladies.



                        How do we know you're telling the



                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        George is going after Tricia.  She'll

                                    think he's me.  Look, if I was

                                    George, or if I wanted to get away,

                        do you really think you could pin me

                                    like this?


              A look of realization crosses Brad's face.  He relieves his

              grip and gets to his feet.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        He's right.  George wouldn't have let

                                    me do that.


              Joe gets off the floor.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        We've got to find Tricia.


              INT. SUSAN'S CAR - DAY


              Susan is driving, Tricia is seated beside her.



                        I hope I'm doing the right thing.



                        Of course you are.  Trish, you don't

                                    even know what . . .?



                        I know.


              EXT. WOMEN'S CLINIC - DAY


              Susan's car pulls into the parking lot at a women's clinic.

              Outside a small GROUP OF PROTESTORS carry placards against



              INT. SUSAN'S CAR - DAY


              Tricia sees the picket line.



                        Oh great . . .



                        Don't let them bother you.


              EXT. WOMEN'S CLINIC - DAY


              Susan parks the car.  The women get out and start for a side

              entrance into the clinic.


              Some protestors start yelling at them.


                                                          PROTESTOR #1

                        Baby killers!


                                                          PROTESTOR #2



              Tricia and Susan walk faster and enter the clinic.


              INT. WOMEN'S CLINIC - DAY


              Tricia moves quickly to the desk.



                        I have an appointment with Dr.



              INT. JOE'S APT - HALLWAY - DAY


              George (as Joe) moves down the hallway to the door where

              Joe's former apartment is.  He looks around, then grabs the

              doorknob.  LIGHT appears around it and the door opens.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              George moves into the apartment.  Tricia is still living

              there when she is not staying with Susan.


              He starts looking through the apartment, as if looking for

              clues to something.


              EXT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Susan's car pulls up in front of the building of Joe's



              INT. SUSAN'S CAR - DAY


              Susan is dropping Tricia off.



                        You sure you don't want to stay at my




                        I'm fine, really.  I feel like being




                        Give me a call if you change your



              Tricia leans forward and gives Susan a hug.





              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              The door opens and Tricia comes in.


              She goes to the answering machine: no phone messages.


              She goes to the kitchen and takes a pop out of the



              She moves from the kitchen to the bedroom, carrying the can

              of pop.


              She enters the bedroom - and stops dead in her tracks.  She

              sees Joe there, standing by the bureau, as if looking for

              something.  This, of course, is George (who now looks like

              Joe).  In the dialogue below, he is winging it.



                        Jesus, you scared me.  What are you

                                    doing here?


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I came here to see you.



                        I thought you were in a hurry to go



                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        Well, I am.  I want to take you with




                        You what?


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        You don't understand?



                        No, Joe, I don't understand.  You

                                    can't take me with you.  I thought

                                    you couldn't.  I couldn't survive

                        your climate or something.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I wouldn't take you if you couldn't




                        I don't understand this sudden change

                                    of plans.  I just-- . . . I just felt

                                    like I did something to take control

                        of my life again, and now you throw

                                    this at me.  What the hell do you

                                    want from me?



                                  GEORGE (AS JOE)

                                    I am wrong, and you are right.






                      GEORGE (AS JOE)

                                    Whatever we disagreed about.  I am

                        wrong.  I apologize.  Will you

                                    forgive me?



                        I don't understand this.


              George is puzzled by the conversation so far and is not sure

              how to respond.  He measures his reply carefully.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I love you.  I want you to come with



              Tricia, beside herself, her mind going in a thousand

              directions at once, gives in to her rawest emotion and moves

              quickly into his arms.



                        Joe . . .


              George stares off over her shoulder, more uncomfortable than

              ever with a human woman in his arms.


              EXT. AIRPORT -  NIGHT


              Joe (as bellboy), Brad (as George), Helen and Amy move into

              the terminal after disembarking from a plane.


              INT. JOE'S APT - BEDROOM - NIGHT


              Tricia and George (as Joe) are in bed after a failed attempt

              at lovemaking.  The lamp on Tricia's side of the bed is on.


              Silent tension fills the room.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I assume I did something wrong.  I'm





                        It's okay.  We've both been under a

                                    lot of stress.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        Do you want to try again?




                        No.  It's okay.  Goodnight.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)



              She reaches over and turns out the light.


              In the darkness, George looks puzzled, tentative, not really

              sure what is going on.


              Tricia's eyes swell with tears, and she closes them, hoping

              for rest.


              INT. SUSAN'S APT - DAY


              It is early morning.  Susan, in her robe, answers the door.


              Joe (as bellboy) moves quickly into the room, followed by

              Brad (as George), Helen and Amy.



                        I beg your pardon.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Where's Trish?



                        Who the hell do you think you are?


              She moves quickly toward a telephone near the entryway.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        This is Joe.  I think Trish is in

                                    trouble.  Have you seen her?


              Susan stops and stares at "the bellboy."



                        How can you be Joe?


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Trish told me about your affair with

                                    your boss.  She said that-- . . .



                        Okay!  I dropped her off at home last



                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        I thought she was staying here.



                        She wanted to be alone.


              Joe looks at the others.  They know what they have to do.


              INT. JOE'S APT - BEDROOM - DAY


              Tricia wakes up in bed alone.  She looks at the clock.  10

              a.m.  She bounds out of bed, grabbing a robe and hurrying out

              of the bedroom.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              She comes into the living room, to find "Joe" (George) there

              with one of her suitcases.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I packed you a few things. You'll get a new

wardrobe after we  arrive.



                                    Joe, I didn't agree to go with you.

                        This is all happening too fast.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I've already made arrangements for us

                                    to be picked up.  Get dressed.



                        I need time to think about this.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        We don't have time.



                        Then I'm not going.


              George just looks at her with surprise, as if this obvious

              response hadn't occurred to him.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I'm sorry, but you have no choice.



                        What do you mean I have no choice?

                                    Of course I do.  Unless you plan on

                                    kidnapping me.


                                  GEORGE (AS JOE)

                                    Thank you, I was unsure of the word.


              Terror crosses Tricia's face.  Now all her uncertainties

              about the past day implode into a revelation: this is not Joe.



                        Who are you?


              She is backing up away from him, scared out of her wits.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        It will be much easier if you



              Tricia turns to flee and just as quickly George takes out the

              small laser weapon and zaps her.  She stands frozen in her



              He moves to her.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I'm going to return part of your

                                    active energy, just enough so you can

                        move.  You're going to follow me and

                                    do what I say.  Is this clear?


              George releases enough energy so Tricia manages to nod her

              head, yes.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        Originally I was just going to kill

                                    you and be done with it.  Anything to

                                    make him suffer. But maybe he'll

                        suffer more if you come with me and

                                    become my significant sex object.


              Fear streams out of Tricia's eyes but she is helpless to move.


              EXT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              George (as Joe) and Tricia, now dressed, come quickly out of

              the apartment and into a waiting cab.


              As soon as the cab moves down the street, Susan's car

              arrives.  Joe (as bellboy) gets out of the front seat and

              hurries into the building.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Joe rushes into the apartment.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)



              He moves quickly through all the rooms.  Nothing.  He races

              out again.


              EXT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Joe rushes back outside.



                        Mr. Wells, have you seen Tricia?



                        She and her boyfriend just left in a



              Joe quickly gets back into the car.  Mr. Wells watches with

              a puzzled look.  Who was this guy?


              INT. SUSAN'S CAR - DAY


              Susan is behind the wheel; Helen, Amy and Brad are in the

              back seat.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        He has her.  They just left in a cab.



                        What do we do now?


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        There's one place they may be going.


              EXT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Susan's car takes off down the street.


              EXT. CITY - STREET - DAY


              The cab races down the city streets.


              INT. TAXI - DAY


              In the back seat sit George (as Joe) and Tricia, who still is

              partially de-energized.



                        Why are you doing this?


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        One double-cross deserves another -

                                    I believe that's the way you people

                        put it.



                        I thought you were an advanced

                                    people.  Why do you mimic what we do?

                        An advanced people would have no need

                                    for revenge.  They wouldn't hurt

                        innocent people because they're



                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        Cowards?  I don't understand.



                        Taking it out on me rather than

                                    confronting him directly.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        But he'll suffer more for you than

                                    for himself.



                        Then you must be a very cruel people.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        Unfortunately, you won't have the

                                    opportunity to find out.  I’ve changed

my mind, my dear.   I'm afraid

                                    you’re going to slowly explode once

                        we get into space.  You see, your

                                    bodies are so different from ours, we

                        don't need the special kind of

                                    pressurized protection that you need

                                    to survive.  You're going to blow up

                        and pop like a balloon.



                        Then you'll also be destroying one of

                                    your own.  I'm carrying his baby.



                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        That's impossible.



                        You can feel the life in me.


              She is, of course, winging it - she'd had the abortion.  She

              takes his hand and puts in on her belly.



                        Feel the movement?


              He falls for it.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        How extraordinary.  I had no idea we

                                    could breed with you.



                        There's no telling what kind of baby

                                    I'll have until the birth.  And now

                        there won't be a birth.


              She turns away, giving him time to ponder this.  The moment

              is tense - will he go for the bait or not?


              Finally he leans forward to speak to the driver.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I want to go to the nearest hospital.


              EXT. CITY - PARK - DAY


              Susan's car pulls into a park located high above the city.

              She parks and every one gets out.



                        What's here?



                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        It's our rendezvous point.  I thought

                                    maybe he'd be taking her into space.

                                    Maybe we're too late.



                        Why would he do that?



                                  JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Because she couldn't survive without

                                    special protection.  He knows that I

                                    know what would happen without it -

                        and how much I'd suffer for it.  And

                                    he's right.


              Joe moves off, in visible pain.  Helen and Amy look at Brad

              for leadership.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        I haven't a clue what to do.


              Susan approaches Joe.



                        He'd take her into space, knowing she

                                    would die up there?


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Painfully so.  It may already have

                                    happened.  Susan, we don't have the

                        same concept of love that you have

                                    here, but I had learned to love her.

                                    I loved her very much.



                        She loved you, too.  Joe, I probably

                                    shouldn't be telling you this - but

                                    she was carrying your baby.  She was

                        so thrilled - before everything

                                    turned sour.  That's how you should

                        remember her.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        She told you she was carrying my baby?


              Susan nods.  Joe looks suddenly hopeful.



                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        If she told him, then he wouldn't

                                    kill her.  He'd want to make sure it

                                    was true.  And if it was, he'd treat

                        her like a treasure.  How would he

                                    know it was true?  He'd take her to

                        a hospital!  Let's go.



                        Joe, yesterday Tricia-- . . .


              But before she can tell him Tricia had an abortion, Joe is

              racing to the car.  Everyone piles in, and they are off with

              a mission.




              The taxi pulls into the emergency entrance at a hospital and

              Tricia and George (as Joe) get out.




              George leads Tricia inside, holding tightly onto her arm.  He

              moves to a sign-in area.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        We have an emergency here.


              Suddenly Tricia takes over.



                        I think I'm having a miscarriage.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)



              Tricia starts moaning as if in great pain.  The ploy works:

              a nurse quickly comes to her, leading her toward an

              examination area.  An AIDE, a huge man, stops George from




                        I'm sorry, sir, you can't go back



                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        But I'm--!  I'm involved here.




                        Are you the father, sir?


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        Yes, that's exactly what I am.  I'm

                                    the father!



                        Please take a seat.


              George looks puzzled - what, short of zapping everyone, can

              he do?  He reluctantly takes a seat in the waiting area.




              As soon as Tricia and the nurse are out of sight of George,

              her demeanor quickly changes.



                        I need you to call the police -




                        Ma'am?  Are you still in pain?



                        I was faking it. I'm being kidnapped,

                                    I need the police.




              George, unable to sit still, gets up and looks through the

              door in the window to the hallway - and what he sees leads

              him to quickly open the door and enter the restricted area.




              Tricia is still explaining to the nurse when she sees George

              coming.  She immediately turns and starts racing down the




                        Miss, you can't go that way!


              George collides with the nurse, knocking her to the floor,

              and hurries after Tricia.




              Tricia runs through a door and down another long hallway.


              Just as she reaches the end of it, opening a door to enter

              another section of the hospital, George (as Joe) appears down

              the long hallway behind her.


              Tricia now enters a hallway where visitors are strictly

              forbidden.  A doctor sees her and yells, "You there, stop!"


              The doctor takes up the chase - and here comes George,

              gaining ground.


              Tricia reaches a T-junction and stops to look one way, then

              the other, quickly making a choice and racing on.


              George gets close enough to the doctor to be heard.  The

              doctor turns but George quickly zaps him with the laser



              Tricia is running out of breath.  This won't do, she's sure

              to tire and be caught.


              So she turns into a doorway - right into the middle of





              The startled staff at the operating table turn to look at

              her.  A SURGICAL ASSISTANT hurries to Tricia.


                                                          SURGICAL ASSISTANT

                        You must leave immediately--



                        You have to help me!  He's from

                                    another planet and he wants to turn

                                    Earth into a zoo, and-- . . .


              The surgical assistant has grabbed Tricia and is pulling her

              toward the door.  A NURSE comes to assist.


              But adrenaline is powerful, and Tricia manages to break loose

              long enough to dodge into a small adjacent supply room.




              She slams the door behind her, then wheels over a cart,

              trying to bar the door.  The others start pushing on it.

              It's a losing battle.




              George (as Joe) races by the surgery room without stopping.

              Tricia may be free and clear.




              But the door is being forced open, as a crowd on the other

              side is now pushing against Tricia and her cart.


              In a final thrust and crash, Tricia and the cart go sprawling

              and a crowd of staff members push into the room.



                        Please arrest me.  Please take me to

                                    the police.




              A police car is parked outside the emergency entrance, its

              blue lights flashing.


              Susan's car pulls up.  Joe piles out, racing into the

              hospital, quickly followed by Brad, Helen, Amy and Susan





              Inside confusion is everywhere.  A policeman is interviewing

              a doctor.  Another is interviewing a nurse.


              Joe approaches an attendant.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        What's going on?


                                                          HOSPITAL ATTENDANT

                        I don't think you belong here, sir.


              Joe takes the hint and moves off, motioning for the others to

              do the same.  But as the others are going back outside, Joe

              drifts behind - then, when no one is looking, darts through

              a door.




              Joe enters the hallway, moving quickly if without a plan,

              running on his hunch that Tricia is close to be found.




              In a conference room, Tricia is being interrogated by a

              POLICE OFFICER and a DOCTOR.


                                                          POLICE OFFICER

                        You realize how hard is it for me to

                                    believe you.




                        Yes, I do realize that.  But I swear,

                                    what I told you is the God's truth.


                                                          POLICE OFFICER

                        You want to ask anything, doctor?





              He approaches Tricia with the guarded demeanor of someone

              talking to a psychopath.




              Joe moves past the conference room and sees Tricia inside

              through the window.  He steps into the room.




              Joe's entrance interrupts the doctor's interrogation.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Tricia!  I've been so worried about






              Joe embraces her.


                                                          POLICE OFFICER

                        Are you this woman's husband, sir?


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Yes, I am.


              Tricia holds him tightly.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Has she told you what's going on?



                        They don't believe me.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        I have something I want to show you.


              We can see by Joe's expression that he is about to zap around

              the room as energy again.




              Susan, Brad, Helen and Amy are waiting outside.


              Around the corner of the building, George (as Joe)

              approaches - and before he sees what is going on, he is

              spotted by Susan.





              George turns and retreats behind the building.



                        It can't be Joe - it must be the

                                    other one.



                        I'm locking myself in the car.


              Amy hurries to the car, followed by Helen.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        What happened to Joe?



                        I need to find Tricia.


              Susan boldly moves inside the hospital again, and Brad

              follows eagerly, showing the excitement of a reporter on the

              verge of the story of a career.




              Out of the conference room stride the police officer and

              doctor, followed by Tricia and Joe (as bellboy) - their

              serious demeanors tell us they now know what they are dealing



                                                          POLICE OFFICER

                        I want you to restrict your people to

                                    their immediate areas.



                        Right away.


              The doctor moves off.


                                                          POLICE OFFICER

                        You two come with me.


              Tricia and Joe (as bellboy) follow the police officer down

              the hallway.


              INT. HOSPITAL - HALLWAY - DAY


              Susan is moving down a hallway when suddenly George (as Joe)

              darts forward and grabs her.  Before she can scream, he has

              zapped her into partial immobility with his laser weapon.


              George has his hostage.




              The police officer is talking to Joe and Tricia just outside

              the entryway.  Meanwhile police have formed a line to keep

              anyone else from getting too close to the building.


                                                          POLICE OFFICER

                        I have no choice but to let you do

                                    what you think needs to be done.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        That's right, you don't.


                                                          POLICE OFFICER

                        Good luck.


              The police officer moves off.



                        Let me help.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        You can't.



                        Yes, I can.  Come with me.


              She takes his hand and leads him back inside.




              They enter the waiting area, where the very large aide we saw

              before works.



                        Give me his body.  Then I can fight

                                    as well as the next guy.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        I think you're serious.



                        I am.


              Joe studies her.  Tricia's expression is serious indeed -

              she's determined to play a part here.




              George (as Joe) is moving Susan down the long hallway.


              As they move along, Joe (as bellboy) appears far down the way.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        George! Give it up and go back to



                                  GEORGE (AS JOE)

                                    You and I have too much unfinished



                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        We can finish our business when we

                                    get home.


                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        No, we'll finish it right now.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Then release the girl.



                                                          GEORGE (AS JOE)

                        I will when I know you and I are



              George is moving slowly forward, keeping Susan close to him;

              Joe is moving slowly forward as well.


              George passes an open doorway and quick as a flash Tricia (as

              aide) tumbles out like a huge boulder in an avalanche,

              sprawling everyone onto the floor.


              Tricia gets George in a bear hug on the floor.  Susan, freed,

              crawls away from the commotion, then gets to her feet.


              Joe races forward.


              George gropes for his laser weapon but Tricia's huge hands

              twist it out of his grasp and now she has control of it.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Use the laser!



                        Not yet.


              She maneuvers George under her and then sits on him, four-

              hundred pounds of flesh squeezing the air out of him.  George

              gasps for breath.


                                                          JOE (AS BELLBOY)

                        Trish, use it!



                        So this is what it feels like to be

                                    a hunk.


              She is enjoying herself immensely, sitting on the squirming

              George (as Joe) as he turns read in the face, his gasps more

              and more urgent.




              An ambulance is parked outside the emergency area.  George

              (as bellboy again) is unconscious on a stretcher and lifted

              into the ambulance.


              Watching at the front of a crowd are Tricia, Joe as himself

              again, Brad, Susan, Helen and Amy.


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        How do I get my body back?



                        Who has it?


                                                          BRAD (AS GEORGE)

                        The bellboy.



                        Come on, we'll give George his body

                                    back, you'll get the bellboy's, then

                                    you two can exchange later.


              Joe leads Brad into the back of the ambulance before the door




                                    How are you doing?



                                    What a ride.



                                    Enough for a lifetime for me.



                                    I want him to take me with him.



                                    I thought you'd explode in space.



                                    He can put me in a pressure chamber.


              Joe and Brad (as bellboy) reemerge from the ambulance, which

              turns on its siren and moves off.


                                  BRAD (AS BELLBOY)

                        Talk about having material for a



              INT. JOE'S APT - BEDROOM - NIGHT


              Tricia and Joe are in bed, making love.


              INT. BEDROOM - MORNING


              The next morning Tricia awakes in an empty bed.  She sits up

              and looks around for Joe.  She gets out of bed and puts on

              some sweats, then moves out of the bedroom.


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Tricia moves through the apartment to the kitchen.



                                    Joe?  Honey?


              In the kitchen she finds a note on the counter.  Seeing it,

              understanding what it may be, Tricia stops in her tracks.


              Please, God, not again.


              She picks up the note.


              INSERT: THE NOTE


              reads - "Be right back!  Maybe before you even read this.

              Love, Joe"


              INT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              Tricia lets go a sigh of relief.  He hasn't left her.


              She is making coffee when the doorbell rings.


              Tricia bounds to the door, feeling full of energy - until she

              finds Mr. Wells, the doorman, looking very official in his



              Once again Tricia jumps to conclusions, an expression of

              worry flushing her face.



                        Something happened to Joe.



                        Please come with me a minute.



                        What's the matter?



                        Just come downstairs.


              He starts down the hallway, and Tricia quickly follows.



                        Did something happen to Joe?



                        Relax.  Everything's fine.


              INT. JOE'S APT - MAIN FLOOR - DAY


              The elevator opens and Tricia follows the doorman out, moving

              to the exit.


              EXT. JOE'S APT - DAY


              They come out of the building.  And there, grinning at

              Tricia, is Joe, dressed in the same doorman's uniform as Mr.

              Wells.  But this is the real Mr. Wells, grinning with new

              youth in Joe's old body.


                                                          DOORMAN (AS JOE)

                        I'm young again!  See what a gift

                                    he's given me?


              The doorman is modeling his youthful body, but Tricia has

              turned to face "the doorman," who is Joe in the doorman's






                                                          JOE (AS DOORMAN)

                        I hope I didn't make a mistake.  You

                                    said you wanted me to look that good

                        when I was old.  Now I'm as old as

                                    you have to become.


              She is immediately in his arms.



                        But don't you have to go back?


                                                          JOE (AS DOORMAN)

                        I have another surprise: I contacted

                                    my people and am here for the

                        duration.  But we do have an

                                    assignment together.



                        What's that?


                                                          JOE (AS DOORMAN)

                        To have a large family, so our

                                    children can lead the way.



                        I love you so much.


              They kiss - and their kiss is like a promise for a new day.


              FADE OUT