The 3-Act Paradigm at Work: About Schmidt

written by Alexander Payne & Jim Taylor

(based on a single theater viewing)

About Schmidt is a drama and dark comedy about a man who feels his life is a waste -- but learns there is at least one thing he is doing right.

Structural Analysis

  1. Hook
    • Schmidt is retiring from his insurance job.
  2. Complication
    • But he's not too happy about it. There's a big vacuum in his life.
  3. Call to Action
    • He tries to fill it by sponsoring a child in Africa.
  4. Act One Plot Point
    • His wife dies, leaving him alone. He hits the road in his RV.
  5. Midpoint Plot Point
    • He tries to convince his daughter to cancel her wedding to a guy not worthy of her.
  6. Act Two Plot Point
    • He decides he's failed at everything.
  7. Climax and Resolution
    • He gets his first letter from the African child -- and a drawing that shows him this, at least, is something he is doing right.


Great performance help this dark comedy considerably. Some Oscar roles here.

MODULE 4: SCREENWRIGHT: the craft of screenwriting
