344 There are poems in this directory, one poem each file, called randomly by "poem". Never delete the first line. Always keep the currently total number of poems at the first line. Each poem file is suggested to have the following format. The first line looks like this 123 Author Title Subtitle Followed by a blank line. The body of poem starts exactly at the third line. The first character of each line in the body is exactly one indent (^I). And leave exactly one blank line at the end. Files with fixed format are easier to manipulate later with UNIX tools. Which may save a lot of effort when a maintanence is due. We must give credit to Professor Ned Walsh of Columbia, his e-mail address is walsh@cunixa.cc.columbia.edu. He keyed in the Tang'Shi 300 Shou^ for us. Can you imagine an American did this for us. Here the poems numbered 1 to 320 are Tang'Shi 300 Shou^ input by Ned. -Shann