Star Cearch Schools

The Aldine Independent School District in Houston, Texas is home to this month's Star CEARCH School, Eisenhower High School. Eisenhower High

Why do we like this site? Its friendly welcome to the visitor; an exhortation to see "Big Ike" from the air; the detailed information on student groups and the pictures illustrating each piece. The clean manner in which this site is laid out is helpful - there's no clutter here; and the abundance of information is wonderful.

How refreshing it is to see a school web site which is regularly updated and contains information by, for and about the students of the school. The Eisenhower web site also has links for those faculty and staff who have email addresses, as well as archives of the Teacher of the Year.

Girl's Varsity Basketball Team, 1996-1997

The Eisenhower site came about as a result of the GirlTECH project, a teacher training and student council program sponsored by the Center for Research on Parallel Computation. "20 participating teachers from the Houston area receive intensive technology training and explore innovative teaching strategies that impact gender equity in the classroom."

Computer science teacher Barbara Christopher and her student assistants, as well as her computer science classes, are to be commended for their excellent work on this site.


Images on this page are from the Eisenhower High School web site and were used with permission.

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