Star Cearch Schools

May, 1998
Cascade High School

Cascade High School, Everett, Washington


Why do we like this site?

Cascade High School's website is exemplary of everything we look for in a Star School of the Month. The site is rich in graphics, high on content, easily navigable and built around the one all-important idea behind the World Wide Web, and the Internet as a whole.

We could spend pages going on about the design which has gone into this site. The graphics are tasteful, the color scheme fits the school's colors, nothing is so loud and blaring and painful to the eye that it distracts from the purpose of the site: to inform the viewer about the school. This is definitely one of the most tasteful sites we've seen in all the time we've been giving out this award.

Another of the reasons we really like this site is the high information quotient. It is very clear that this website is devoted to the distribution of relevant information regarding the school. The principal has messages posted regarding controversial assessment requirements. The alumni database shows how to get in touch, electronically, with old classmates. The parents' pages allow the folks at home to keep up with important announcements and events at the school. The administration even makes use of the website to inform parents and students about volunteer opportunities the school is coordinating within the community!

Most important of all, however, is that the website is devoted not just to dissemination of information, but intake of information. Parents can address the administration, directly, through a form on the website. Alumni are invited to add themselves to the database. Students get important information on special programs and tips on how to address teachers and counselors regarding their interest in said programs. Ultimately, this isn't just a website about a school. It's a site which remembers that all-important aspect of being in a school: it involves being in a community. The Cascade High School website makes it clear to the viewer that the school is very in touch with and involved in the community around it. That is the whole point of the WWW and Internet, as alluded to above: communication. Cascade High School's website remembers that, and helps make it happen.

Who are the people behind this site?

The Cascade High School website is maintained by David Peters.


Images on this page are from the Cascade High School website.

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